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Inspired by the many great stories posted on CDH, I recently spent my first weekend out en femme.
This included a visit to the local Goodwill store. Previous visits, dressed as a man and browsing women’s clothing, always felt a little weird and I was very conscious of anybody near me that may be judgmental, or worse. Now dressed in a long, black pleated skirt, white blouse, full make up, wig and accessories, it felt so natural and liberating to be doing the same thing! I enjoyed looking at all the racks of clothing and even tried on a pair of pink leggings, but did not see anything I wanted, until I found a black faux leather biker jacket.
It was perhaps a little small and had a rough zipper action, but I was determined to try it on. So I put on the jacket, zipping it up in front of the full length mirror in the middle of the store, watching my long skirt twirl as I spun around, not caring who was nearby, or who was watching me. This felt so good! So imagine my horror when I realized couldn’t undo the zipper after deciding to buy it!
Initially, I tried to be discreet and not draw attention to myself, but this sucker was not moving.
I think that normally from a distance, I could probably pass as female, but closer inspection would probably reveal the truth, and definitely so if I spoke. So prior to entering the store, I was focused on minimal verbal communication, however given my current situation, I knew that this would not work.
Eventually I summoned up the courage, went over to the young lady cashier and, in my best female voice impression, described my problem and asked for help. She did not show any surprising reactions and was super nice, but immediately called over two male employees who were working close by. They initially tried to coach me on “How to unzip a jacket”, since the zipper was stuck right at my breast level, and they obviously felt uncomfortable touching the jacket. But eventually they realized their well intentioned advice was not working, and I had to assure them it was OK to touch the jacket.
After what felt like an eternity and lots of jiggling and jerking around, I was finally free - and so thankful that my breast forms did not move out of place or my wig fall off. I thanked the staff profusely and made some feeble excuse of not wanting the jacket, then scurried out of the store as fast as my heels would carry me. Once back to my car, I burst out laughing for several minutes trying to process what just happened, and imagining what the other people in the store must have seen and thought!
I’m not sure if there is a moral to this story, but that trip and experience will stay with me for a very long time. It’s something to tell any future grandkids, but that is a topic for another discussion!
and no one really cared if you passed or not. they were just there to help. you were just a regular customer with a problem. at least you got a story out of this trip and a good laugh. i call that a double win. things are going to go wrong sometime. just play it cool and don't panic. keep going out. it gets easier every time you do.
Thanks for sharing this. You're right it will be a good one to tell the future grandkids. Sounds like you handled it perfectly well. If it had been me I probably would have reacted much the same or at least I hope I would have.
The moral of the story is "S#$t happens" regardless of gender or dress. Most people really don't care, and to hell with the few that do. We just all need to live our own life
Well, one moral is that you can dress how you want, and even when things go a bit crazy, most people are going to be nice and act pretty normal when you interact for them. Sometimes, the things that go wrong, make for the best memories later on. This is true in cross dressing, just like in anything else.
These are the things that scare me in going out. I go out dressed often but can never get past the nerves of something like this happening.
My anxiety is elevated just reading this…
At least it had a good ending instead of the fire service being called to help...
I was in a charity store with a friend and saw a dress I liked so went into the small cubicle to try it on. I thought it looked nice and needed my friends opinion so pulled the curtain across and twirled out saying, 'What do you think'. I heard 'It looks lovely on you' but not in my friend voice! The assistant was looking at me smiling, my friend had wandered off to the other end of the store!
Comical, but we can survive these situations.
P.S. rub hard bar soap on a sticky zipper and it will lubricate it for quite a while.
Thanks for sharing this! What started out blissful and transitioned to a nightmare sounds like it ended as good as possible! So happy for you to get out and shop. What a wonderful experience overall!
Notwithstanding the wardrobe malfunction, you’ve done it and gone out shopping en-femme! It’ll get easier from here on in.
Joanna 💕
That is a really crazy first time out! But it ended well. To more adventures!!
Thanks for sharing that story. That is one of my hestitations with going shopping in real life. Your attitude and ability to laugh it off is inspirational
I once tried a dress on in a charity shop. It was a little snug but I managed to pull it down over my breasts so I could see what it looked like. I liked it, but thought it a little too tight. Time to take it off.... Nope wouldn't budge. Whilst it had a zip, it was at the back and I couldn't reach it. Try as I might, it would not budge. I then thought the best action was to buy the dress..... I went into the shop in man mode, and left it in Cerys mode.... I wore the dress to the counter, the volunteer scanned the tag, I paid, removed the tag (The volunteer did) and walked to the car.... This was a few years back, I've lost weight since then and the dress now fits properly.... It was only £4, so worth it.... Main problem was that this was longe before I was out in the open. The walk from the car to my house was scary 🙂
I wish i had the guts to go out! You're Soo brave, girl! Good for you!
See? You were brave enough to go out, and, when the "zips" WEREN'T down, you were brave enough to do whatever the situation called for! You rock! And imagine how you'll feel next time after clearing this hurdle! 😍