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Do you want larger breasts?

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(@Sarah1234 Gurl)
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Joined: 7 years ago

Hi gurls Does progesterone cream help with breast enlargement.

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(@Sarah1234 Gurl)
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I learned long ago that if you find it over the counter is worthless. Only prescription products have real results, the rest is wasting money.

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(@Sarah1234 Gurl)
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It seems to me that naturaful creme works from what I've seen. Im currently using bountiful breast and transfemme cream alternating both of them. I'm am taking bovine ovary pills and some pm. I also pump my breasts with the noogleberry pumps 4 times a week for an hour. I have gained about 1 inch in the past 2 months. Its dedication and time. The results are slowly coming and its both exciting and well worth it.

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(@Sarah1234 Gurl)
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A female friend of mine dominates me and wants me completely feminized. She told me I'm going to start taking pills or whatever it takes to grow big breasts but her main goal is to shrink my penis until it's useless and limp. Any suggestions what she can give me?

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(@Sarah1234 Gurl)
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Sadly the more you read the more likely you will hear what you want to hear. Who knows what to believe. I recently started on estrogen supplements and a T blocker. I would love to experience the sensations of nipple growth and more than ready to shrink my testicles. I have experimented in the past with an elastrator and considered injections but turned to hormone supplements in hopes they will continue what I started. Has anyone had real success or has it just been wishful thinking?

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(@Sarah1234 Gurl)
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Joined: 7 years ago

I've been on SP, Red Clover,and Fenugreek
for over 2 years and lately last 3 months
added a breast enlargement cream with
only small results. Today I saw on line where
You can buy Progynova-2 mg (estradiol) and
Aldactone- 25mg. ( spironolactone) without
a prescription. Does anyone know if this would be a safe way to go? I am now only a
38aa and my goal is to reach a full B cup.

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Estimable Member     Monroe, Connecticut, United States of America
Posts: 170

Hi it could be a safe way depending on your health and activates. friend me and i will give you some info

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(@Sarah1234 Gurl)
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I really want nice girly boobs. I am obsessed with it. I do have really small boobs now but I want c or d cup.

I started looking into mtf breast augmentation being offered in the Seattle area and the pictures that J had seen of the success stories they were bragging made me want to cry. They looked nothing like boobs. It was not much different than stuffing a bra with socks only the socks are stuffed into your breast plate not your bra. And at what you pay you would expect better.

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New Member     California, United States of America
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I have been taking prescription Estrogen for 3 months now and see and feel a very real difference in my breasts. They are larger and hurt a little. It is exciting!
Iv'e tried other pills and herbal supplements and nothing works like this.

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Estimable Member     Lexington, Kentucky, United States of America
Posts: 102

I would like to try Estrogen but am concerned about side effects Was that a problem for you?

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New Member     Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
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Hi Vanessa...I read your articel about brst enlargements. i can thank you for your work and time for somrone like myself. I'm a man who liked a cd girl and now finds the need to dress abit. Sumetimes I thought about enlargements but..... I'm enjoying reading about you and manny others thanks.....Dena

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New Member     North Augusta, South Carolina, United States of America
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AS a former bodybuilder and powerlifter, I would suggest adding ibutamoren along with your therapy. It is an HGH precursor and, as I understand that is part of the reason why adults transitioning do not get the same effects as teens in puberty:lack of HGH I cannot find any studies on this and I've looked. Everyone studies androgens. Another thought would be supplementing with DHEA. {People usually use to boost testosterone, but testosterone aromatizes into estrogen so same, Eat your eggs. Have any of you looked at I have a trans friend to whom I suggested all of this , but unfortunately her other addictive issues were a priority. Thanks for letting me come here.

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(@Sarah1234 Gurl)
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Joined: 7 years ago

What's good pill for breast enlargement?

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(@Sarah1234 Gurl)
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I would love to hear an answer to that also Mickey.
I am doing the massage 2 to 3 times a day.i use a progesterone cream with wild yam cream, alternating with a skin cream. I also use a breast enlargement soap in shower and sometimes soap up breasts and massage. For massages I use a pollenex high intensity 2 speed massager, usually on low to help absorption then a short time in high to invigorate them and saying mantra. In between, both male & feminine side can’t seem to leave them alone. Constantly touching, massaging, and caressing them.
I feel it’s working. They feel heavier, nipples very sensitive and breast tingling.
If taking pills would help speed up process, i’m Willing to try!

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Active Member     Slidell, Louisiana, United States of America
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Do the cream's an herb's really work

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New Member     Minnesota, United States of America
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i have tryed lots of herbs but the breast pump worked the best i went from a a cup to a c cup and love the feel

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(@Sarah1234 Gurl)
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I have been taking Naturedayfor3 weeks now with no results. I just got a90 pill bottle of Transfemme supplement and took my first dose. I want to show a little cleavage in a pushup bra but still want to appear normal when in smans tshirt. Does anyone here have experience with these supplements and how did it turn out?

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Prominent Member     Belvidere, Illinois, United States of America
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Omigosh, after a lot of failed attempts, I have successfully ordered a bottle of estradiol tablets. I would like to be more feminine but still have to look like a man once in a while. If you could would you take estrogen or estradiol? For those of you who have, how long before you notice changes in your body?

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Illustrious Member     North County San Diego, California, United States of America
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Umm....estradiol is the bioidentical form of estrogen commonly used in HRT.  Your estrogen receptors don't know the difference.  Estrogen is naturally produced by both genders.  Obviously females have much higher levels.  But yes, males produce some too.


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Trusted Member     Michigan, United States of America
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So I’ve tried many different different, herbal medicines, lotions ,pills ,massage and have yet not found any thing giving any type of results. Very disappointing. everything I do I have to hide it from my wife so with that being said, I have not tried estrogen , at this time I would settle for a B cup .I have been unable to find a doctor that would prescribe it to me, it would be nice to get some thing through the mail, that you could trust. they told me the easiest step would be to have implants, but that makes it pretty tough to tell your wife that you’re going to be in the hospital for a week, and it would be pretty noticeable if it was instant results rather than just slowly grow if y’all know what I mean that’s married. it’s easier to hide if it’s slowly increases rather than instant results not that I wouldn’t mind instant results but you know my dilemma. if that being said, I’m always out looking for some miracle drug that would enlarge male breast. I hope you all well. Let’s keep our chin up and pray for a miracle.

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