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Can you really find a Church that will accept all of you???

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Trusted Member     Baltimore, Maryland, United States of America
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The short answer is that yes you can. But as most of us have encountered, finding that home isn’t as easy as googling it on the internet. In today’s world, the general attendance at churches is dropping, which is probably of no great surprise to anyone. In today’s world, the baby boomers are getting older, and less of them took their kids to church when they were younger. So, Gen X may have never even been exposed to organized religion. There are scandals popping up in what seems to be daily news releases. Many churches are starting to use the internet as a place to advertise as well maintaining a website.

Now, depending on where you are in the world, what religion you may practice or have been raised under is as varying as the types. You could be in San Francisco in the center of self-expression or in contrast, you could be in the deep south of the US, at the center of conservatism. Could you find a church in both locations that accept you for who you are; yes? Could you also hit a wall of disgust in both places; again, yes?

Then how do you start looking? This is the very simplified version. Things will likely never go this smooth; if they did I would not be writing this. Well, a good place to start is to actually look up the list of overall churches and visit their websites. Yes, this goes opposite of what I said about them advertising, but you have to find out what this religious organization is about, and you have to start somewhere. If you don’t like what you are seeing, then there is no point in looking any further at them, and you should move on to the next one.

I am going to use the Episcopal Church as my example. I am Episcopalian, and with the exception of a few, completely accepted within my congregation. If you check the church's main website you'll notice a stated message, “All Are Welcome.” You may find several religions that you never even considered or have heard about; keep your mind open—just as you want a new church home to do for you. When I went looking for my church home, I had two religions that I looked into.

So now what? You found a religion(s) you are interested in; which church should you go to?

Next time, I will offer some help in figuring that out without having to attend 20 places to find out which one might be the best choice for you

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Noble Member     Northampton, Massachusetts, United States of America
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Codille, thank you. It is no easy task finding a place but can be a very informative and in its own way a rewarding one. Looking forward to your next article on this.

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Famed Member     Richmond, Virginia, United States of America
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Ditto to what Michelle said. And miss you FF!

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Active Member     Michigan, United States of America
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Well, an interesting subject for sure.

I'm Lutheran, and I attend church services regularly. And I'm very active in my church as well. I do not miss many Sunday services..........all in MALE mode.

You see, like so many others, My Cross Dressing is a secret! Even to my significant other. Secret!,,,shhhhh.

By coming OUT to the congregation, I would absolutely blow their minds, let alone my SO.

I do have the opportunity to dress up when traveling on business trips. In that other world, I feel completely at ease with my journey as a gurl. I feel free, l feel natural, and beautiful, and content. And yes, I feel sexy, and desirable. And, I am attracted to men. Oh oh.

Every Sunday When I'm at the alter receiving communion, I ask God to love Sandi, to love me, and forgive me of my sins. You see, I am also bi sexual.

I sincerely believe God does love me, and I hope that my sins are forgiven.


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Trusted Member     Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
Posts: 45

I completely identify with this Sandi. I am an active member of my church in the UK. But as a male. I too only dress on trips.
In my mind I cannot imagine a God who would mind how I dress. But I like your little prayer at Communion.

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Eminent Member     Flint, Michigan, United States of America
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There are many RCMM churches around and for us (hopefully in your area as well, so any that are interested would be able to check that church out) , my congregation is small but I've never been so comfortable worshiping and totally accepted by everyone there. There is zero judgement.

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I am a member of the Eastern Orthodox Religion. I do not know what their stance is on LGBT issues, nor do I care. Church rules are made by men, not by God. And my God doesn't give a fig about what I choose to wear. We are made in his image after all. My late father put is very well. He said "You don't choose God, God chooses you." Well he chose me. Of course I wouldn't attend church dressed as I wouldn't want to cause any embarrassment.

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I had to give this a lot of thought, and I hope I don't offend anyone with my reply. As a member of the Evangelical/Pentecostal community, I think it is safe to say that our activities are viewed with suspicion by much of the membership, even though the pastors are quite tolerant of us as persons. The "progressive" churches (for lack of a better term) are more tolerant of us as a group, but (for me) fall short where spiritual guidance is needed. Because the social aspects of church are less important to me than the spiritual, I keep my dressing private. I would, however, challenge any verbal attacks against CD-ers. I think your question is without a good answer at present. Someday, perhaps.

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Trusted Member     Baltimore, Maryland, United States of America
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No Offense at all. You belong to a very hard line portion of the Christian religion. But it is your church and obviously your home. Each person has to make a choice what is right between them and God, and where there what to draw the line in the sand socially is totally independent of that.

In some places religion is catching up to society but we also have to make sure society doesn't twist religion so far just to make thing fit that it is no longer the words and desires of God but just those that fit the desire of society and man at that moment in time.

Remember, the first AT LEAST two books old testament Genesis and Exodus were written/spoken so the people of the time come understand it better creation. Not for a society 2000 years to look at and take literally, or at least for the most part. They are the groundwork of the Old Testament, laying a foundation.

It is similar to what we are doing her at CDH, helping lay a foundation for the future to help others, and maybe help a few people and society along the way.

Bettylou, stay strong in your faith. It will guide you well!,



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Active Member     Essex Junction, Vermont, United States of America
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hiiii! i attend a United Church of Christ church in Vermont. People in our congregation are so down to earth, open and warmly welcoming!
If you are looking to worship your God in an open and affirming atmosphere where there is no judgement and welcomed no matter where you are on life’s journey look for a UCC church or go to

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Active Member     Dayton, Ohio, United States of America
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I grew up with a Baptist/Pentecostal background in the Deep South. Growing up I have heard “All are welcome in God’s House”, or “Come as you are”. Sounds great right? Well unfortunately in the many churches I have attended, I have seen people with hurting souls literally get escorted out of the church because they were afraid that there was an LGBT conspiracy to infiltrate the church. I hear all the time of people getting turned away because of fear and I’m just gonna say it : pure hate. I get that some denominations are getting better, and there are areas that are more open. However not everybody lives in an accepting community, and a lot of times when you’re young, you’re family decides what church you go to whether it’s open or not. I was forced to sit, witnesses, and listen to that rhetoric until I graduated and got to leave home. I have faith, I love and believe in God, but I have become disgusted by the church. I stopped going to church at 18, and I probably will never go back. I have learned however, that I don’t need church to walk with God. I can feel the love and presence of God everywhere around me. I love to go for a walk and just start talking just as if He was right there beside me. I don’t know what works for y’all, but for me, it’s the only way I can “Come as I am”, and not feel like it’s a trap.

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Organized religion or any church for that matter is good for bringing people together in a community to share and help one another but as far as ANY religious dogma is concerned its all made up by man for self serving reasons and only divides us and pits us against each other. Its the ultimate tribal expression carried over from the beginning of mans ignorance. Its one of the greatest faults of the human mind that most willfully accept... its a cancer on mankind. Religious bigotry has caused more suffering and killing of humans than any war. Religion? No thank you!


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