I have talked about how young I was when I first Cross Dressed at the early age of 10 before becoming a Drag Queen, also at a very early age. Between the two I am proud to admit and say out loud that they are my life and there’s nothing in this world that can change that for I wouldn’t allow it for a minute. There has been some heart breaks along the way and I am sorry for that but there’s nothing I can do about the past other than journey onward.

Here’s the thing, I don’t believe that one day when I was 10 years old I just decided to dress up like a girl. I don’t believe that anyone one of us would begin setting ourselves up for the diversity that was soon to come. What I mean by that is who in their right mind would want to begin a process of being humiliated, become an outcast, hated, slandered, judged, disowned, scrutinized, labeled, threatened with violence, made fun of, listen to derogatory comments and so much more? No I don’t believe that  anyone wishes that upon themselves. I think for most of us fear began to envelop us and prevent the inevitable which was coming out, standing tall and proud to present ourselves for who we were and where we wanted to be.

With me there were multiple adversities associated with who I was and who I am now. I not only blossomed as a cross dresser and drag queen but quickly realized also that I was gay as well. I As I get older I look back and the memory of my mother coming to the realization that her only son and youngest of my family preferred to wear female attire and sleep with the same sex had to be devastating for her. She had to somehow accept the fact that I would never give her a grandchild as she hoped for, that people would question how she raised me and so forth. That said in hopes to please her and the rest of my family I decided to try another journey or avenue by going straight and getting married to two different women. Needless to say neither worked out. The mental, physical, emotional and spiritual remnants of who I really was remained intact. In other words I was still the girl I had discovered I was and missed trying to be.  While in the short time I was married to both of them I continued to cross dress and was also very unfaithful by continuing to go to bed with men when I could. I didn’t set out to hurt anyone like I did but it happened. I was caught by my second wife one day when I was wearing only a bra, a garter and stockings, makeup, my hair all teased out and a pair of her stiletto’s I had made a point of buying for her so I too could wear them. That began the process of what was to be my second divorce and outing.

The thought that one day I just decided to begin cross dressing to accommodate this girl that lingered inside of my mind and body is so ridiculous. I believe wholeheartedly that I, or we, are simply born this way. No one on their best day would subject themselves to live with so many secrets or receive the treatment by society that so many of us experience. I can remember when I started wearing makeup openly. I would wear it so lightly I thought that people wouldn’t notice but as with any other secrets we hold, the more we get away with the more we do. In my case it was wearing a little more makeup every day until it was finally recognized by others. That was when my secrets began to transpire. I was teased, threatened and humiliated by kids at school. I backed off for a while but the fact that I had been exposed didn’t go away. One day it was thoughts of telling all and the next day was deciding to make my greatest attempts to keep it all within myself and the dark lonely closet. Neither of my desires to wear makeup and dress everyday, once I was home and by myself, vanished.

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So I do believe I was just wired this way at birth and when it was impossible to ignore it I participated and went forth with what felt right. My journey continues today only there are little to no secrets in my life. I know nothing I do still today will ever change. I am now at an impasse with myself or in the checkmate status and it is somewhat difficult to decide if I want this journey to continue with HRT treatment or do I just keep doing what I have always done? If I do decide on HRT I know it won’t be from choice but instead be something I am bound and destined to do. It takes a lot of courage and commitment to do what we do. My first drag mother/mentor once told me that “anyone can put on a dress but, it’s how you wear that dress that counts”. So with this said my journey that began so very long ago continues onward and I am not going to go against who I was born to be!

