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'There's Something About Miriam'

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Hi all

I’ve just been reading an article in the Guardian newspaper about a TV reality show called ‘There’s Something About Miriam’. It aired on Sky in summer 2003.

The basic premise was that six men were flown to a luxury villa on the island of Ibiza to compete for the affections of a 21-year old Mexican model called Miriam Rivera. They were set a series of challenges to win dates with Miriam. Whoever she ultimately selected at the end of the series would win £10,000 and a romantic cruise aboard a luxury yacht. The men believed they were taking part in a series called ‘Find Me a Man’.

The climax of the series was the ‘big reveal’; Miriam was actually a pre-op transexual.

As the Guardian article says:

‘All hell broke loose. Contestants sued the show in an attempt to ensure it never aired.’

It might be argued that Miriam went into the show with eyes wide open. However, it was presented to her by the production company as ‘a social experiment about gender and sexuality’ intended to portray the trans community in a positive light.

The British Medical Journal wrote: “The premise was not a celebration of transgender people’s lives. It was designed to elicit horror from the winning contestant.”

In the aftermath of the show’s screening there was a media storm, mostly mocking Miriam with lurid anti-trans headlines. Ultimately, the negativity is thought to have contributed to her suicide.

The reason this is back in the headlines is that Channel 4 have produced a docuseries about the whole sordid affair. It’s called ‘Miriam: Death of a Reality Star’ and the first episode airs on Monday 29th April.

I can’t even begin to describe how angry reading about this has made me.

The Guardian describes it as 'a story of belief-beggaring insensitivity'.

Ellie x

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I remember this programme. It toyed with people's lives in the name of entertainment. Totally shameful.

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Illustrious Member     North County San Diego, California, United States of America
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More evidence mainstream media doesn't know how....or doesn't care to....produce content that's respectful to the trans community.  They get it wrong most of the time....even when they try to do a good job.  Based on @ellyd22 description, no attempt was made with this.  A shameless piece of trash.

This is one of the many reasons a strong and vocal Trans Movement exists and is necessary.


(@Anonymous 95775)
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@ellyd22 I’m physically nauseous.

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The production company's excuse that 'those were different times' doesn't really stand up to scrutiny.

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Trusted Member     Florida, United States of America
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@ellyd22 This is on par with the other "reality" shows though it may even fall to depths never seen before. It is hard to believe that someone thought this was a good idea and approved the project. The premise is disgusting.

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It must have been greenlit by a whole string of people - all of whom presumably thought that their decision had been vindicated when the series had close on a million UK viewers 🙁

Ellie x

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Illustrious Member     Fife, United Kingdom
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I remember the programme, I didn't watch it, I don't watch any so-called reality stuff, the producers don't want balance, they want shock and conflict. We are told "that's what the public want" but I disagree, we are being fed this diet of dross daily. OMG, unintended alliteration! Tabloidism ate my brain!

Even in my unawakened state, (let's call it, before cdh and since cdh), I remember shaking my head at the most obvious example of exploitation I'd seen. And that was just reading the blurb for it.

Mis-representation continues still, I recently bought two Savannah Hauk books from Amazon's kindle store and now my "suggested reading" includes loads of "young crossdresser" titles, the content of which needs no description...or reading! 

Yes, there's a lot of work to be done to educate people, many of whom won't want to be educated because that might put them at risk of being shunned by their tribe and, horror of horrors, seen as traitors to the group myopia and predudice.

Thanks for the post, Ellie. Thought-provoking is good.

Allie x

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As research for a book I'm working on at the moment I recently spent a lot of time seeking out literature on crossdressing and transgender issues, a by-product of which was 'A Crossdresser's Reading List':

Because I was on Amazon a LOT, typing in words such as 'crossdresser' and 'transgender' I also got a flood of those 'Young Crossdresser' reading suggestions that you mention.

The plot descriptions (insofar as many of them can even be said to have a plot) are all very similar, and they almost all seem to present a very skewed and sexualised view of crossdressing. There are a lot of these books out there.

Ellie x 

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Illustrious Member     Fife, United Kingdom
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Yes, I checked your list before but I must have missed a lot cos I just followed your link and there's loads more than I thought.

The issue with these young crossdresser books is, as you say, they overly, actually exclusively present a sexualised view of crossdressing. And, I'll wager, are read by predominantly non-crossdressers solely for titivation. 

As an aside, but related note, 46000 members! Imagine if even half did something to counter the misperception of crossdressing. Yes, I'll open this as a new topic as Sasha suggested. 

Allie x


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Hi Allie

I'd worried that I'd misremembered the membership figure* so I asked @emilyalt if she could check what the latest number is.

It's actually 44.7K, so I wasn't that far off!

Ellie x

*That is to say, whether I'd gotten it completely wrong.

