As you may be aware, CDH and TGH staff have been working hard to refresh the Video section of our respective sites. This has been because of you, our members. Many of you asked for more content and suggested some intriguing topics or have pitched some great ideas. Thank you for your inspiration!
If you’ll bear with me for a moment, I want to give a big shout out to Jasmine Marie, Kimberly Dawn and Vanessa Law for making it happen. It’s not been easy. These are some of the challenges we had to overcome.
– What platform should we use to simulcast live video streams across CDH, TGH and our YouTube channels?
– How do we integrate chat into the live streams and moderate it in real time?
– What content will have widespread appeal to the broad audiences at CDH and TGH?
– What production values will appeal to our audiences?
– Who is out there that has the knowledge and available to bring this content to life in a meaningful and authoritative manner?
– How do we ensure this initiative takes on a life of its own?
-Who among our staff has the technical ability and the availability to devote to this on a long-term basis?
Without further ado, I am very happy to announce that staff are putting the final touches on a new series of live stream videos scheduled to begin in February.
To leadoff, one of our own CDH/TGH members, Dianna Haggerty @dianna, MD, PhD, (you know her as Dr. Dee) will be presenting a series of webinars on transgender healthcare.
Dr. Dee’s first webinar will address the how and where to obtain transgender care and medical transgender issues: Tales From the Trenches.
The next webinar in her series will address the practical ins and outs of gender affirming hormone therapy: Pills, Patches, and Shots…OH, MY!
Each of Dr. Dee’s presentations will last approximately 60 minutes and will be immediately followed by a 30-minute Q&A session to address your questions arising from the webinar and your gender concerns. Each webinar will last a total of approximately 90 minutes. The webinars will be recorded and will be available for viewing shortly after the webinar finishes.
A St. Louis native, Dr. Dee has lived, taught medicine, and practiced in 7 cities each with over a million population. She now practices as a full-time family physician in rural Alabama. As a chronically over-educated academician (BS chemistry, MSc biochemistry (Univ. of Missouri), PhD physical biochemistry (Case Western Reserve University), MD and MPH in chronic disease epidemiology (Emory University), she was an early entrant into the academic world treating gender-related health care issues. Professionally, she has been providing hormone therapy to both transmasculine and transfeminine patients for 38+ years in both the University and private practice worlds.
Dr. Haggerty is currently in MTF transition, having been on hormone therapy for the past 3.5 years and having experienced gender affirming surgery as a senior adult. “Working” professionally in the trenches for over three decades has provided her with a solid long-term perspective on where we have been, where we are now, and where we might be going with regards to gender care in the future. “Living” in those same trenches, as a transitioning physician, she has had an interesting and unique set of experiences, insights and personal-professional dilemmas. All of which she intends to share with us! Dr. Dee promises to deliver her tales with passion and humor!
Sound intriguing? We thought so too! Please plan on spending a worthwhile and entertaining 90 minutes with us in February for the first installment of Dr. Dee’s series on transgender healthcare. Dates and times are below. Stay tuned for a separate article to register for the event.
– February 8 2025 at 12:00 PM PST (UTC -8)
– February 8 2025 at 3:00 PM EST (UTC -5)
– February 8 2025 at 8:00 PM GMT (UTC +0)
– February 9 2025 at 7:00 AM AEDT (UTC +11)
We look forward to seeing you!
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Liz K

Latest posts by Liz K (see all)
- Pills, Patches and Shots…OH MY! - February 9, 2025
- Tales From the Trenches - January 22, 2025
- Coming Soon! Fresh Video Content! - January 21, 2025
- Finding Solace in Norfolk - November 28, 2024
Stepping into the bold new world of reality media. Giving information straight from the Heart ❤️. Now that’s progress!
Fran 🥰
Thank you Fran! I hope you can join us.
I’ll try and make some time for it. 🥰
What a great way to start. Im sure Dr. Lee will be a very intriguing presenter. I hope I am able to arrange some time to attend. Just curious if you will have chat open during the presentation or if you will hold back until the Q&A.
Thank you so much. I hope things go smoothly for all you wonder ladies.
Chat will be open the entire time. People can start posting questions as soon as they think of them. Dee will answer them at the end of her presentation. That said, she may jump onto a burning question in the middle if she thinks it should be answered immediately.
Thanks dear
I support your plans for the future very much. But I think, a first very simple step would be just to allow YT video links in forum postings. That wouldn’t afford a lot of staff and ‘administration’ because: YouTube is controlled and safe, adult content is protected and won’t be displayed The embedding is easy and legal, no copyright infringements to be expected For the recognition of ‘non-compliant’ content it doesn’t take more time to remove it, no matter whether it’s a video or a (perhaps long) forum text entry The CDH ‘Community Code of Conduct’ already mentions the possibility… Read more »
We are working on that Nicoletta. I hope to make an announcement in the coming months. Maybe sooner.
It won’t be much help to those of us the other side of the pond
Hi Randi, I would encourage you to tune in if you are interested. Most physicians, including Dr. Dee, follow the same general guidelines when it comes to transgender medicine, which are defined by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH). WPATH publishes the Standards of Care and Ethical Guidelines, which articulate a professional consensus about the psychiatric, psychological, medical, and surgical management of gender dysphoria and help professionals understand the parameters within which they may offer assistance to those with these conditions. Dr. Dee will give an overview of the WPATH guidelines for the management of gender dysphoria. And… Read more »
Randi, I would echo what Liz explained. Everything that I am going to present is related to best medical practices. These apply across continents, oceans, and health care systems. I would guarantee that you will not be disappointed!
We are the best and most powerful advocates for our own health care. Know what you should expect to get the most and best for yourself. I’ll offer two well worn expressions that are applicable here: Knowledge is a powerful thing! Know before you go!
Dr. Dee