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The judges have tabulated the results… (stock ticker sounds… or an old IBM Selectric running at high speed, take your pick…)
Grand Prize Category
The grand winner, receiving one free year of Princess membership is… Megan Kelly! @megankelly
Runner up, receiving one free year of Duchess Membership is… Sofía Alejandra Hurtado Espinoza @alejandrohurtado
The following winners will receive three free months of Duchess membership
Superheroines/Historical Costume:… Sara Marshall @saramarshall
Housewife… Jaynee Laparte @jayneelaparte (who also had a nice Star Trek Uniform pic)
Mani-Pedi… Allison Anderson @alison-anderson (lovely candy-corn nails… yes, it IS a color!)
The last categories are all just for fun, and the winners will receive our undying gratitude for sharing with us…
Group photos… The Palm Springs girls! (submitted by me, but I didn’t take it)
Years past… Teralina Johnson @teralinajohnson
Staff… Angelina Wagner @theunrealangelawagner (beat me by ONE stinkin point!)
Congratulations to our winners. Those who won prizes should receive a message from the site owner soon regarding your prizes
My special thanks to all of the judges for this year’s contest, and the few I asked to audit the results. I may call on you again next time, you did so wonderfully!
A special thanks to all of those who entered and a well-deserved honorable mention!
Thank you BillieJay. I really enjoyed looking at all the Halloween costume photos that the sisters submitted this year. I’m very happy with the results, especially seeing my special friend Sofia as runner up for her Jessica Rabbit costume. Congratulations to Princess Megan, Duchess Sofía, and all the winners.
Congratulations to all the winners! ❤️
Congratulations Megan, your costumes were amazing and showed off your beautiful figure so nicely.
congratulations to all the participants
Congratulations to the winners. Wish I could look so good.