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Illustrious Member     Fife, United Kingdom
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That's still a lot of enlightened individuals gracing the planet!

I never doubted you for a minute, Ellie, cos I'm like that, gullible. 😊

Allie x

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Fun fact: did you know that the word 'gullible' isn't even in the dictionary?

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Illustrious Member     Fife, United Kingdom
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Ah, you don't have a copy of the Reader's Digest Oxford Complete Word finder then. "Easily persuaded or deceived, credulous". Yes, I looked. In fact I looked twice because, by the time I got from the bookshelf back to the couch, I'd forgotten half of the definition!

Allie x

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The point is ... I made you look, didn't I?

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Illustrious Member     Fife, United Kingdom
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Strangely enough, the thought did cross my mind because I was sure it is in the Oxford but I can't look at the moment as it's holding up a table leg....

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Noble Member     Brussels, Brabant, Belgium
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@ellyd22 Ellie, we can’t get Channel 4 here in Belgium, you wouldn’t happen to know if it will be broadcast anywhere else?

The whole story sounds tragic and exploitative of both Miriam and the ‘competitors’ and indeed the viewers.  It is of course close to our hearts, but to be honest, almost all reality shows are exploitative and appealing to some very basic, but ugly, human traits of participants and viewers - greedy and fame seeking on the most part (although I am very much second guessing why Miriam participated, but it was also certainly brave on her part) and certainly voyeuristic.  That being said, that someone should be lied to, and not subsequently protected by those who used her, resulting in her taking her own life, seems so immoral and criminal.

I wonder, have times and peoples’ attitudes changed over the last 20 years?

I feel so sad for Miriam, no one deserves what happened to her.


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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
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I've been checking, but it seems that for the moment at least 'Miriam: Death of a Reality Star' is limited to Channel 4 and its streaming service More4.

Hopefully it will get picked up by other broadcasters at some point.

Ellie x

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Noble Member     Brussels, Brabant, Belgium
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Ellie, thanks. I was doing a google search on Miriam - it was so tragic; she was such a beautiful woman.

Thanks for bringing this tragedy to my attention.

Duchess Annual
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@christineth It's not available on demand. 


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@ellyd22  good for your Ellie!  At the risk of being head in the sand,  I watch no tv other than old movies,  weather, history shows, and college American football.  The rest , to me, including the “ reality “ drivel is revolting at the least, and insulting of my intelligence.  Maybe by raising awareness of garbage like this, it will make a better world for us.  All I can say is painfully , in the US, the average human here has degenerated to the iq of a rock.  The watch the stupid little screen on their phone and believe everything they see and hear.  So disheartening.

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You’re a woman after my own heart with that viewing choice Lorraine, even down to the College Football. Sadly, the broadcaster that shows college football in the UK decided not to show it this season. 
Shame, as I find it more entertaining than the NFL, but as a follower of the NY Jets, it’s probably not surprising that I prefer watching the college stuff 🙂

Oh, and sadly the “believe everything they see on the phone/tablet” brigade is thriving over here as well 

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@lucyb112  the culture of this country lends itself to stupidity.  Should require an IQ test to be a citizen, and vote.  I always look to my families native land to be a bastion of intelligence and restraint.  Sorry you are the bearer of bubble bursting for me.  My people are  from Northamptonshire.

 Also sorry you are a Jet fan.  Know the feeling , until 1989, my college favorite had the worst record in all of college football.  Then they hired a little know coordinator to be head  coach.  His name is Bill Snyder, and, he engineered the greatest comeback in the history of college ball.  

Until 2 years ago, was a  resident of Kansas City area, and was really into Mahomes in college. When they drafted him knew they were on their way up.  The just drafted the fastest wide reciever in college, 4.21  forty yard dash.  What we call in the Midwest , “ a burner”.   If he does not have hands of stone (can’t hold on to the ball) then we have a keeper. 

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Prominent Member     Mesa, Arizona, United States of America
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@missylinda Hi Lorraine,Your observations of present day society are ;as my Father would say,"Right on the Fact".I recently retired from Maricopa County as a Court Security Officer after 17 years of service.It was a daily duty of ours{my partner Officer and I} to walk thru the courtroom while court was in session to show a presence of courtesy to the Judge.We would constantly find people talking on their phones while the Judge is calling their cases,their cases were quickly delayed or dismissed .We would escort them out of the courtroom and explain to them to turn their phones off and Maybe they might get another chance to appear before the Judge.People talking on their phones and staring at a 3 inch screen while the Judge is calling your name.,very rude indeed.Some people are dumber than a box of rocks.Please forgive my rant,time to step off my soap box,being careful not to trip while wearing my heels.HAHAHAHA.LOL.

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Hi Lorraine,

I apologise for the late reply, and for being the bearer of bad news about the state of things over here. I may be just an oldie imaging it worse than it is, but I do despair of people sometimes. 

