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"Just Charlie", a cute movie that's so relateable

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Noble Member     California, United States of America
Joined: 9 years ago

I just finished watching "Just Charlie", while dressed feminine. It was a cute movie about a young boy, a soccer prodigy with a future heading to the Premier League, who struggles with coming out as transgender. As a CD, so much of the movie was relateable. Like the strong desire to put on a dress even when we can't, the lure to try on a pair of pretty heels, the secrets we hide, the fears we hold about not being accepted by the people we care about, and the confusing feelings as we try to find a balance.

I rate it 5 heels (out of 5).

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Posts: 1118
Duchess Annual
Noble Member     Panama, Panama, Panama
Joined: 7 years ago

Thanks for the review, Lea. It is obvious that it touches our hearts to feel so close to the protagonist.


Posts: 379
Prominent Member     Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Joined: 1 year ago

Thanks Lea, I always appreciate hearing about good movies. I’ve been watching a lot of them lately. Carlotta is a really good film about a boy in Australia who loves to sing and dance with his mother and slowly realizes he loves to dress up in women’s clothes. I’d rate it 5 heels



Posts: 798
Noble Member     Goldsboro, North Carolina, United States of America
Joined: 8 years ago

I enjoyed "Just Charlie" too. I first heard of it here in this thread and I have to say, the softer side of me shed a tear at the end, seeing her lovely, happy smile.


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