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Jewelry Artisan, cocktail waitress, part time escort. at Emerald Club, Shuckeys Club
It's safe to say that my life & lifestyle" were chosen for me before I even knew the plan! My belief has always been that I / we didn't choose our lifestyle but that we were born this way. I guess there are many who don't see it this way and make many attempts to fight or change our fate. I however did listen to it and began to follow directions at a early age. For me as with so many other Cross Dressing, Drag and LGBTQ+ lifestyle began around 8 years old. Well LGBTQ+ followed soon after. My sexuality was confirmed at 15 after having my first encounter. It couldn't have been more apparent. Answers to my own questions I carried with me for some time were answered that day. My coming out debut was like a huge weight lifted from me immediately when I stood before my mother and sister's and confessed everything. All of they're suspicions were brought to life. Getting into all my sister's things, wearing they're clothes, makeup and everything else they owned I admitted to. I had always thought I was so sneaky and left no evidence. But I hadn't been. They knew all along. There was so much evidence. There were so many times and situations throughout a long course of time had added up and grown in such big numbers it had to have been impossible to keep track. For example all my posessions in my bedroom like makeup, nail polishes, hair tools, my clothing, shoe, boots, pictures and posters on my walls, etc. If anyone who had walked into my room didn't or couldn't recognize that "there was something different about Jackie" they would have been stupid and or very nieve. I always came up with an excuse as to why anyone seen what there was to see in every corner nook and cranny of my room. I did eventually begin to wonder how they really thought. I I had been put on front street and drilled with questions practically on a daily basis. I had slowly become too relaxed and stopped trying to keep everything hidden. Beside the fact that everything had become too impossible to hide. So confessing to all of what seemed at the moment to be so long actually only took minutes to admit it all to be true. Thats as short of my story I can put down to you. I have only a few regrets of mistakes I have made overtime but who I am is not one of them. Enjoy, have fun and be yourself and if you can't do that right now then pretend until you can!

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Kim Cummings
Kim Cummings
8 years ago

I absolutely love the feminized girl I’ve become. The realization that I am a beautiful person who loves to wear my own personal attire. We are all about the feeling that you love when you dress up as a girl in our pretty silky lingerie and high heels. I enjoy the way I look and feel in the sexy outfits and the other ways of doing it for the intended purpose of the sheer enjoyment of my feminine lifestyle.

Kim Cummings
Kim Cummings
8 years ago

I guess I should be honest with you. I have a hot fetish for pantyhose and high heels. I enjoy the feeling that the smooth and silky nylon clinging to my legs excite me. The other is the intensity of my favorite high heels. I have many pairs of high heels and intend to have even more. Lingerie, the ultimate in the feminine looking lifestyle is a very erotic sensuously beautiful and pretty extension to the full on look we are seeking as well.

7 years ago

Thank you am battling some of same issues different format so to speak but going through a lot inside am happy exited,and adore the process of dressing to the point that I get exited,so am confused

Victoria Strongheart
Victoria Strongheart
7 years ago
Reply to  Luis

I wouldn’t worry. It can be confusing. I think you just have to say to yourself, “This is something that’s a part of me." For me it was understanding I not a binary gender. Accepting I’m a part of both genders. I see things in ways and feel things in ways 99.999% of the population doesn’t.That unique awareness makes me who I am a better person. Only through self acceptance and love of yourself can you truly love someone else. I hope you find solace because this Journey we are on is not easy but hard. It’s the Journey that… Read more »

Victoria Strongheart
Victoria Strongheart
7 years ago

I’m just curious as you consider yourself gay. Are you attracted to women? I’ve come to the personal acceptance that I am bisexual but most female centric. I’ve had sex with a few men but it was mainly sexual not emotional. Do you have that emotional connection with men you date? Personally I love my wife and am fulfilled by being with her. Although when I told her I crossdressed she asked me if I wanted to have sex with men. My mom asked the same vCard thing when I came out. Just curious how it was for you?

Active Member
6 years ago

Jackie thank you for sharing your story. When u do you are telling others that they are not alone. That is a wonderful thing.
Yours Terri

Peggy Ann Culpepper
Peggy Ann Culpepper
6 years ago

Way to go Jackie, thank you for telling it like it is, as you say it aint easy being who we really are. even todays world condems us, but think what i would have gone through and did in my mind growing up in the 40’s and 50’s. i think that i would have died had i been caught and exposed growing up. I was actually caught when i was ten years old, the first time that i can remember wearing panties , I was staying at an Aunts house a few days, and there were three girls and one… Read more »

Deborah Sullivan
Trusted Member
3 years ago

As a gay cd and occasional drag queen I can totally understand your story. Congrats on being so brave and confident through it all. Nice to know I am not alone now

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