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On this week of Thanksgiving, just over a week removed from the Erie Gala, I find myself thankful of a whole lot of reasons. First, to my wife who has been more accepting and supportive than I could have ever imagined. Secondly, to my friends, to whom this article is dedicated and who will forever be my Super Graphic Ultra Modern Girls.
Like any good road trip there are adventures, setbacks, and new interesting folk to spice up the experience. As anyone in chat will attest, we started talking and fixating on this event months ahead of time; probably to the point where we annoyed some members, haha sorry. But anyone who has been to an event will understand and to those who have not, go. Being amongst others like us is water for a thirsty soul. Heck, I might even call it a Femininomenon.
The first, of many, memorable moments came when discussing my next outfit purchase with my wife. To my shock she offered up some of her outfits as an alternative and to save some money. This changed my outfit plans. Which led to a shopping trip where I openly shopped for women’s clothing alongside my wife. What was really cool was I was not the only guy doing that. A thrift shop or two later I was able to find the perfect pair of skinny jeans that I have deemed my Guilty Pleasure.
Now lets fast forward to the day the road trip begins. Before I leave for work, I double check all of my bags and line them up for an easy exit. I am the last person to join the caravan, so I was able to work a half day. Probably the longest four hours ever. I roll out of work. Shortly after that I receive a text detailing our first setback. A key garment bag was left behind and added multiple hours to the ride that was picking me up. No surprise to me, the other ladies stepped up and squeezed me into their ride that was now filled to the gills. All the girls were looking good, and I was in boy mode. Obviously, this could not stand. So, I completed one of my bucket list items. I did my makeup in the car. For the last few months, I was practising my makeup weekly. This was the first real world test of my skills and to be honest, I was very pleased with what I produced; especially when I think back and realize I was doing this in the broad light of day. Like it was just so Casual.
Prior to this trip the most I was in femme mode was two days and nights. This trip doubled that. Six outfits, not including back up or the one I bought, eight pairs of shoes, and a Tupperware container of accessories. The dance of sharing a room while getting changed was something to behold. By the time Saturday rolled around this was like a well-choreographed operation. Amongst many of the firsts on this trip was my first trip to a mall. This was something I was really looking forward to. One, it was going to push me out of my comfort zone, and two, it was crossing off another bucket list item. Shopping with the girls. Well in my excitement I got a little overzealous shaving my face and cut a mole. As the time neared for the mall train to leave, it became clear to me that I was going to miss it. This was devastating to me and I went into a real negative space. But its amazing what a kind word, a gentle touch, and a reassuring talk from a great friend can do for your self-confidence. With time my face regained its composure and make up was back on. After a quick drive and a deep talk, I was in the mall getting a smoothie. This hour and half, or so, of time might be one of the most significant hours of my experience. With it I learned I can be out and about in the “normal” world. I learned I have the power to overcome the worst thoughts about myself and even kill off those thoughts. This newfound confidence had me looking at the next couple days in a new light. I was Hot to Go!
The next two days were a whirlwind of activities and memories made with a bunch of sassy peacocks. From cramming into a third-row seat and serendipitously forgetting my ID to watching the Tyson fight at a LGBT club, never had that on my bingo card, so many wonderful memories were made. It was beautiful to see girls helping each other out with no hesitation. To share common experiences and getting to know each other better. From laughing at absurdity to making small talk. New friends were made, bonds were tightened, and experiences were plentiful. Stories that will be told for years to come. And remember, on the weekend, everything is better After Midnight.
Finally, I want to thank Tara, Alex, Kelly, Melanie, Melodee, and Trixie. Your friendships mean so much to me. You all made this trip possible. I am a better person from knowing you all. We are an eclectic group of amazing girls. Future adventures, planned and yet to be conceived, will be highlights of my days and years. The fun will be explosive like a Red Wine Supernova.
@erikabell Every paragraph - I see what you did there! 😉
I'm so glad that you had that experience and that you nicely omitted that it was my garment bag that was AWOL lol
Here's to many more, girl! ❤️
PS - I did notice there are no redheads in your car group photo, however. 🤨
What a great article girl! I just love how it shows the obstacles we can face at these events. It's not always sunshine and unicorns at these things. I hope it your anecdote reinforces to the readers that what we do is not a competition. We all have a responsibility to lift the sister beside us, whether we have known them for years or just met. The comradery at these events is unreal, and you really have no idea until you've experienced it. After all what good are friends if you can't count on them when you need them most! I love you girl and cant wait to see you again! 💋
Great article Erika, thank you for sharing your experience.
Thanks for the shoutout! I had the best time with my Tarts! I can’t wait to be together again. ❤️❤️
I don't usually comment here because I don't know very many.
With that being said, I would like to wish everyone on CDH a very happy and Merry Christmas.
Fun story I liked it. Makeup in the car?? Haha I'll have to try that. Good piece.
Synthia -
Merry Christmas
Erika -
Thank you for sharing what was obviously a wonderful experience. I've never had the opportunity to attend one of these events but hope to one day. Hope you get to go to more. Your shopping trip with your wife sounds like it was fun too.
I’m really happy for you Erika, it was a truly once in a lifetime experience for me as well. While I’ve seen plenty of women apply makeup in a car this was the first time I’ve seen a complete male to female makeup application, well done. It was fun to have a front row seat and thanks for letting me tag along. Let’s do it again and I’m looking forward to seeing all of you at Keystone 2025!
Thank you for sharing your adventure! I'm truly happy that you were able to do it. Your writing reminded me how this different side of us can lead us on my new adventures, and a few mishaps, but it opens ours eyes, gives us confidence in many things, shows us a world that's right there in front of us. It's beautiful!
Erika - thank you so much for doing this write-up. It truly was an amazing experience that I will be unable to forget. Within a few quick hours, surrounded by you gals, I felt like I was able to channel a whole new level of confidence and attitude! From shopping, to dancing, to sharing prepping secrets, to shooting pool in 8” heels, the whole event was a gold mine of memories.
Thank you for including me in your group and your adventures. And thank you for being so inclusive of all of the other gals who joined us along the way.
My only advice that I feel I need to pass along is that you ALWAYS need to include a Redhead! 😉♥️😘