Elaine's Best Day E...
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Elaine's Best Day Ever

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Estimable Member     Vernonia, Oregon, United States of America
Joined: 9 years ago

Love your story. It shows you are a very responsible person and I'm sure your wife saw that when you asked her to go with you rather than go on your own. It's quite possible that was the tipping point that got her to agree.

Like your wife, mine isn't exactly thrilled by my feminine nature being expressed. She's learned to endure it when I go out dressed and not get uptight when I venture into the city on a regular basis in unmistakable women's clothes.

On the other hand, while she knows that everything I own is off the women's rack, I do have a good selection for butch things that could pass for men's that she's willing to be seen with me while I'm wearing them.

Curiously, recently, we went on a short stay at the beach. I pushed the envelope for the trip there. I wore a pair of loose leg Capri pants and my women's sandals combined with a woman's polo shirt. (So identified by the fact the buttons are on the left side.) I fully expect some push back on both the pants and sandals but got none. At first I thought it was because we'd be going straight to the motel and she just figured that I'd be wearing women's clothes the whole time like I do at home anyway. But when we got there, we needed to go out to eat because we'd decided to buy the food for our time there at the local market rather than pack it from home.

Again, I expected to be asked to change, however she didn't blink as I got into the car (BTW I was wearing brown mascara and a neutral shade of lipstick). We went to the restaurant and ordered our meal. It was then that she noticed my lipstick. We had a window seat and the late day sun coming in must have shown the gloss on my lips. She told me that she's seen it and I informed her it had been there all day. She just shook her head and then acted as if nothing was unusual.

The rest of our time there went pretty much as I expected. When it came time to go home, I wore the same Capri pants and sandals with a different woman's shirt that almost could be a man's shirt, but not really. Again, no reaction.

Maybe she's softening, but I'll not hold my breath waiting for her go out with me in a dress.

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Reputable Member     The Villages, Florida, United States of America
Posts: 314

Thank you for sharing.

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Active Member     West Virginia, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Hi Elaine,
I just read your article. What a wonderful experience and story. It makes me wish I had some friends like that who could help me perfect my appearance. Like you, I have been cross dressing since I was 5 years old and That was 65 years ago. May you have many more wonderful experiences such as the one you had.

Phyllis Anne

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Reputable Member     The Villages, Florida, United States of America
Posts: 314

Phyllis. Thank you. I hope you find a friend also.

Posts: 364
Reputable Member     Vermont, United States of America
Joined: 2 years ago

Your best day sounds wonderful Elaine! I’m so happy for You.

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Reputable Member     The Villages, Florida, United States of America
Posts: 314

It was a great day. And my old friend is my biggest supporter.

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