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What Are You?
And you only have two seconds to reply. . .
The day was sunny and warm as we walked hand in hand from the parking lot to the store entrance; the cat call was loud as the pickup approached from behind us,
heyyyy howya dooooin ladies?
- the voice echoed clear and many heads turned.
My amazing wife and I reached the curb of the store as the truck drove past behind us. I turned my head to see the young driver and buddies hanging half out of the windows. Suddenly, his tone changed, and he hollered 'what aaaaare you?'
How quickly we see something, make a judgment, and choose an action all within under a second or two.
In this world of getting, do your best to get understanding first, so that we can make educated decisions and choices that support life and creation as it expands.
One of the gifts I have received by choosing to outwardly express the inner gender fluidity, is the truth in the phrase:
The people that mind, don’t matter
The people that matter, don’t mind
What I came to realize, was that not expressing my authentic self, was a very dishonoring thing to do, not only for me, but for others as well because no one ever got to know, Me.
Others only ever saw the character I was playing at the time. I never gave them the opportunity to choose whether they liked me or not; I was effectively cheating myself, and others, of having real, genuine, and authentic relationships.
I had been so bent on being who, how and what others felt comfortable with to be likable/lovable and accepted, that I had denied my authentic self-expression to fit into a group of people who did not support expansion due to their own limiting beliefs, but instead, quickly advised me to remain the more comfortable character; the "don't make waves" approach to life.
The people who matter, who I welcome into my circle, are the ones who support and encourage expansion and smile when our eyes meet no matter where we are.
There is no reason to settle for less in creating genuine relationships in what ever area of your life, work, home, friendships, romances, and there are many more kinds of relationship.
The people that matter, are the ones who walk beside you in life, have your back, and have seemingly magical ways to help you keep yourself upright when life storms happen.
True relationships, can happen with the people who take the time to look beyond what is on the outside, to open the book and get to know the true story inside, not make 2 second judgments and actions based on a cover image like the young boys in the truck, who all had bright red faces as they drove away.
How often do we give ourselves more than two seconds to choose how we are going to speak to ourselves?
What Am I?
~ I Am Free ~
Free to surround myself with the people who to me matter and who celebrate their own genuine authenticity as well as mine, and so are you.
Regardless of past judgments, start this week by looking in the mirror and saying,
'I Love you anyway'
Then say the same to thing everyone who matters to you even if only in your mind.
This week, for Your Weekly Reset, Choose authenticity and surround yourself with the people that matter . . . because you matter!
Namasté n huggles
wow what a fantastic message and story to write. I can not add to that. dont judge a book by its cover. no matter what we do or say or dress like. we are all human in our own way. enjoy life and be happy and free.
Ah Char -as always you speak the truth! It has taken me years-decades even- to (MOSTLY anyway) accept that I am who I am and that the person I am is worthy of love and acceptance as are all of us. I've slowly parted the curtains to show Cyn to more people and the ones who matter have MOSTLY been accepting. The harder part is family like my adult daughter who knows about but doesn't want to see or talk about Cyn. Of course I'm still figuring out my ultimate path and I'd LIKE to think if that if I ever went "full time" that she would come to accept it-but I'm not yet ready to risk that with her or with work;the NEED to isn't such for me at this point. So I'll continue opening that gap in the curtains a tiny bit more each year. I have no issues with being out and about in public in full Cyn mode, but I'm not quite there yet to be willing to be at work or pool league yet-the day to day intimacy with folks both who don't yet know about Cyn or those who know but haven't seen her in person is something I am still working on.
Thanks for your weekly reset articles- they always encourage me and others to stretch our wings farther and as you sad allow others to know who we TRULY are.