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Anyone else see the movie yet?
I thought it was totally ridiculous, but enjoyable and essential for any fan of the show.
I watched it last week with my wife. Yeah, I agree in your assessment of it. The plot was very simplistic, but as a fan, it was still enjoyable.
One comment from my wife to which I concurred, none of the dresses was as pretty as the ones worn during any of the TV seasons.
Gaby 💜
Awesome, I am glad to hear that it was fun to see. I know Gwenn wants to see the movie. I think she is planning on going with another friend of ours. I really enjoyed the series, so I may go along as well.
I was an early adoring fan of Downton Abbey, so I was disappointed to hear the movie did not measure up to the TV series. I’ll eventually watch it, however, but may just wait until it’s out on DVD.
I basically abandoned the series after Matthew was killed in the car crash. From their first meeting, I knew that Lady Mary and Matthew were MFEO, and watched with ongoing delight as the romantic tension between them played out and culminated in the way I always knew it must. And that scene in the swirling snow where Matthew proposes to Mary will live with me forever as one of the most touching I’d ever seen.
So when Dan Stevens abandoned the show and had to be killed off in a car crash, that ended it for me.
Interesting. That was heartbreaking (and clearly not a wise career move), but each time it lost someone something brought me back. Even earlier on the time jumping in the second season put me off for a little while, as did The preciousness overkill with Anna and Bates once he got back. We always like Alan Leech and my biggest crush has always been on Daisy and she has never let me down.
the movie wasn't a classic but my wife and i still enjoyed it
I fell in love with the show after my daughter in law kept talking about it. I loved the characters and cried when Matthew died, truly shocked when Sybil died and watched Daisy grow up.
The movie was basically a 2 hour long episode but it was well done and consistent with the show plus it gave me 2 more hours with the folks of Downton Abby, so all was good.
Love that Daisy!