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I have tickets to see 'Everybody's Talking About Jamie', a musical about a boy becoming a drag queen, in April and I'm thinking about going en femme. I think it would be appropriate in this case as I've previously been to see Priscilla, Queen of the Desert and there were a couple of cross-dressers there. Thoughts? I might add that the production is sold out so there will be upward of a thousand people in close proximity and keeping out of the way of other people will be impossible. I like the idea but once there, the die is cast, there will be no backing out.
Would you go en femme to this show?
Thoughts about going to a show dolled up? Why not? Regardless of the show's content. You don't need any reason more than "I want to." I went to a comedy show at the Kennedy Center dolled up. No one blinked.
I vote yes.
I would.
From what I've heard, there are often members of Jamie audiences who attend en femme. Some go in full stage drag. It's a bit like Rocky Horror, where it's expected that a significant number of the audience will turn up in basques, stockings and suspenders. Go for it!
I have tickets for Sadlers Wells to see Carmen in a few weeks and in May to see Salome at the Paris opera..hopefully by then I will learn the art of make up as I intend to hire a gown for the opera!
Yes, by all means go en femme. If not there, where?
Heavens yes!!! NO QUESTION. People are there to see men in dresses....Give 'em what they came for. I'd like to go here in Phoenix it's time to check it out. LuvNHugs, TERI
Thanks for all your support and unless something untoward occurs, I shall be going en femme. Biggest concern I have is using the toilet but the theatre has quite a few disabled toilets which are obviously gender neutral and since there are likely to be other CDers there I'm sure I won't be the only one in the queue. It should be interesting because the show we are going to see is a matinee and starts at 2.30pm so I shall be walking the streets (ooh, er) en femme too (not that that is a problem as I have already been out to the city, twice, dressed).
This was filmed at our local secondary school , did not see any of the stars.
I watched the movie. It was very good and I thought it portrayed a good blend of those who are repulsed and those who support.
Gee Rebecca it should be the perfect forum for us to be dressed. The people going to this kind of performance are probably very tolerant or they wouldn't be there. I have been to several shows with no problem in the past and yea the Rocky Horror show was filled with people like us and really fun.