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The holidays are about to reach their climax - with friends and family travelling from all around to spend the season with those they love. Many of us have taken time off work, and days are spent selecting just the right gift, and wrapping it with love. During these busy times it might seem hard to find femme time. With family gatherings, holiday parties, gift shopping and decorating what's a girl to do?
Personally I find that I crossdress about as much during the holidays as other times of the year, since I don't typically take too many days off work. How about you?
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Santa Doesn't Keep You Crossdressing
In last week's crossdressing poll you shared your experience with crossdressing Christmas gifts. Or as it turned out the lack of crossdressing gifts at Christmas time. 55% of you lovely ladies haven't received a crossdressing themed Christmas gift from someone special because your loved one either doesn't know or doesn't approve of your crossdressing. If this is you, don't despair. Acceptance takes time, communication and huge doses of love from both of you. In case you're wondering whether it's possible - 37% of the gorgeous readers of Crossdresser Heaven have received woman's clothes or all manner of crossdressing finery.
Here's hoping that Santa makes this Christmas special for you, whether or not your gifts are for your feminine side.
I dress at home every day with my accepting young family.I work for myself and can't get the time this week to go holiday shopping in girl mode as I usually do.Ilove to shop,not always buying.. but,work takes priority at times.
I dress at home all the time. Though when I go out I don't completely have the look of my inner woman I still have on some female attire. I hope one day soon I hope to be able to change my voice enough that I can leave the house as the woman I should be.