Did your family move from Northamptonshire before your time, or did you live over here at all? 

I read up about Bill Snyder. Quite a success story!

We started to get regular highlights of the NFL for the first time in the mid eighties. I can’t remember why I picked on the Jets to follow now, but success has certainly been somewhat rare since then.

I saw details of the draft, and yes, that was one of the standout stories. It mentioned the fact that the Bills had traded the pick that allowed the Chiefs to get him. Not the first time that’s happened by the sound of it 

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They watch the stupid little screen on their phone and believe everything they see and hear.

According to Urban Dictionary (a crowdsourced online dictionary of slang words and phrases) the term 'phone zombie' is now coming into use. This is the definition:

'A person who walks around while staring at their phone's screen. They are almost always stumbling slowly in the way of general progress. Likely to be seen blocking the only path. Usually oblivious and inconsiderate'.
Ellie x
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Noble Member     Ft Worth, Texas, United States of America
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@ellyd22 bingo!

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@ellyd22 one thing people should know is that almost all reality shows are not close to being real. I knew a writer for “The Real World”. Yes, it was laid out for the actors as to how to react and what to say. Maybe not word by word, but the flow of the program was produced. As for this series it might have been less produced, I have never seen it. But it doesn’t matter as all were told it was going to be something it wasn’t. I hope the producers were taken to court and paid huge fines. What they did was wrong! They ruined and, unfortunately, sounds like they ended someone’s life. Did the producers think this was a huge joke or a got-cha show? I don’t watch any reality shows, they are not real.

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From what I've read I don't think that there were any consequences for the producers at all, other than that the media attention following the last episode would have dramatically increased the thickness of their wallets 🙁

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Totally shameful,and knowing the media,done for ratings.

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Absolutely - I very much doubt that there was any consideration given to the potential aftermath 🙁

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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
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I recall that programme, an early modern 'Reality' series, a kind of dating programme where the viewers already knew the secret but contestants didn't. Through the programme a couple of the contestants actually said they thought she was a man. Obviously the 'contestants' at the end, two she had too pick from were fooled, as at the reveal she didn't say she was trans but said she'd been born a man, possibly something the producers wanted as even then trans wasn't really understood. Their faces were a picture and they sued getting payouts. Naturally the press went into overdrive and looked at the men being taken in but nothing positive or promoting trans in a positive light.

Miriam must have understood what she was letting herself in for and there would be some fall out as trans was still not really understood or have a broad acceptance. The commissioners realised this could garner good ratings  and perhaps didn't consider the wider impact. Nowadays after some reality shows having participants suffering from mental health issues and negativity from their communities the programmers have guidelines to follow.

I doubt if anything like this would be made again unless the contestants were well aware and I doubt if it would get the ratings.

I suspect it made good viewing for many viewers but did not educate as most would see it as trans being predators and targets of fun.

The BMJ had it spot on and as you have seen Ellie it still rumbles on as there was also an article in the Metro on the same topic but in a more sympathetic style.


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From what I read in the Guardian article, the new Channel 4 series is very sympathetic too.

The original Sky series was designed purely to secure high ratings at the expense of those involved. I'm sure a lot of TV executives made a considerable amount of profit, and were delighted by all of the subsequent media coverage.

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You got me thinking as there was a documentary in 1980 called 'A change of sex' which was a fly on the wall documentary chronicling the life of Julia Grant who at 24 embarked on the path to transition. It had 9 million viewers and was an amazing piece of television. It started at her work in catering and through all the medical appointments. This was very serious and sympathetic piece where there was acceptance among friends and family. She was seen shopping for clothes and shops that helped her along. She was a very open person and made some very profound statements about her life. It seemed the toughest time she had was with the medical professionals who were there to help her, or not as it seemed sometimes.

20 years later a follow up documentary was made 'The untold story' and finally in 1999 another where Julia gets her man. She worked hard running her own businesses and sadly passed in 2019.

I think the episodes are available on the BBC I player but You Tube has plenty of snippets.

It was groundbreaking for the trans community when it was screened because it was her and sensitive questions and amazing answers which bear relevance today, I urge any one who can to watch it if you think things are not good now imagine what it was like over 40 years ago.

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Wow ... thanks for this Angela 🙂

In 1980 that really WOULD have been ground breaking, and of course it would have been part of the BBC ethos to make sure that the programme was factual and balanced.

I'll definitely seek it out.

Ellie x

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Illustrious Member     North County San Diego, California, United States of America
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Same.  I would love to watch this.

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Illustrious Member     North County San Diego, California, United States of America
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That was easy.

Note: BBC iPlayer only works in the UK.

