A pregnant man...
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A pregnant man...

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Famed Member     Seattle, Washington, United States of America
Joined: 13 years ago

By now you've probably heard the story of Thomas Beatie, a transgendered man who is pregnant. He opted to keep his female reproductive organs when he transitioned. When his wife was unable to get pregnant he offered to bear the child. After more than 8 years on testosterone, Beatie discontinued his testosterone treatments and gradually his body's hormone levels stabilized to his pre-transition levels.

In his story about being a pregnant man, he describes the gravity of the decision, but also how they found it very difficult to get adequate health care. It seems as if doctor's aren't quite ready to embrace a transgendered man being pregnant.

What surprised me the most, is that he kept his uterus intending to become pregnant. Thomas Beatie goes on to say that he believes it's not a male or female desire to have a child, but a human desire. To some extent I can understand this desire - were I ever to transition to a woman I would probably make sure I had sperm stored in case I wanted to have children later. But to keep your reproductive organs, with the intent of becoming a pregnant man some time later. I must admit I struggle with this.

Thomas needed to stay off testosterone for more than two years before becoming pregnant, undoing some of what he had gained from his transition. In some senses, planning to halt/slightly reverse his transition mid way through in order to become pregnant and have a child.

I wish them, and their baby all the best - even though this stretches my preconceived notions, I'm well aware that people don't all fit into the nice little boxes I might create for them. No matter how open and inclusive those boxes may be. And who knows, perhaps this will open the way for more research into male pregnancy. If I became a woman, this would be compelling for me...

What do you think? Should we allow or encourage men to become pregnant?
Ladies, if your husband could become pregnant, would you want him to?

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(@anti-pregnant man)
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Joined: 17 years ago

i think this is totally wrong. if he wanted to be a man so much, then he should have gone the whole nine yards and had everything removed and then become a man.Sometimes you need to make choices and suffer the consequences incl not being able to have kids.
it is also gross how he parades around in front of the camera with his manly features and a swollen belly. I am sure God is not happy with him-her and will hand out just punishment.

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(@anti-pregnant man)
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i diasgree with the article in part i am cross dresser and u want us to suport u i think we should suport any crossdressing or trans in any way even to the point feminie rights or cross bath room then we should suport them if u beleive to store sprem or half tansision like boobs for mtf and not the lower then them going the oppiste should be fine with us too

(@anti-pregnant man)
Joined: 17 years ago

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In all honesty, who are you but a little ignorant nobody to decide what is right and wrong in the face of transgender living, and life bearing? Certainly in the name of anyone religious you are not the voice of what you refer to as God. You are obviously someone who does not understand the audacity of what you are saying which is so completely obvious based off of your tone alone. you as a person have the right to think whatever you want, but your views and notions are oppressive, ignorant, and judgmental, not to mention aggressive and outdated. The fact that you seem to be a scared little insignificant voice has you handing out divine punishment on a silver platter for someone who committed no crime other then wanting to be happy and have a family, which according to your views is justified with condemnation and suffering. Also, it seems all the media has effected your narrowly constricted view of life as it is so maybe a clearer perspective with help you to understand, they made it a big deal and you played into it like a fish staring through glass with nothing better to do then hope one day maybe your life would be as interesting as all of the stuff on the outside of that glass that you don't seem to understand.

I say you do not understand simply because, you don't. life is more important then surgery for some people. surgery, top or bottom, is extremely expensive, so not only do you come off as ignorant, but shallow and vain as well. Go spend 40 grand to potentially risk never having an orgasm during sex again, because I want you too and if you don't then I think your beliefs and life is a sham and fake because I said so. That's you... Go do it because you should not reproduce naturally or in any way shape or form because I don't like it and what ever you do effects me negatively just because I say so and I dislike you doing what I don't want you to despite the fact that we have never met and I will never understand how you negatively affected me... That's you too.

Lastly, how can you be sure God is not happy with HIM? Does God talk to you at night and tell you everything will be ok as long as you continue to saw off your left arm which oh so inconveniently does not fit in the non human shaped box your trying to squeeze yourself and everyone else into while encapsulating them in your bigoted beliefs and showering them with idiotic notions that your opinion some how matters to them? I don't think that's God.

I think you need to take a step back and look around. Look passed the glass and look at life around you, none cares what you are doing, why should you care about them. Once it risks the life of you or those you care for, then start caring. Once it matters because it WILL negatively affect you, care. But for now, try focusing on being humane, and stop trying to tell other how to be human. I hope since you wrote that post years ago you have opened up and grown as a person, because if not, I truly feel sorry for you.

And as you have the right to say and do what you want, I reply with my own worthless thoughts. Go do something important and make a difference instead of trying to stop something different that isn't important.

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(@anti-pregnant man)
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Joined: 17 years ago

Anti-Pregnant man, put your religious beliefs aside for a moment and try to be open minded...as hard for you as that may be.

"I am sure God is not happy with him-her and will hand out just punishment." Punishment for wanting to have a child? Most people on this world do, so what.

I am female and although I do not want children, I understand those who do. A female can produce children, but males cannot and if a man wants one, it's wrong to you? That's ridiculous.

I don't care what gender someone is, whether they were born with that gender or not...whether want or do not want kids. You really need to let people live their lives how you want.

"it is also gross how he parades around in front of the camera with his manly features and a swollen belly." THEY DON'T LOOK AT HIM. It's that simple. Unless he breaks into your house and is parading around, it's not really a problem.


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