As a transgender woman living my life, I’ve realized that finding peace within oneself, amidst all this turbulence of societal change and activism going on, is as equally important as survival. Recently, our communities have shown strength and resilience while advocating for our rights and visibility.

However, in our fervours for progress, we must acknowledge the need for balance and introspection. There’s no denying the transgender community has made significant progress in recent years. From the increased representation in the media to the legal victories for transgender rights there is much to celebrate, but yet within the small victories there has been a growing sense of concern; the feeling that our actions have veered us way off course.

As a concerned member of our transgender community, I believe it’s time for us to pause and take stock. We must reflect on the direction activism is taking us and what we believe in. While we have the passion and determination to fuel our progress, we run the risk of unintended consequences. There has been a noted increase in alienating allies and perpetuating division within our ranks.

One of the issues that concerns me deeply is the rise of what some may perceive as “hysteria” within our communities. The constant outrage and divisiveness on social media and the “cancel culture” stifling open dialogue and the tendency to vilify anyone who doesn’t agree to a rigid set of beliefs. These contribute to an atmosphere of hostility, intolerance, and segregation from those whom we need to help us find peace and the ability to live as free as we want or at least hope to.

This relentless focus on identity politics and purity tests often overlooks the diverse experiences and perspectives within our communities. Not all transgender individuals share the same beliefs or priorities, and it’s crucial we create space for respectful debate and dissent; I speak with empathy and understanding when saying this. We need to reclaim the essence of our activism and our commitment to justice, equality, and compassion for all of us, but how much is too much, and how far is far enough? This means engaging in constructive dialogue with those who may not fully understand or support us rather than resorting to anger or condemnation.

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Additionally, we need to prioritise our personal self-care and mental well-being within our community. The constant barrage of negativity and aggravation can take a toll on our mental health, leading to burnout and disillusionment. It’s okay to step back and take a break when we need it, to prioritize our emotional resilience, our way of thinking, and what we wish to achieve for ourselves.

I’m not dismissing the valid concerns and struggles of the transgender community. I’d rather encourage a more nuanced and balanced approach to achieve some form of success in gaining acceptance and understanding from those living around us. By showing empathy, understanding, and self-reflection we create a more inclusive and effective approach, one that truly uplifts all transgender individuals, regardless of where they stand on the spectrum of belief and identity.

Always remember that change is a journey. It is only by walking together with open hearts and minds that we can truly make a difference. If you want to make a change, be the change. It will work. In my situation, even though I am from a different part of this world and a relatively peaceful country, I struggled but saw things happen. Changes are small; they are happening. I still struggle. Nobody is immune to our modern-day societies, let alone a gender-diverse person.

Patience is a virtue; how many of us grow impatient at the slow-paced transitioning brings? We are all guilty of these tendencies. Overthinking is the order of the day, and it becomes the root of our unhappiness and low levels of self-acceptance in our daily lives. We are our own worst enemies when it comes to self-acceptance and confidence as it relates to our transitioning journeys. We become impatient and intolerant of others when our changes aren’t smooth enough. We can’t all be Barbie-doll lookalikes but within our own existence and perception, we can be that Barbie-doll lookalike. Nobody sees who you are within but you. After all, you are who you are.

Looking at the media circus where it has turned into a real war zone for the transgender individual who just wants to be free and be who they really are. Constantly, there are arguments and actions fueled by arrogance, lack of knowledge, and understanding, (maybe deliberate, maybe not.) Whatever the reason, a media editor looking to sell a story out of desperation, what they can sell for a buck or two. Most famous excuses are based on biology and religious beliefs, manipulated to a perceived fit. This article is in no way about those two reasons or promoting activism or not. It is about our own well-being and what we do to reach our own goals. It’s about inner peace and validating our own happiness within our own existence.

We can look in a mirror and see ourselves, but to see the real us, we need to use the same mirror and look beyond the glass. The depth in the vision of the eyes is where we see the real us, and finding that real “me” is finding the authenticity of who we are. These are the things we need to find that inner peace and discover the concept of who we really are and want to be. Within yourself, you can be whatever and whoever you want to be.

Can we depend on those who claim to defend our wish to exist, or do we think our way through life as an individual on a journey that’s so near, yet so far? The goal on the horizon is within our reach, how we get to that goal is a walk no one can determine but ourselves. We are all unique in our own way and what we have is what we utilise to achieve our goals.

That started the day we were born, and on the day we entered our education journey and beyond. Will our education ever stop? No. As my late dad said, “We are never too old to learn something new.” No one gave us that knowledge to know it all. They just gave us the tools and abilities to learn for ourselves and to learn from our own mistakes. We learned to crawl, to walk, and to run, and yet, in our own transition journey. We don’t want to crawl or walk before we can run to reach our goal on that horizon. Depending on others may help but leaving it to them could be creating our future or it can create our own road to self-destruct.

I think the message is clear. Learn to accept who you are, whether you crawl, walk, or run, your destiny is what you decide. How you get to that destiny is your own decision, whether you take a hand to help guide you along the way or whether you take the journey on your own. Whether you crawl, walk, or run, they could lead you there. You decide!!

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Ms. Catherine (Cathy) Vos

I'm a 64 year old M2F transgender woman. I have been on full HRT for almost 9 years. I have been part of TGH for a while now as well as on CDH to widen my horizon in the CD/Trans community. I have been battling my feelings of being something else since early childhood. Constantly subjected to abuse and worse. Growing up in a poor family wasn't easy so I found myself hiding in the closet until about age 56. I was married twice with my second being " A trip to Hell". When my second ex left me, I came out and decided it's time to rebirth myself into what I am today. I am a Christian and my biggest struggle becoming me, was that I was scared of not being able to keep being a Christian. When I had that sorted out, I became the happiest trans woman in the world I think. After a stint in a mental clinic for severe depression and suicide intentions, I got to meet wonderful people on my road to recovery. I am now managing my local Suicide Prevention Support Group in my community and I'm just happy to be myself at last. In August 2024 after I lost my house and had to relocate back to Auckland, I went to Bangkok, Thailand for my GRS and was so happy with the outcome that I paid for my partner's revision surgery as well since she was very unhappy with her surgery outcome in NZ. Two of us together as a couple and both very happy living together. Currently I'm busy with studies doing my degree and plan ongoing fights for those who cannot fight for themselves.

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Polly Jocelyn
Active Member
8 months ago

Very thoughtful article. Trans issues have always existed, though named and thought of differently. But the media have pushed them so much lately, perhaps with some kind of agenda for or against. I think it was better when these things were understood in a more specialized way, like on this website, as there are so many subtleties and variations in different lives and experiences.

Madeleine Madeleine
Madeleine Madeleine
8 months ago

A very interesting and thought provoking article. Some much needed common sense.
 Very nicely written too.
Thank you for this.

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