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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
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@ellyd22 Do Ellie as I watched it in awe and envied her determination. There were no protections in law, Same sex marriage was a dream and society was not as forgiving as now. Her sayings were profound - type Julia Grant a change of sex in Google search and go to images, scroll down and there are some of her sayings - really makes you think....

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Thanks Angela ... I'll do that 🙂

Ellie x

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@ab123 I remember watching that, if it was 1980 then I must have been approaching 12 years old.  Or maybe it was a repeat, but I don't think I've ever seen the follow-up.  I have been meaning to watch it again, I'm very glad that to hear that it still exists on the iPlayer (thanks @emilyalt 🙂 ) presumably the follow-up will be on there as well.

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Human suffering always makes money for a small portion of humanity, as if they deserve to be called “human”. How a person like that can live with themselves is beyond me. To hurt people, especially a community that is already slandered and oppressed, a community that already has a target on their back, can only be the prerogative of a person with no soul or compassion.

Obviously my heart goes out to Miriam, but also to the contestants who were looking for love, assuming that why they were there. 

Jill 😢

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That was really upsetting... i read about it on The Guardian, she was gorgeous, what enraged me the most was the fact that it all fell on her instead of the people that put this whole thing together and somehow thought it was a good idea, it's really messed up to think that in 2003 people thought this kind of thing was "fun", all in the name of entertainment...

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Yes ... the aftermath very much fell on Miriam. She was the one who was vilified in a series of salacious newspaper articles (whereas the six male contestants made a considerable amount of money from 'exclusives'); the male contestants all received counselling but she didn't.

It really WAS messed up.


Big Sis x

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(@Anonymous 95775)
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that’s truly sad to hear producers don’t care about anything but money regardless of how it may effect other people lives I’m sure most seen and herd about Dylan Mulvaney With bud light and how that blew up once social media made this big deal over it sickening and sad know a days the world we live in

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Hi Erin

I didn't really know much about Dylan Mulvaney and the circumstances behind the Bud Light boycott (and subsequent attempted boycotts of Nike and Maybelline) so I've been reading up about it. There's so much hate out there - but why? She isn't threatening anyone. This is a quote from Mulvaney herself: "What I'm struggling to understand is the need to dehumanize and to be cruel. I just don't think that's right. Dehumanization has never fixed anything in history ever."

Ellie x

(@Anonymous 95775)
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@ellyd22 understand what you mean unfortunately there will always be hate in this world i honestly believe social media plays a big part in corrupting the one’s mind seeing these hate acts that they feel they must follow to be cool in fear or whatever there reason is instead of saying this is nonsense and stick up for others guess it’s easier to follow then to be a leader

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Duchess Annual
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Miriam was born in Sonora, Mexico. I remember her. She was beautiful and very nice. She was an activist. Her end is a tragedy. Really really sad. One caddish after another. Criminal! I cried for Miriam several times. Of rage and helplessness. Five years ago she was found death in her apartment in Hermosillo, Mexico. Her husband Daniel said she was killed. Police said she committed suicide. When Daniel Cuervo asked that his wife's body be transferred to New York, where he was, he was informed that she had already been cremated, making it impossible to perform an autopsy. According to Daniel Cuervo, when he was preparing arrangements for Miriam's funeral, an unknown man called him and said: "Don't go back to Mexico or we will kill you too."

Iniquities like this makes me feel very bad.


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I hadn't realised that there was any controversy surround Miriam's death, since that wasn't mentioned in the newspaper article. Having now looked online, I can see that there's a lot of ongoing debate concerning exactly how she died.

I wonder if this aspect will be covered in the new series?

Ellie x

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@ellyd22 I took a few notes I have just read online. I don't know if I naively hope that the issue of death is treated with the seriousness it deserves and that it does not result in an exacerbation of the morbidity. It seems most of the media always had forgotten she was an human being who deserves respect.

The documentary synopsis reads: "Using Miriam's own voice and words throughout, the series will restore Miriam as the star of her own story: a trans trailblazer who remains an icon for many in the transgender community ".

Glamour Newsletter said: "Her tragic death in 2019 will also be covered (...) we can expect all angles and possibilities to be discussed when it comes to her fate".

Pink News added: "As the documentary reflects on the treatment of trans people two decades ago, we're left to wonder what improvement, if any, there is in today's society".

Sadly, I don't think there's a hope of justice for the late Miriam. It is outrageous.


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So sad. Thank you Ellie for sharing that...being aware of such sad tragedies and injustices is so important.

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It upset me a great deal when I read it yesterday. I just wanted to make sure that as many other people as possible knew about it.

Ellie x

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Duchess Annual
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There are different realities throughout the world, where we do not all live in the same circumstances. Unfortunately in our Latin American countries, although there is undeniable progress, transphobia and discrimination are real and everyday. Hate exists. It is a big monster and it stomps, like the song says. Our fight is permanent and everyone contributes what they can from their situation. We manage to survive.



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