Finding Cassie part...
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Finding Cassie part 1

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Famed Member     Roland, Iowa, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

Hi girls!  I have been a member here for almost 2 years now.   My femme name was the one I picked out 40 years ago when I was into CD for a couple of years, Cassandra Joyce Jayson.  I figured I would go by Sandy here on CDH for 2 reasons. First Sandy rhymes with my drab name Randy and my first wig was blond and I thought looked 'Sandy'.

On Sept 1 2021 I had a hair appointment for 2pm. After my light lunch was done a little after 11am, I knew I needed to get ready.  First a close shave.  Next moisturizer, primer and foundation.  Finally, powder to set everything.  In between these steps applied 2 or 3 coats of mascara.  Finish my face with Mary Kay's 'Sunset'.

I struggled to change my earrings (only studs today) - damn arthritis.  All this took almost 1.5 hours.  It takes a long time for many of us to present as a woman.  It never fails that when I am applying primer or foundation that I find 1 or 2 patches of whiskers that I missed.  Put on my flowery top, shorts with sunflowers on the pockets and 1 inch wedges.

The appointment was only 20 to 30 minutes away (depending on traffic).  I got there 15 minutes early, so I drove around a little, then walked into the Ulta shop 5 minutes early.

It took her over 2 hours to color my hair. She had to mix up the formula 4 times.  My hair is hard to judge that way; it is fine but there is a lot of it.  After the hair was all covered there was a 25 minute wait to let the chemicals work.  The next step was to wash the hair, to wash the remaining chemicals out.  The pampering of having the hair hand washed by her was great.  The next thing was to trim the hair a little, then dry it and do a little styling with the brush.

I looked at myself in the mirror when she was done.  I had requested to have my hair colored darker than I did a year before (I think it was auburn brown).  I looked, my God the ends of my hair was a DARK brown and the middle (where I part my hair) was a bright red brown. Thoughts went through my head, what am I going to tell my co-workers, neighbors and people at church.  Then I looked again wearing my turquoise glasses, I thought I looked good so if asked and they have a problem, the problem is theirs.  Any way I had plans for the next day that would make my hair a non-event!

When I got home about a half hour latter I walked into the door completely in femme yet with my much darker hair.  Her first comment was "you weirdo, you are a male, you should look and dress as a male.  At that point I started to giggle, but this just made her madder.  But we all know the problem is her's!!

The next thing she did was to take my picture all femmed out.  A little later she goes over to our daughter and shows the pictures to my daughter and granddaughter.  They already know, the X told them 2 years ago when she first found out.  But I need to think of how I show them and talk about it.

This ends day 1 of my new Cassie adventure.

Thanks to you girls for taking the time to read my article! Please feel free to send in a response to my article or one of my questions posed to you below!

  1. How did you girls come up with your chosen femme name?
  2. Have you ever been to a makeup or hair salon or retail store makeup department for a professional makeover or hair coloring and styling to be done on you? If so, how was your experience - good, bad, or somewhere inbetween?
  3. How many people in your immediate family or former immediate family know about your thrill of cross dressing?


Cassandra Jayson






























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Noble Member     niagara falls, ny., New York, United States of America
Joined: 9 years ago

Hello  Sandy  first off you look great and 2nd you must be proud to have a pic taken by wife or x wife, then also have members know you are a cross dreser. 1st off my fem name came from a girl i knew in school, 2nd no i have not gone to a salon to have a make over 3rd my wife knows for sure i dress up and knows of my collection of make up and dresses, nylons, perfume and ear rings, bra;s and panties. my wife gave me some of her moms ear rings in which her mom passed away last year from cancer. i have some of my moms dresses and skirts and purses, for i lost my mom then my dad 68 days apart from each other in 2013. my wife tells me when i can dress up for we have a 24 year old still living at home. when he is at work wife will tell me i can do what i like to do, she has seen me getting dressed up and also dressed up, but she will not help with make up or let me sit in same room as her.

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Famed Member     Roland, Iowa, United States of America
Posts: 2105

Some day maybe? Not everyone is going to go out to try any make overs, hair styling or any other service. For some of us we don't need to, but for many of us it is something we just need to try once.
For me now I am thinking off trying to meet one of my kids in a coffee shop or a bar while I am dressed so that they can see how much I enjoy presenting as a woman.

. . Cassie

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Famed Member     Outer Eastern Suburbs Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Joined: 7 years ago

Hi Cassie

To answer your questions.

1/. Cetherine came from a woman who came to our house one night about 40 years ago. She was dropping off her kids for my ex and myself to child mind whilst she nad hubby went to a formal ball. Impeccable hair and make up and a long flowing apricot chiffon gown. She looked stunning.

Which I eventually replicated as per my profile photo. More detail in my public photos

2/.I've had several professional makeovers over the years and loved every second of them. Three cities in Australia, plus Toronto Canada and a number of places in the UK.There's nothing quite like sitting back and relaxing whilst a professional weaves their magic. Good by gnarly old male, hello Catherine Louise.. Especially when the "Crowning glory" goes on, aka my carefully coiffed wig.

One of the most unique was laying back in barbers chair in Toronto Canada, and having the owner of the salon apply my make up!! (Walk on the Wild Side was the place.)

3/. My So of of 20 plus years, "knows but does not want to know". Most of the rest of my family knew but think I "Signed the pledge" 20 or so years ago.

