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It makes me sick that anyone would give a shit about this.
It makes me sick that anyone would give a shit about this.
That scripture is a bit varied from what I am used to seeing, but then, I am seeing more and more many varying versions of many scriptures.
I have not seen that passage reading "God detests this"
What I have always seen is "It is a shame for a woman to wear the clothing of a man or a man to wear the clothing of a woman."
That scripture is a bit varied from what I am used to seeing, but then, I am seeing more and more many varying versions of many scriptures.
I have not seen that passage reading "God detests this"
What I have always seen is "It is a shame for a woman to wear the clothing of a man or a man to wear the clothing of a woman."
I believe God has a plan for me and it is not wrong for me to crossdress or to have surgery to become a woman. I believe that Gods plan for me is to become a female, but that he first needed me to experience some things as a male that I would not have been able to as a female and could therefore carry those experiences with me as I transition into becoming a woman.
I believe that God does indeed know what he is doing, he knew what he was doing when he created me as a male, but that his plan for me is to become a female during the course of my life here on Earth.
I believe God has a plan for me and it is not wrong for me to crossdress or to have surgery to become a woman. I believe that Gods plan for me is to become a female, but that he first needed me to experience some things as a male that I would not have been able to as a female and could therefore carry those experiences with me as I transition into becoming a woman.
I believe that God does indeed know what he is doing, he knew what he was doing when he created me as a male, but that his plan for me is to become a female during the course of my life here on Earth.
Hi vanessa
I was in couseling for years with my wife over crossdressing. The couseler was a christian and was a firm beliver that it was against the bible and god to crossdress. They pretty much tried to convince me that what I was doing was wrong. I ended up playing along hidding my true passion and clothes. I think that we are who we are and no one can change us or make us conform to the way they want us to be. Heres some food for thought what about men wearing kilts? I love this site and it gives me courage and deternination. Thank you so much Charlie
Hi vanessa
I was in couseling for years with my wife over crossdressing. The couseler was a christian and was a firm beliver that it was against the bible and god to crossdress. They pretty much tried to convince me that what I was doing was wrong. I ended up playing along hidding my true passion and clothes. I think that we are who we are and no one can change us or make us conform to the way they want us to be. Heres some food for thought what about men wearing kilts? I love this site and it gives me courage and deternination. Thank you so much Charlie
Have we ever noticed we never will have a consenious of opinion about anything in this world. Quit belaboring things and live your own life the way you would like, within reason of course. Divirsity makes life interesting.
Have we ever noticed we never will have a consenious of opinion about anything in this world. Quit belaboring things and live your own life the way you would like, within reason of course. Divirsity makes life interesting.
I know I'm a little late in responding to this thread! My 2 cents are as follow! a) I believe in a supreme being, I leave it up to you what to call him/her. b) I'm not ditching Christianity, but if you back track 5000 years ago, in what language was the first testatment? How many times was it translated by HANDS, because they wasn't photocopiers until the late 1800s. c) Religion itself always ensures that the books that they publish strenghen their belief, but are they the right beliefs?
In most religion, "GOD" gives youthe freedom of choice, well mine is to crossdress and if I'll be damned for it then so be it! Be yourself and not what everybody else wants you to be!
Love your life instead of hating it!!! Kisses
I know I'm a little late in responding to this thread! My 2 cents are as follow! a) I believe in a supreme being, I leave it up to you what to call him/her. b) I'm not ditching Christianity, but if you back track 5000 years ago, in what language was the first testatment? How many times was it translated by HANDS, because they wasn't photocopiers until the late 1800s. c) Religion itself always ensures that the books that they publish strenghen their belief, but are they the right beliefs?
In most religion, "GOD" gives youthe freedom of choice, well mine is to crossdress and if I'll be damned for it then so be it! Be yourself and not what everybody else wants you to be!
Love your life instead of hating it!!! Kisses
Romans 12:19
"Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, "VENGEANCE IS MINE, I WILL REPAY," says the Lord."
This Is probably my favorite verse in the bible, yet it seems so many fail to see what I take as the deeper meaning. At the end of the day is it not God who determines what is right and wrong, and for whom that is so?
I am a crossd resser, I have struggled with this issue for as long as I can remember (I am almost 22) and I have just recently begun exploring this side of my self. I have offered up this issue to Jesus time and time again and my conscience is clear. I think that maybe for some feelings such as this may weigh heavy on their conscience, and perhaps for them it is not what God desires of them, and perhaps for others it is not something God has chosen to be a burdon. Everyone of us has been made unique, and I find it hard to believe that he would ask everyone of us to be the exact same. For example, I know many people who will never touch a glass of alcohol again in their life, God has spoken to them and they know that for whatever reason it is not the right thing for them, on the other hand I am responsibly enjoying a beer as we speak.
