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Lucy Sante is an author and retired professor who, in 2021 at the age of 67, suddenly decided to transition. Her recently published book, “I Heard Her Call My Name,” begins with that decision and then uses it as a springboard for a memoir on her life.
Although her decision to transition is the crux of her story, the book is not a detailed accounting of her transition process. Instead it as an exploration of her life and the gender tension she felt throughout. And though the book carries the baggage of many memoirs — a tendency toward self absorption and a surfeit of personal and cultural allusions that are likely to mean little to many readers, including myself — its strength, in addition to being well written, is in the author’s ruminations on how we create identities for ourselves, even in the face of our own counter feelings.
I liked the book and found her observations on identity provocative. But if you’re unsure whether you want to invest your time in the entire book, you can check out her article about deciding to transition in Vanity Fair, from which the book sprung, or her internet presence.
And if you have any thoughts about the book or article, please leave a comment.
There is also an article about Lucy in the February 12-25 issue of New York magazine. Our CD group in NYC is trying to contact her to invite her to one of our dinners.
I will have to acquire her book. It will be quite interesting for me, as I "heard her call my name" long ago, and I am writing a book about my life and transition. My book is called 'The Woman Inside, Lauren's Journey'. Some of my posts here on CDH have been from pages in my book, if you're interested that will give you an idea of what my writing is like.
Ms. Lauren M