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CD/TG Characters

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Noble Member     Northampton, Massachusetts, United States of America
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So has there been any CD or TG characters that have really struck a note with you?   I know that Nomi Marks from Sense8 did for me.

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Noble Member     GB
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Eddie Izzard, British comedian, dabbled in acting, major charity fundraiser, and openly heterosexual cross dresser. Openly mixes male and female aspects to his attire. For example usually seen with nail polish, make up etc, skinny jeans, heeled boots etc, on stage during his shows. Once raised money for charity doing dozens of marathons day after day in the African heat. Was being interviewed on BBC news to promote his achievement. My young son was watching with me. Was he amazed at the enormity of Eddies achievement ?  no, just said, ‘why is that man wearing nail polish ?’ I replied ‘ why not ? ‘

He was also once asked ‘ Why do you wear women’s clothes ?’ to which he replied ‘ They are not women’s clothes, they are my clothes ‘ LOL





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Eddie Izzard is truly an inspiration. I read his autobiography recently and the section where he discusses his feelings on gender really resonated with me.

His achievement running all those marathons was truly awesome!

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Noble Member     Northampton, Massachusetts, United States of America
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Always liked Eddie Izzard.  Saw one of his stand up specials on HBO a long time ago and thought he was pretty funny and thought provoking. Seen him in a few roles and not a bad actor as well.  Was not aware of his charity work, that is really cool.  And finally, I will have to look for his autobiography!



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Reputable Member     Buffalo, New York, United States of America
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On the recent reboot of Roseanne, one of her grandsons was a crossdresser.  He was probably middle school age.  Absolutely adorable, and very confident in his looks, despite the fact that he was obviously picked on by students.  But he found a way to keep them at arms length.  And even his Grandpa Dan came to accept him.  A nice story but probably not realistic.

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Honorable Member     Nashville, Tennessee, United States of America
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Always surprised to never see this come up, but David Duchovny in Twin Peaks!

He's always delightful and I think the way he expresses his feelings about it in the original series really sum up how a lot of us feel. I have mixed feelings about it showing a full-transition in the Return, but I think it's a very fair portrayal.

For anyone who isn't familiar, he expresses the comfort and positive change in character once he cross-dressed while also expressing his desire for women to be fully intact and, well, masculine. Just another reason to watch one of the greatest works of art ever created!

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Noble Member     Northampton, Massachusetts, United States of America
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Denise is a great character. Have not seen the return yet but hoping to soon

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Noble Member     Northampton, Massachusetts, United States of America
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Denise is a great character. Have not seen the return yet but hoping to soon

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Honorable Member     Nashville, Tennessee, United States of America
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Oh it’s the greatest! I’ll admit though the first time around it was pretty trying for a while, I wasn’t fully committed until about part 7.

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Reputable Member     Manchester, Lancashire, United Kingdom
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Yes love Eddie. Some of the stuff he does is a real tour de force.

And that line about woman's clothes. I've been using the same line for years without knowing that Eddie used the same line - they're not women's clothes, they're my clothes.

Take care girls.


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Eddie Redmayne , in the Danish Girl , he was fabulous & absolutely beautiful in it. I was transfixed according to my wife.

The film is also a turning point for my wife & I , Tiff

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Prominent Member     Louisiana, United States of America
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Agreed, Eddie Redmayne was exquisite in the role. If you haven’t already seen it, you might also like Lee Pace as Calpernia Addams in the movie “Soldier’s Girl.” I still get goosebumps when s/he sings (lip-syncs) “Fever,” and get all misty for “Consequences of Falling.”

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Reputable Member     Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia
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Robert De Niro's portrayal of Captain Shakespeare in the film adaptation of Neil Gaiman's 'Stardust' did it for me. To explain why would ruin the beauty of the revelation and resolution, but I saw it at just the time I needed to.

My wish has always been for a film or TV programme to have a character who crossdresses, but where it's never mentioned as a plot element; it's simply part of who the character is. If that makes sense ...

Series 3 of Jessica Jones had a transgender supporting character in it, but at no point is it mentioned. They simply ... are. (The roles is played by a transwoman, and as I understand it the character was intended to be such as well).

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Reputable Member     Maryland, United States of America
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i actually think about this topic often!

this is going way way way back, as nothing in current tv or movie resonates with me regarding trans characters, but.....

back when i first saw risky business (tom cruise) from the 1980s?  holy cow, the scene where the trans woman shows up at his door?  even at a young age, i thought he was crazy to turn her away!  i didn't understand trans issues at all, but even still, my heart was racing when i saw that scene.  her legs, her shoes, her dress....yummy!

and of course, the crying game from the 1990s.  jaye davidson as dill is an icon for me.  beautiful, sexy, and is the lead female character in the movie.  and her being trans is just part of the plot - it's not weird, or mocked.  and damn, she was S E X Y 🙂



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Thanks Camryn , I wasn't even aware of this film , I'll definitely watch it , I've googled it & Lee Pace looks stunning . I've goosebumps already for "Fever" 😊😊

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