When Jesus was sent down to die as an ultimate sacrifice, he took with him all the old rules, transcending the guides of the Old Testament. Is it too much to believe that a being so powerful to defeat death itself, to break the chains of hell, and cleanse himself of the sin of the entire earth is to weak to guide each and everyone of us on our own unique path!? I would urge all of you who are in doubt to go some place quiet and just try to commune with the Lord, I know from personal experience that He is normally very clear about what you should and should not be doing, the question is if you will listen.
Romans 12:19
"Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, "VENGEANCE IS MINE, I WILL REPAY," says the Lord."
This Is probably my favorite verse in the bible, yet it seems so many fail to see what I take as the deeper meaning. At the end of the day is it not God who determines what is right and wrong, and for whom that is so?
I am a crossd resser, I have struggled with this issue for as long as I can remember (I am almost 22) and I have just recently begun exploring this side of my self. I have offered up this issue to Jesus time and time again and my conscience is clear. I think that maybe for some feelings such as this may weigh heavy on their conscience, and perhaps for them it is not what God desires of them, and perhaps for others it is not something God has chosen to be a burdon. Everyone of us has been made unique, and I find it hard to believe that he would ask everyone of us to be the exact same. For example, I know many people who will never touch a glass of alcohol again in their life, God has spoken to them and they know that for whatever reason it is not the right thing for them, on the other hand I am responsibly enjoying a beer as we speak.
When Jesus was sent down to die as an ultimate sacrifice, he took with him all the old rules, transcending the guides of the Old Testament. Is it too much to believe that a being so powerful to defeat death itself, to break the chains of hell, and cleanse himself of the sin of the entire earth is to weak to guide each and everyone of us on our own unique path!? I would urge all of you who are in doubt to go some place quiet and just try to commune with the Lord, I know from personal experience that He is normally very clear about what you should and should not be doing, the question is if you will listen.
I have a friend who's husband cross dresses. We're quite sure the origin is not necessarily sexual as in lust - it seems for years he was neglected as a child since his mom wanted a daughter. She was very depressed post partum and took it out on him unwittingly. These relationship issues resulted in him wanting to be like his sisters and it seems it started a long time ago.
The problem in their situation is that she can't reconcile the whole thing in her mind. The marriage bed has become a confusing place for her - when he shaves his legs and chest, when he wants to wear female pj's and underwear, she just cannot see past that and feels like she is in bed with another woman and it makes her despise him or want to reject him.
In this situation it's a case of... If it causes someone else to sin, don't do it. They have been for counselling and he knows or rather has heard how it affects her and how vulnerable she feels when he is doing it. He has promised to stop but he has done this so many times and just gone back to it. He starts by hiding it... buying stuff and hiding them... then slowly but surely he progresses to shaving again etc. and its impossible to hide from his wife... what he doesn't realise is that it now causes her to sin since she desperately wants someone to talk to and has found a companion in me... whats wrong with that? Well, we are old friends and I had a serious romantic crush on her when I was much younger and it's difficult to not go there. We have found ourselves getting into deeper and deeper water and although we haven't slept together, we have probably just not had the opportunity. We both have wonderful families... children... I love my wife but we have an issue that affects our 'love life'... so I have found a listening ear in this friend of mine...
Long story short... if you know something causes someone else to sin you have to ask yourself whether it's worth it. I mean, how hard can it be, as a man, to be told you can no longer wear clothing made for women.
And here is the crux of my argument....
If you think it's no big deal (cross dressing)... if you subscribe to the argument that there is nothing more to it than the way fabric is put together, the materials used etc... i.e. if you think it's purely metaphysical, then surely you will have no trouble wearing clothing that is accepted by society as being appropriate for your sex.
What I am saying is that there is alot more to it than purely clothing... don't fool yourself. Whatever your reason for doing it... DO consider the people around you and how it affects them and DONT be afraid to face your inner fears / doubts / whatever causes it. Consider that there may be something in your life that needs to be fixed, pursue it prayerfully and don't give up.
All of this is said by someone who is not living a perfect life, who needs to spend more time praying about my circumstances and realises that I need help as much as anyone else out there... the thing is to seek that help and not just rationalise everything to your advantage. I hope this helps someone out there.