I'm now well into my 70's so any of the above CD activities mostly only occur in Melbourne, plus an occasional interstate trip.

Hope all this helps


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Famed Member     Roland, Iowa, United States of America
Posts: 2105

Hi Caty, it is so wonderful to talk with one of the girls from down under. I love reading all the stories from all the girls here from all over the world. This story was only day 1 of my 4 day 'finding Cassie" time, and was able to kick many things off my CD bucket list. If you read part 2 which is coming out soon you can read of my nail experience. The 4 days of being en femme was part to celebrate my 67th birthday, so I am not far behind you.
Good to hear from you. Cassie

Posts: 196
Estimable Member     Washington, United States of America
Joined: 4 years ago

Hi Cassie. One time I did have a "professional" makeover done. She was a coworker who worked part time with me, She commented on the color of my panties (waistband was showing) and said I might want to cinch up my belt a little. After that we talked a lot about fashion and stuff. She was breaking into the cosmetology/esthetician field having just finished schooling. She was trying to land a full time position in that area.She asked if she could practice on me, if I would be willing. I of course said "yes!" She did a great job, and I think I came out looking good. A little different for her working on a male. Luckily I don't have a real heavy beard, but she did use a good cover up anyway.

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(@Rose Iyer)
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Joined: 3 years ago

Hello Cassandra (Cassie). I am Rose. Like you I did a few things CD a number of years ago in university. I did not do it in front of people I knew. I was generally "alone" in my university apartment. I have never let my family (parents, younger sister, etc) know.

My family is a bit conservative. Typical immigrant family from India. My sister and I were born and raised in Illinois. I am the elder of us two siblings by three years. I became an engineer. Sister is a MD. This whole thing of CD would freak them out.

I dabbled slightly in university, and more or less let it "die" per se afterwards. I went on with life. Became an engineer. Got married. 18 years into marriage, I guess because we have no kids, medical issues, professional issues, and because of COVID-19 lockdowns, I guess the stress got to me due to job and everything.

I sat down my wonderful wife, herself an immigrant from Vietnam, now an Accountant, and confessed to her my odd "urges" regarding CD. Of course my wife was a bit shocked. I had managed to not show any inkling in the time she has known me.

We did talk a lot, as she wanted to understand more. My wife figured out that I was very much heterosexual, and a man..just had a curiosity with CD. I did not want anything else. I was still the same gentleman she loves and married.

My wife then jokingly asked me, "If you are a woman, what's your name?". I had a blank stare. I never had a name when I was en femme. Never crossed my mind. My wife then decided to give me the name of 'Rose'. That's how I got the name.

We (wife and I) did agree on a few things. I could CD as appropriate in the house (safety concerns when being outside). Her family and mine are to never know about 'Rose'. I can be CD intermittently, but, no more then 10 percent of the time. She will teach me makeup. She even helped me get two outfits. Nothing elaborate. We agreed to not spend a lot in this. She also stated she wanted a husband, not 'Rose'. This includes no nighty to bed...must be drab.

The only things additional we agreed to do is come April 2022, my birthday will be for 'Rose'..not for me (my drab male name is Rahul). It will be a birthday party for a woman, and I will be dressed as 'Rose'. The only other person is my wife.

Additionally, my wife agreed to maybe in 2023 or somewhere, that we could go to someplace like London or Madrid, and she would let me spend a day where I would go and be professionally made up to be a woman, and spend the day with her en femme, provided, she has her husband back at the end of the day. Only done once.

For my wife's birthday in March 2022, there will be no 'Rose'. Just Rahul present. Rahul will do what a husband is supposed to do.

This is my life as Rose/Rahul

Posts: 5
(@Rose Iyer)
Active Member
Joined: 3 years ago

Wow, I love your look, but LOVE your attitude more! I look forward to hearing more of your story...

Posts: 4
Active Member     Salem, Oregon, United States of America
Joined: 4 years ago

How did you girls come up with your chosen femme name? I have had that name in my mind for many years.
Have you ever been to a makeup or hair salon or retail store makeup department for a professional makeover or hair coloring and styling to be done on you? If so, how was your experience – good, bad, or somewhere inbetween? No but have been with my daughter looking for makeup for me and my hooded eyes.

How many people in your immediate family or former immediate family know about your thrill of cross dressing? All of them know and fully support me, even my current wife.

Posts: 454
Reputable Member     Brighton, East Sussex, United Kingdom
Joined: 4 years ago

Krissy is very close to my birth name

Posts: 28
Eminent Member     antwerp, Belgium
Joined: 5 years ago

Hello. My name i chose is Kathleen . My family doesn't know about this side. But my mother told me if i have been born a girl my name would have been Kathy. I always remembered that and so Kathleen was born about a year ago. And ' de mayer' is a family name that is typically Belgian . And for the last question i have never had a make over . Hope to do so next year.

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Famed Member     Roland, Iowa, United States of America
Posts: 2105

Hi Kathleen. Nice to hear from you. Glad you read my story, hope this inspires you and a lot of other girls here. If you read my next article, coming out soon, you will read of my afternoon getting my nails done. I also have a part 3 and 4 that are much shorter that will put in the forums. These follow my first 4 days this September, a little over half of which I spent in fem. I hope I inspire more out there to explore their feminine side, just as many here have already inspired me.
... . Cassie


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