To my dear sisters around this beautiful planet, Namaste.
At this time, when so many are bunkered and self-isolating in their homes while a predator lurks just outside, have become afraid, anxious, depressed or in a state of panic. While this situation is unpredictable and potentially deadly. We can help by taking some simple preventative measures, by being a wise and proactive member of the human family.
There are a few obvious measures we can practice to limit further infiltration of this virus, such as washing our hands, sanitizing, social distancing and voting wisely the at the next opportunity.
After pondering on the current state of our planet, I have reflected upon a few aspects I would like to share with you in this edition of Your Weekly Reset. One of the greatest understandings I have experienced is the shift in mind, of who I Am. Have you ever noticed you, noticing yourself? I mean, have you ever had the experience of being consciously aware of watching yourself, be, do or have an experience? One of those great moments when you may have even spoken out loud to yourself. Or to your image in a mirror asking: What are you doing? or Okay, here we go!!
I, is the observer of the physical. You are the ‘I’ – the observer. I see that as, I own my body. It’s my earthly Avatar and ‘I’ get to drive it anywhere I choose, most of the time. It is my responsibility to take care of my avatar, making sure it is fueled, cleaned, lubricated. In good physical condition to get me around on this planet. It is temporary and finite, while ‘I’ am eternal.
I get to decorate my avatar in any way I choose, with no shame or guilt, so long as I do not violate the basic human rights of others. That is my personal rule. I get to create my character on this big stage we call earth, however I want it to be. It has no gender binary, it can be decorated as flamboyantly or drably as I choose, when I choose.
This body does not represent me, it’s simply the vehicle in which I control from within. My hands, arms and legs are extensions that allow me to do as I wish with this Avitar, Char is the driver and one of many characters that represents who I am during this life play experience I am living.
A few characters who have represented me are: a wild tequila drinking bull riding cowboy with my wrangler jeans, big buckle and Stetson hat. A country music drummer and singer touring our continent. The role of a cocaine addicted, self-loathing victim, hiding behind dumpsters when I was living life unconsciously.
I hadn’t arrived at the point of understanding the concept of ‘I’ at those times in my life. I believed ‘I’ was the wrong and bad little boy who looked feminine in grade school. Characters were created to shelter within, but it was ‘I’ who felt flawed and defective as a person. They were not me or who I AM.
‘I’ am a perfect expression of that which has created me, as you are too, exactly as we are and always have been. Knowing who I Am has freed me from fears, lifted anxieties and put an end to my suffering. Even though we are locked in our homes, be conscious of what you allow your mind to think. What we think creates how we feel.
This week, I am imagining the moment when we all get notice that the air has cleared and the predator no longer holds any power. I am imagining walking through the streets freely; walking tall through shopping malls and boutiques in my new knee-high leather boots. Feeling confident of how I have decorated my Avatar named Char.
Reset your mind this week from fear to love. You are the driver. Take care of your avatar and be responsible to yourself and others during this growth time, we truly are all in it together my sisters…
Thank you for reading Your Weekly Reset and thank you for creating the character you have chosen to play, simply by being yourself!
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Thank you for this! You’re so right – it really is a time for meaningful self reflection. And a reset where we shed the excess frivolous fears and doubts we’ve allowed to invade our avatars! “ I am imagining the moment when we all get notice that the air has cleared and the predator no longer holds any power. I am imagining walking through the streets freely; walking tall through shopping malls and boutiques in my new knee-high leather boots.”. Love it. Xo
Meeee Tooo!!!! hahaha Oh I can see it now girl: a big grin shining, sexy gold mirrored chick shades and a strut that says, Mr Demille; I’m ready Baby hahaha!!! just open the door and lets strut girls! hehehe
Thanks Misha, Oh yes, I can imagine your strut girl hahaha
Huggles for you dear 😉
I love your Article. So very true. But I will say this I think of it as a gift.By me doing this it’s making me more acceptable to be me.i feel more free who I am.
Thankyou Tigerlilley! Walk tall and proud dear, freedom is a state of mind in so many wonderful ways i am learning 😉
I wish you amazing experiences that make your heart sing girlfriend :-0
n huggles Tig hehe
Thank you Char .it was a beautiful letter. Being who I am is most experienced I ever had .I am happy I fell more free .I think more clearly then I ever did .its a gift for me not just putting on a dress or putting on makeup. Its fact who I and hugs to you.i will send Angels your way for strength and loving happiness.
Awe thank you Tigerlilley, my wish for you is to truly understand that we are not our body, but rather, the presence that observes everything the body experiences. We are the Avatar driver. We participate in the world, but, as actors in a movie we play a part which we can change up anytime we want to. Our body is ours to decorate and express our natural inner being freely, regardless of who is uncomfortable. Wooo, this may be another article hahaha Make no excuses for who you are, because there’s nothing that needs excusing. You’re simply expressing outwardly, what… Read more »
Thank you Char oo .Yes you may call me Tig oooo
hehe Yaaaay hehe thank you haha
chat soon Tig, happy dreams
n huggles
hehehe Thaaaanks,,,Tig hehehe 😉
Ahhh Char- isn’t that the question we all spend our lives figuring out? Who we are? Some are fortunate and figure it out early in life. Sadly others never find the answer. But most are like you and I – it happens somewhere in the middle of our lives. And then comes the even more difficult part- ACCEPTING who we are. For if WE can’t accept ourselves, it’s highly unlikely anyone else will either. As long as being our self doesn’t hurt anyone else ( as in being an axe murderer or treating others as subhuman) then it’s truly no… Read more »
Yeah no kidding hey; I say, “I Am Free; free to express what has been trying to emerge from within me since before I was able to chew solid food, so long as it does not violate the human rights of others." And omg yes, trail of bread crumbs behind us as we travel this journey to ourselves. We can only give love to another, to the same degree, that we give love to ourselves; we cannot give what we don’t have ourselves to give. Moving through the trail of bread crumbs has been so hard some days and on… Read more »