Welcome to Crossdresser Heaven, a safe and welcoming place for everyone in the crossdresser community.
Join Crossdresser Heaven today to participate in the forums.
Hey folks,
Happy New Year! I hope your first month in 2019 has been beautiful, full of new year's resolutions you stuck to, and perhaps even a few pieces of chocolate cake snuck in as well 😁At Crossdresser Heaven we've also got some wonderful things planned for 2019!
Your illustrious Managing Editor and Director of Content Development, Cap, suggested that it may be appropriate for me to share something every month or two with y'all about what's going on behind the scenes. First, to let everyone know that I do exist 😊, and along with our team of Ambassadors we're working hard to ensure Crossdresser Heaven is a safe, welcoming, and supportive place for everyone in the transgender community.
Our community is growing and vibrant. Every day I hear from many guests and members who have found Crossdresser Heaven to be an oasis in the desert, and every note warms my heart - thank you! It is also amazing to see how each one of you are supporting others, laughing together, offering a shoulder to cry on. This truly is the best of what we can do together as a community, and I thank you for sharing your love and care with others too!
While this is an update on new features of the website, our community is so much more than this. It is for each of you that myself and the Ambassadors give of our hearts and our talents.
With little delay and much excitement, here are the changes we've made to the site in January 2019!
You can also share your ideas and vote on ideas for what you'd like to see on Crossdresser Heaven.
Updated Article and Photo Commenting
We've made it easier than ever to carry on a discussion about an article or photo.
- Discussion comments are now threaded, so if you reply to a comment you'll see which comment you're replying to
- You can subscribe to receive an email when someone responds to your comment - just click subscribe and press the selection arrow to be notified.
- You can flag inappropriate comments by clicking the flag in the corner; those comments can be removed if we deem them inappropriate
- You can tag someone in your comment to notify them either using @username or pressing the little person with a + sign on them and searching for them.
- You can use emoji by clicking the smiley face in the corner.
- Vote for the comments you love (or hate) using the thumbs up and thumbs down indicator.
- Follow your favorite member by clicking the icon next to their name in the comment.
- Learn more about other members - click their name to see how many comments and likes they've received. And while it's not a competition 😉, I do wonder how many of you ladies can out-comment the original Cyn?
- A new sidebar that shows the most commented posts in the last month, top comments by members as well as the top commenters in the last month
New Article and Photo Commenting Experience
Commenter Profile
Forums Updates
We've also taken out the brand new nail polish and applied it to the forums experience!
- The Forums Overview page has been redone to look cleaner and load faster.
- We've added an easy way to find the most popular topics and new topics from last week
- We've refreshed the presentation of forums on the Home page to make it easier to see new forum topics at a glance.
Forum Enhancements
Home Page Forums Refresh
Groups Refresh
Groups on Crossdresser Heaven are a way to create and participate in your own private community. You can stay in touch with hobbies outside of crossdressing or form groups for folks in a local area. If you haven't tried them yet, Groups are available with the Baroness plan - Upgrade today and start your free month trial. Duchess and Princess members also have access to groups.
- Made it easier to see which groups you belong to, just hover over the Groups menu in the top navigation bar
- A summary of new activity in groups you belong to is now shown on the Home page.
- The ability to subscribe to and receive email updates when a group you're a member of has any activity. Go to your list of groups and select Get Email Updates.
Groups in the Navigation Menu
Group Activity Summary on the Home Page
Receive Email Updates from Groups
Share Your Opinion
We didn't share a site update for last month, but in December we launched a new feature on Crossdresser Heaven where a new poll will be posted every few days (thanks to our newest Ambassador Fiona!). You click to access the polls from the Home Page, or see the last three polls on the right sidebar when viewing any article. Head on over and vote! We'd love to know what you think.
Lots of Performance Improvements
We did many optimizations to make the site load faster for everyone, visitor or guest.
Every day we'll have a new series of photos featured on the front page. Check back often to see who is featured - perhaps it's your photo!
What's Next?
We've got some exciting improvements planned for February. You'll want to stay tuned for these!
We'd also love to hear your opinion on what you'd like to see updated, improved or added to Crossdresser Heaven. It can be a new technical feature, a new program or policy, or anything that would make your experience on Crosssdresser Heaven even more wonderful! Submit an idea and vote on the ideas others have shared! (You can also find the link to submit an idea by clicking the three lines next to Store in the header.
Until next month,
Love and Blessings,
I love it Vanessa! What amazing strides we have made here since I joined in August 2015-both in my own personal life and in this incredible site that has been a lifeline to so many of us who were drowning in our solitude! Together we are a powerful force and we survive and thrive thanks to our love and support of each other and your courageous leadership! Look out world! Crossdresser Heaven is LEADING THE CHARGE! Come help us change the world!
Hi Vanessa,
Thank you for all your tirelss work and devotion and caring.
Terri Anne
Thanks. These all sound like great updates. And I have to admit, that I'm little bit excited that one of my forum topics is up there in the screen capture. I'm almost famous now! lol
Thanks Vanessa and all you girls who work tirelessly to bring us this wonderful community. I know the friends and support I have found here have greatly aided me in my journey. I do not feel alone anymore and I feel more normal. accepting of myself and the woman I am inside. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Danielle Wayne.
Hi Vanessa, Wow and Thank you! The support and welcome feeling that this site has brought to me and so many others is amazing, and seeing how the site continues to improve is inspiring. Hugs, Michelle
Thanks for all you do for this community. I am quite excited about these updates and the future of Crossdresser Heaven.
Like to thank Vanessa and all who work so hard all year round.
Think this place is amazing and so are the people. Keep up the good work