Hello 2025! An Invi...
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Hello 2025! An Invitation to submit an Article.

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Noble Member     Iowa, United States of America
Joined: 9 years ago

As we say goodbye to 2024, let us look ahead to 2025 as a year of finding. What we find may be all we need or what we dream of as possibilities. Our journey is our own, yet it comes with similarities to the many who call this site home. This is where we come to find answers, to be inspired by others, and to be an inspiration. What we have to share helps so many others. We don’t necessarily see it happen. Not everyone is an active participant. Many are visitors who need to read what we have written, see the pictures posted, or follow along in conversations. It’s enough; enough for them. What they seek is the understanding that they aren’t alone.

Personally, I wish to thank all of you who have allowed me to share my thoughts with you in the many articles I have posted. Your comments are rewards that I look forward to reading and responding to. Writing is my therapy, as is sharing it. Some of you who have commented on the many posts should (And I am inviting you to do so! 😊) consider submitting your own article. There are editors on staff who can help with the flow and grammar, you only need to get it written down (500 words minimum and no longer than 1,200) and sent in. Sharing your story, your progression, your past, your victories, your tribulations, and your uncertainties benefits all of us. Those who comment add to the conversation, but those who are the readers or visitors are the ones most helped by what we share. It makes a difference!

If you have followed me, you know that I write about kindness to others and especially to ourselves. That will be my search this year, and hopefully, my mantra as I look to step out more. Please consider sharing some of your happenings with us. We stay away from politics, religion, hate, overt sexuality, and discrimination as themes. Think PG when writing. Share experiences: going out in public, coming out to a spouse, family, or friend, what we’ve learned from our past that we hope others might benefit from, helpful suggestions on how to do makeup, dress, find clothing and accessories, what has worked and what didn’t for you. Consider sharing the breakthroughs and the heartaches. Nothing is off the table as long as it has something to do with being a crossdresser or transgender. What it needs to be is personal and not fiction. There are other places that you can go to post fabrications. Go to Author/ New article to begin your submission.

If you have questions, please send me a PM. I hope to see one of your articles soon! May you have a wonderful year ahead!

Brina MacTavish

Managing Editor CDH/TGH

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 3998

Posted by: @bmactavish

This is where we come to find answers .... What we have to share helps so many others. ... Many are visitors who need to read what we have written.

CDH could be / should be the go-to site for things related to crossdressing. Getting listed first by the search engines would help achieve that goal.

While there are a bunch of articles on various topics, we should build a reference library of information which is much more heavily detailed than what 1200 words allow. Definitive works. References that bring new visitors and, hopefully, new members to CDH. A recent link to an outside article was a good example. We should have written it and drawn in new readers and possibly members who were searching for that kind of information.

There are enough very experienced members here already that could help to build such an indexed  reference library. It doesn't mean only individuals need to do this on their own, either. Groups could join together and co-author or compile complicated information.

We just need a supportive environment to do such things.


Managing Editor
Joined: 9 years ago

Noble Member     Iowa, United States of America
Posts: 1094

Good thoughts in there! In a way, our article archive is one way to access past informative articles by the members. Searching by tags and categories narrows the list. As a project to undertake (definitive library), it would need to pass the hierarchy and be considered first. The site has been more about sharing together, learning together, and helping each other out. There are a few connections under the links section, but again, the main purpose is to keep people on-site and to bring in perspective and new members by showcasing our community. What you suggest is another step in the possible evolution of our site. Thanks for the suggestions!

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 3998

@bmactavish For about 13 years, I was an MVP member on a forum with probably at least a million members, likely many more (they never gave me a number), so I have that perspective to know what can be done.

Posts: 2150
Famed Member     Roland, Iowa, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

Thanks again, Brina. I whole heartedly agree, CDH has been a HUGE inspiration to me. Without it I would be so deep in the closet instead of out as Cassie full time now.
For now most of my sharing is done in the forums, planning and writing an article is more than I can do sometimes.

Posts: 202
Reputable Member     Bromley, London, United Kingdom
Joined: 5 years ago

Thank you for all you do Brina, wishing you a very happy new year x x

Posts: 1005
Noble Member     London, United Kingdom
Joined: 4 years ago

Hi Brina, first happy new year!
The more people who write, the better. It's a wonderful experience that I highly recommend: writing here is as pleasurable as crossdressing, I will do my best to continue.
I thank you and all the publishers for maintaining this space.
I invite everyone to read my articles.

Posts: 1116
Duchess Annual
Noble Member     Panama, Panama, Panama
Joined: 7 years ago

Happy New Year, Brina.Thanks for your invitation.
The year that just ended finally allowed me to share my experiences in two articles (Before I had limited myself to forums and poems) and I must confess that it was a wonderful experience. It helps me to grow up. The comments were very motivating, especially those who told me that my writings had served as inspiration. I had no idea that it could have that result. What I shared was a learning experience in my life and a need to communicate with the community. I want to express my deep gratitude to those who gave me feedback. I would also like to give a very special thanks to Stephanie Flowers, who, at the CDH meeting in Keystone, engaged me to write about my experience during the conference.
Your guidance, Brina, and April King's editing work were very valuable and contributed to making these articles better and successful.
I am very grateful to you. I look forward to sharing more experiences with my sisters.
I invite everyone to read or reread my articles and, if you wish, share your opinions with me.

