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Happy Being Me – Crossdressing Without Transitioning Part 2 (3 Years Later)

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Estimable Member     Baltimore, Maryland, United States of America
Joined: 9 years ago

Hello Friends, Members, and Guests!!!

It is March 22nd, 2018 the 3rd Birthday of the Support site of Crossdresser Heaven and WOW thing have changed. Changes for me and changes for the site. When Vanessa asked me to write the original part of this story, neither of us could have imagined where the site and I would be today. In September of 2015 when I wrote part one, I was out to only 4 people in the whole world, one being my wife. I would never meet, let alone have thought I would have lunch or dinner with, other CD/TG’s and the site may have had 750 members.

Well, we have come a long way since then. Last week in Baltimore, MD, USA, and London, UK from THIS site we had two gatherings in which members from 4 States and at least 5 Countries broke bread together. We have come a long way and are not at 750 members anymore. We have over time had over 24000 and went from a blog to the largest Crossdresser Support site in the world having touched 211 countries.

Personally, no longer do I have to hide in the shadows because I am different. I have had thousands of friends help me learn this. In addition to the 4 original people that knew Codille, now so do my kids, old friends of 30+ years, family I never thought I would have told, and many others now well over 50 if I would guess. Am I out to everyone, no, there are still people I haven’t let know that I want to but “fear” their reaction, others I could care less one way or the other.

When I wrote the original article, the site was still mostly just crossdressers.  Many were confused as to why they felt the way they did, just like myself at the time. Now I am glad this is still the largest support site for crossdressers and the site has openly expanded its membership across the Transgender scope. I though, still have no desire to transition, none. I am very happy being me a heterosexual male who happens to like to dress in women’s clothing when the urge hits me. I am also very happy to have managed Crossdresser Heaven or been a part of the Ambassadors almost since its rebirth March 22nd, 2015. This was the day Vanessa said I need to do more then came back and changed her blog of seven years into the support site it has become today.

I know who I truly am now, and so do others. I am happy being me! That is due to, the members, the Ambassadors, my friends, and Vanessa just saying Hello! So Happy 3rd Birthday Crossdresser Heaven, and to many more!!!


With Much Love and Thanks,


Codille Benton

Managing Ambassador Emeritus

And More Importantly Friend

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Noble Member     GB
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Thanks for all your efforts over the years Codille.
My daughter recently dragged me along to see a musical at the cinema, all her friends had been raving about it. The Greatest Showman. Don’t know if you have seen it but a song called ‘This is Me’ had me in tears. Lucky it was dark. The song should be an anthem for this site. If you have not heard it you have to. Hopefully the message of the song and exposure will be another nail in the coffin of intolerance.

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Estimable Member     Baltimore, Maryland, United States of America
Posts: 218

Bianca, I did see it in the theater also with my daughter, along with my wife. I was blown away. It was our story. And yes I came home and bought the CD from Amazon and am awaiting its release on Blu-ray. Maybe that is what I was blessed to be here The Greatest Showman, with all the successes and failures that came with my time as Managing Ambassador, we made sure the site went on, Three years and counting!!!!!

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Estimable Member     Baltimore, Maryland, United States of America
Posts: 218

THIS IS ME!!!!!! From the Movie The Greatest Showman



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Illustrious Member     Peterborough , Ontario, Canada
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I'm proud to be a member here and having you to look up at for your help and support in understanding what many here have been searching for. Happy birthday crossdresser heaven. We have been left a Legacy and Codelle , your heart will always be beating here in heaven.

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Illustrious Member     Peterborough , Ontario, Canada
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I'm proud to be a member here and having you to look up at for your help and support in understanding what many here have been searching for. Happy birthday crossdresser heaven. We have been left a Legacy and Codille , your heart will always be beating here in heaven.

Posts: 174
Estimable Member     Traralgon, Victoria, Australia
Joined: 9 years ago

Happy Birthday Cross Dresser Heaven, thanks to Vanessa for having the vision of what the site could do and thanks to Codille for bringing the potential of the site to fruition.
I have enormous pride in being part of the best CD/TG support site on the internet.

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(@Tricia Lynn)
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Joined: 7 years ago

Thanks, Codille for putting into words how many of us feel. I am also happy to remain who I am with no desire to transition. I do appreciate getting to know others here and finding that I am not alone, getting support from those I've gotten to know and just generally feeling much more positive about who I am just by visiting here.

I am however entirely still in the closet as I live in a pretty conservative area and do fear those reactions. That is my personal burden for now, but for the most part I've bearing that fairly well for the fifty or so years during the ebbs and flows of my crossdressing life.

My sincere hope is that someday the general public will come to better understand and accept us as they finally seem to be coming to terms with and gaining acceptance of the LGBT community in general.

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Famed Member     Richmond, Virginia, United States of America
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Love the song! In a similar vein, the song "Let It Go" from Frozen also captures the freedom we each deserve to experience.

