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Book Note: “I Heard Her Call My Name” by Lucy Sante

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Lucy Sante is an author and retired professor who, in 2021 at the age of 67, suddenly decided to transition. Her recently published book, “I Heard Her Call My Name,” begins with that decision and then uses it as a springboard for a memoir on her life.

Although her decision to transition is the crux of her story, the book is not a detailed accounting of her transition process. Instead it as an exploration of her life and the gender tension she felt throughout. And though the book carries the baggage of many memoirs — a tendency toward self absorption and a surfeit of personal and cultural allusions that are likely to mean little to many readers, including myself — its strength, in addition to being well written, is in the author’s ruminations on how we create identities for ourselves, even in the face of our own counter feelings.

I liked the book and found her observations on identity provocative. But if you’re unsure whether you want to invest your time in the entire book, you can check out her article about deciding to transition in Vanity Fair, from which the book sprung, or her internet presence.

And if you have any thoughts about the book or article, please leave a comment. 



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I'm always interested to hear the stories of people that transition later in life.  Our learned experience of living decades without a support network is a stark contrast from what younger generations experience.  Lucy's book just went on my must read list.  I imagine ditto for @ellyd22.

Thanks for posting this Sally.


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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
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@emilyalt  @sallyj 

Sally ... thank you so much for posting this. Anyone that knows me will understand that I devour books. 

And  @emilyalt ... thank you for tagging me. 'I Heard Her Call My Name' is now on my 'must read' list as well.

Hugs to you both

Ellie x

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@ellyd22 Though I’ve only been a member here a short time, Ellie, I’ve noticed your interest in books, and I think your recent compendium on books about crossdressing is a valuable resource. 

Let me know what you think about Lucy Sante’s book and, if you like it, feel free to add it to your list.

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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
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I've pre-ordered it on Amazon. UK publication date is March 21st 🙂

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Illustrious Member     North County San Diego, California, United States of America
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@ellyd22 Kindle edition is available now in the US.  Maybe UK too?

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I'm one of those diehards who prefer physical books, preferably hardbacks 🙂

I ... um ... have a few thousand.

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Noble Member     Wick, Caithness, United Kingdom
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@ellyd22 If you are interested in the history of crossdressing, look up The Chevalier d'eon. A rather interesting 18th Century French diplomat. I can't recommend any books as such but a fascinating character nonetheless.




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Fascinating indeed 🙂

Here's an extract from something I'm writing at the moment 🙂


'Perhaps the most influential male cross dresser of the time was a French nobleman, diplomat, soldier and spy; Charles, the Chevalier d'Eon. Recruited into a secret spy ring by King Louis XV, Charles was an important agent of the French court for decades. He also went by the name Charlotte: he cross dressed so convincingly that he was able to carry out a great deal of important espionage as a woman. Later as he became involved in a struggle with the French government he received a pardon from the King, providing he dressed as a woman that the king believed him to be and lived in exile. From the age of 49 until his death at 81 (in 1810), he lived almost entirely as Charlotte. When his body was being prepared for burial, doctors took the opportunity to confirm that he was, in fact, male.

'Charles/Charlotte appears to have been quite a character. When gambling in England over his true sex reached a peak, he was involved in a con in which two English physicians gave false testimony that he was a woman, allowing his friends to pocket a considerable amount of money. For a time he became a sensation in Paris and in London, burlesquing the gestures and mannerisms of women. When he ran into financial difficulties in England he supported himself by his expertise with the sword. He gave exhibitions and lessons while dressed fully in women’s clothing.'


In the late nineteenth century, Henry Havelock Ellis coined the term eonism. Had it caught on, I'd be typing this on a website called Eonist Heaven.


Ellie x

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Noble Member     Wick, Caithness, United Kingdom
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@ellyd22 Wow, that's too spooky for words. If I could do it I would raise an eyebrow!

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Estimable Member     California, United States of America
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@emilyalt I hope you enjoy the book, Emily, and I’ll be interested in any thoughts you have about it.

Your comment about how different today’s resources are compared to what used to be available struck a note with me. I don’t know that I would’ve begun dressing sooner, given personal and professional circumstances, but perhaps I wouldn’t have felt as conflicted about my desire to dress as I did for many decades.

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I've already read a few excerpts and I know I'm going to love it.  One of those excerpts struck a nerve.

When I saw her, I felt something liquefy in the core of my body’

That line prompted a post about an experience that sent me on the path to transition.

I've thought a lot about what might have been if the resources we have today had been available when I was coming of age.  Yes, it would've enabled me to transition decades sooner.  But it's not as if those decades were a waste.  I have learned experiences that I rely on every day.  Some of those experiences gave me perspective that younger girls often lack.  I have no doubt that I'm trans.  I'm exactly where I need to be today.  That's what matters.


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Prominent Member     Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
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@sallyj This is fascinating! Thank you for bringing this book to my attention. I see it’s on Audible and there are glowing reviews of it. You can also listen to a sample of it. I think many of you will relate to her story

Having been educated as a historian I was also fascinated to learn about the Chevalier d'eon. Herstory doesn’t get much better than this for us girls!

But it does! There is another book called The Lord Cornbury Scandal written about Edward Hyde, cousin of Queen Anne, the most powerful “man” in the British colonies from 1702 to 1708. He famously dressed as a woman every day, something his Whig enemies used against him but apparently made no dent in his reputation in England. She’s the namesake of The Cornbury society in Vancouver  

Cross dressing is nothing new.  I love reading about the brave girls who paved the way for us all through history. 

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Noble Member     los angeles, California, United States of America
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@sallyj oh gee Sally thank you for the recommendation and ordering it now

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Baroness Annual
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There is also an article about Lucy in the February 12-25 issue of New York magazine. Our CD group in NYC is trying to contact her to invite her to one of our dinners.

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Illustrious Member     North County San Diego, California, United States of America
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Please keep us updated on that Fiona.

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Estimable Member     California, United States of America
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@d44 Thanks for the lead on the New York magazine article, Fiona, and I echo Emily’s request to keep us posted about your effort to invite Lucy to your group’s dinner.

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Noble Member     Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
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I will have to acquire her book. It will be quite interesting for me, as I "heard her call my name" long ago, and I am writing a book about my life and transition. My book is called 'The Woman Inside, Lauren's Journey'. Some of my posts here on CDH have been from pages in my book, if you're interested that will give you an idea of what my writing is like.


Ms. Lauren M

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My apologies, Lauren, for not focusing on your post sooner. Your story sounds fascinating, and I will look for your posts.




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