Posts: 67
Duchess Annual
Estimable Member     Leominster, Massachusetts, United States of America
Joined: 5 months ago

"Don"t get me started." I love to write! Right now I don't have a topic in mind but I've already been posting here a lot. I can't tell you how many posts and articles I've read and thought, "Hey, that's me!" or something to that effect. Everyone's story is a little different, surely, but there are many common threads to our experiences. It helps a lot, knowing there's someone out there who has gone through some of what I and others have. I can honestly say it has been a help to me already. 

Along with opening up several more cans of worms...

 It's all good. It's helping to mediate the ongoing battle between my two "selves". I'm not suffering from a personality disorder, at least not that I know of, but there are two distinct and powerful halves to my inner workings. Not quite a 50/50 ratio, though, because I can only be Rayna a small percentage of the time, and my male self lives a very full and active life. I need to find a workable balance somehow, and I'm not sure at the moment what that might entail. 

But I'll be okay. 



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Noble Member     Iowa, United States of America
Posts: 1094

Thanks for the comments! I look forward to seeing an article 🙂

Posts: 97
Estimable Member     Brighton, East Sussex, United Kingdom
Joined: 5 years ago

I've really been glad of somewhere to post articles, which I'm doing as a kind of series, and the feedback has been great.

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Managing Editor
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Noble Member     Iowa, United States of America
Posts: 1094

Thanks for all the ones you've submitted thus far!

Posts: 1620
Baroness Annual
Noble Member     Wisconsin, United States of America
Joined: 3 years ago

This community certainly is an inspirational one! As I look back over the last few years, I can't imagine how I could have gotten to this place in my journey without CDH!!
Thank you for all of your efforts,

Posts: 1461
Famed Member     Seattle, Washington, United States of America
Joined: 13 years ago

Thank you for sharing your journey Brina, and inspiring others to share theirs!
The articles are much beloved by members of Crossdresser Heaven, and I hear how much they have helped members on a regular basis.

Thank you dear!

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Managing Editor
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Noble Member     Iowa, United States of America
Posts: 1094

Thank you as well for providing us all a place to unite and learn!

Posts: 87
Estimable Member     Michigan, United States of America
Joined: 3 months ago

My posts tend to be long winded, but I do enjoy writing. I’ve been thinking about writing an article recording some of my thoughts from these first few months of exploring this new experience.

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Managing Editor
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Noble Member     Iowa, United States of America
Posts: 1094

Love to see it! 🙂

Posts: 73
Estimable Member     MICHIGAN CITY, Indiana, United States of America
Joined: 2 months ago

There are a lot of good writers on this site but some are even unsure with their pen name , perhaps similar to what I see on the local site one of us pose a topic, what do you think of you posting the topic and allow those of us to submit an article if chosen or several are chosen you editors can take the best answers for and against( if that is the chosen format), you could then compile the individual answers into a single article composed of the like minded as a single composition unbiased - I do believe AI could assist substantially with that in fact it would not be that complicated to use it as a modern day dear Abby of a sort. then you could input all the responses and the AI could give you an article all of its one, i would be very interested to see AI's unbiased rendering of that. I believe you are in the unique position to make that happen without a huge workload or change. Ij's just a thought.... maybe even original 😉

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Noble Member     Iowa, United States of America
Posts: 1094

A couple of things in there: Short bursts on a given topic are generally what the forums are designed for; I do like the idea of an occasional article that could be topic-centric. As for the wonderment of AI: I'll pass. To me, it misses the emotion behind the words, which in my opinion are the most important. Let me do some thinking on the first part. Thanks for the suggestions.

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Estimable Member     MICHIGAN CITY, Indiana, United States of America
Posts: 73

I understand the limitations of AI, if you want an emotional response yes you need a human, AI can however simulate a psudo-emotional response based on the "passion level" of the individual writers and they are not to bad at it, We are however who we are and given the relative intelligence of the members here (and I am fully supportive of all input and criticism from any other members) the man in me is interested in the logical and rational interpretation AI would have. As cross-dressers we have the need to express emotions that we are required to suppress but also as cross-dressers we recognize both the man and woman in us. I am not fooled by what i want and the reality of who I am. I am comfortable with my self, my only reservation is like most the cost , it will create situations in job or home that we are not willing to pay. if it were not for this we would not have the problems we do and we would not be as quick to blame ourselves for it. I would dress as I feel, I may be wrong but it could give a little insight to how we feel as a group, the data can remain separate from the writer and if people have no fear of being found out in a sense, they tend to be more truthful. Everyone lies to what extent is determined by the probability of discovery, when its some of the subjects we face truth is more important than staying within the perceived boundary we operate in. it is however your stage but if I am wrong I am wrong. But if I am close and I think that possibility is there it could be quite valuable to those of us who just don't know if what we are feeling is all in our own heads or give that little bit of confidence that we may not be that crazy and we have the right to feel and be who we are and its those around us that have the real problem.

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 3998

@liza4you Even the first response from a Google search is all AI generated, now. We still need human creators and writers to edit (not plagiarise) and fact-check the information.

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Trusted Member     Alberta, Canada
Joined: 3 years ago

Thanks Brina! Happy 2025.

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Managing Editor
Joined: 9 years ago

Noble Member     Iowa, United States of America
Posts: 1094

Thanks! You, too!


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