Thank you to Vanessa and Codille for welcoming this shy wallflower (no laughing now LOL) and helping me to accept who I am-even if I'm still figuring out who that is-and allowing me the incredible honor of trying to help others struggling with allowing their inner soul a chance to see the light of day and to share that soul with a world that is such a better place because of it! Countless thousands have had their lives enriched because of Vanessa's spark(her initial vision of the site) and Codille's careful banking of the embers 'til it was ready to burst into the uncontainable forest fire it has become. Without both of these fine ladies, many-including this one-would still be hiding who we are instead of acknowledging the incredible worth we each have as a human being. For that, we owe a debt that can never be fully repaid...except perhaps by continuing the work they began until no one need fear ridicule,shame or being abandoned simply because we don't fit society's ideas of clothing,gender and humanity. So Happy 3rd Anniversary of the re-birth and re-purposing of CDH. May she continue rising like the phoenix that is Codille's avatar and become a shining beacon to all and an example to follow and remember "there's always room for one more!"
Your humble ambassador-thankful for the chance to serve,

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Eminent Member     Virginia, United States of America
Joined: 7 years ago

Sweet Codille,

That song "This Is Me" is my mantra during this season of life. I listen to it and sing it all the time. In fact, that whole movie was extremely true and liberating for me. Thank you for your story and expression. You are a light and hope to those of us who might sometimes feel pressure to choose a gender, when it's perfectly fine to be your own mix of both. In many ways, I feel like you are my future self writing this back to me. Thank you for being you!


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Duchess Annual
Noble Member     Panama, Panama, Panama
Joined: 7 years ago

Thanks Codille. I like your article and I love the song "This is me" since I watched the movie. It touched me.
I belong proudly to CDH. Here I have found the love, friendship, support and respect of many sisters to whom I will always be grateful. I think most of you know I hate labels. I believe people is more important than the clothes we wear. The accesory comes and goes. The soul defines us. Happiness begins by accepting us a we are. Here I can express my feminity with all freedom. I can be myself and I can talk with my peers. Each of us is unique and unrepeatable.
I will always thank Vanessa for the way as sweet as she received me and, specially, the creation of this site, as well as those who have worked to enlarge it.
I love you all.

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(@Tricia Lynn)
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Joined: 7 years ago

What more can I say? You have summed it up completely. Congratulations to everyone here as between us we have created nearly the perfect site for all crossdressers. thanks to Vanessa, Codille and the other early members for having the vision.

Talking about appropriate music, and I know it comes from another tradition entirely. A song for a stripper in Burlesque, may seem entirely inappropriate until you realise that, that is what we are doing. Stripping away all the hang-ups and pretences we and Society have woven about us. But, I reckon, I am ready, "Let me entertain you". We will have a real good time

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Famed Member     Seattle, Washington, United States of America
Joined: 13 years ago

Codille it has been such a blessing to know you, and in turn you've blessed the community with your light, love and vision. Your life and actions are an example for those still fearful, still unsure, of how to come out into the open, own your true self and shine!

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Honorable Member     Hawarden, Saskatchewan, Canada
Posts: 479

Vanessa, simply...

Thank You
I Am Honored
What you have begun here from your heart place has touched and changed the lives of sooo many...

We haven't chatted much but my heart and eyes are full as I think of what a massive difference you and everyone here has made just in my little life alone...
Words in amessage cannot nearly say what you could see in my eyes were I standing in front of you dear soul.

I wish you all the magic the universe can pore out for you and more ...

Thank you,
Char xox

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Estimable Member     Baltimore, Maryland, United States of America
Posts: 218

I am the one that is honored Charee'!!!!!



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Estimable Member     Baltimore, Maryland, United States of America
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What can I say that I haven't already. Our baby has grown and is up toddling and passed to it's new nanny. We have come a long way my friend.



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(@Tricia Lynn)
Active Member
Joined: 7 years ago

Awe Codille, how grateful I Am for our friendship and connection; I Am grateful for CDH, I Am grateful to Vanessa and all of you here for taking the blog and growing the world awareness and support to this level and higher.

My eyes well up when I listen to this song omg...

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Estimable Member     Baltimore, Maryland, United States of America
Posts: 218

Thanks Char, I feel the same way!!!!

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(@Tricia Lynn)
Active Member
Joined: 7 years ago

Thanks, i think that you are awesome and a Blessing to CDH.
It is so ironic that Your Article Above is accompanied with the picture of an Angel.
I recently came out of the closet after over 74 + years of Cdressing. Only one(1)
person has been 100% Supportive of My finally living and being ME, with the help of this Beautiful Angel that God has sent ME. I have truly been blessed with an ANGEL

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New Member     fort myers, fl, United States of America
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Loved your story, I agree. Just got back from Walmart dressed in short shorts, bra and a nice top. No one really noticed. I think I may go all the way with a wig, makeup, heels and see what happens. I love dressing up as Cathy, It makes me feel so good, embracing the woman in me.,

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(@Tricia Lynn)
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Joined: 7 years ago

Codile-- How appropriate that your second article is adorned with an angel. You are one.
I'm not getting mystical or transcendent with my thoughts, just telling you how fortunate I am to have encountered your two-part story. You came along at the right time for me and for my life. In fact, Crossdresser Heaven is likewise, my spot for refuge from the realities of my life and its demands. We all need some form of "mutualism" as we wander the paths of our lives, so we know we are not alone. You are a certainly a good "ambassador" for many of us who need that sharing. Continue to offer us that support we need through your own walk with your friends and family. Thanks.--Lara.

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