How Important Is "P...
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How Important Is "Passing?"

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Estimable Member     Lebanon, Pennsylvania, United States of America
Joined: 1 year ago

I am tall, standing well over 6 feet. I have a mustache that I’ve had since my freshman year in college, and I’m very reluctant to shave it off, and probably never will. I also have big feet and have never found women’s shoes that fit comfortably or are even bearable.

The questions remain: Why do I crossdress? And does passing matter?

I’ve never found a satisfying answer to the question of why I crossdress. My reasons are some of the most common: expressing my feminine side, feeling more comfortable dressed as a woman, or at least wearing women’s clothing, and feeling complete — my authentic self.

I can achieve all of that without passing, without the need to be out in public successfully passing myself off as a woman. Even dressing at home behind closed doors, I achieve those goals.

Is there a thrill that goes with passing that I’m missing out on? Yes, probably. In my first marriage, I often sat on my front porch in our small town wearing a dress and appropriate underwear underneath. Shrubbery in front of the porch partially blocked me from being seen by people walking past the house on the sidewalk just a few feet in front of the porch. It was definitely fun to sit out there, but the actual dressing was the important part.

In my current relationship and new home, I am lucky to have a very supportive partner. She has known about my crossdressing since before we met (we met online and exchanged lots of secrets in advance of meeting). She has bought many of my clothes for me, especially bras and dresses. I am able to fully dress at home whenever I want. But she is not comfortable with me being seen by anyone else — friends, family, or strangers. Dressing is just for me in the privacy of our home. She’s not turned on by my crossdressing, but neither is she turned off. She accepts it as part of me, knowing that need will likely never go away (over 55 years of crossdressing and the need is as strong, or stronger, than ever).

I’m okay with that. Being able to fully express my feminine side at home satisfies me. Although it would be wonderful to wear a dress while sitting on our back porch, which is very private, there is always the possibility one of our next-door neighbors would see me. I’d be okay with the risk, even if I was seen, but she is not. So I’ve given up on that possibility for the privilege of fully expressing myself in the house, with her full support. It’s a reasonable trade.

That also eliminates the need, whatever it might have been, to pass in public. It takes some pressure off me. And it allows me to focus, to whatever extent I need, on why I crossdress, or if I even need to figure out why I crossdress. I don’t need to worry about my mustache or the fact that my feet are too big to find women’s shoes that are comfortable enough to wear even around the house. Or if I’m wearing something that doesn’t fit me perfectly — although she’s really helpful in finding clothes that look good on me and wants me to look nice, as well as being age-appropriate, in what I’m wearing. So no miniskirts, stilettos, bullet bras, etc., although I’m sure she would indulge me in those if I really needed them. But I don’t.

So is passing important? No, for me, it’s not. But everyone is different. I know there are crossdressers for whom passing is the goal at all times. And I’m not saying I don’t wish I could pass — I’d love to pass. But it’s not in the cards for me, and I’m okay with that.

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Noble Member     Baltimore, Maryland, United States of America
Joined: 1 year ago

Great topic and one of the common threads woven into the giant CD blanket!

For myself, I do not give any thought to 'passing'. To me, that word means the notion that you think you've convinced others (strangers) that you are a cis female. Firstly, how could I know what other people are thinking? If I have that super power, this seems to be a poor use of it lol. Secondly, they're strangers - devoting that much of my energy to the feelings of people I'll never talk to, let alone see again is more energy than I have. And lasty, like you, I'm well over 6' in heels, 210lbs, don't really change my voice, and am always wearing clearly fake, bright red/blue hair. I can't think I'm fooling anyone at less than 100yds in pitch darkness.

I think many girls have this strong 'passing' feeling because they're concerned about looking/feeling silly or foolish - that people will look at them and say, "what a silly man in a dress!". However, discounting the first two items above, what I've found is that the more you take ownership of a thing, the more confidence you have and the less ability you give anyone to use it against you (remember that, you *give* them that power).

I met a girl at Keystone last year. When I first saw her she was sitting (and lovely), for whatever reason she stood up to come chat with me and my two gfs. She was easily 6'10" in her gorgeous platform heels. After we chatted, one of my gfs said, "Odd, tall girls don't wear heels - makes them too tall." I replied that this girl was easily 6'5" without her heels and what difference would wearing flats make anyway. So this girl said to herself, "Well if I'm gonna be tall no matter what, lemme be extra tall!" (and girl, she was *killing it*).

So I realized I'd also adopted that mentality. I'm tall and big and not exactly super femme, but I'm going to push that as high as I want and own it - damn the torpedoes! I wish you the best in pursuing whatever your heart's desire is. 🙂

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Honorable Member     Idaho, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

This is a great topic and great thoughts. I don't pass well, so when I go out, I have to accept that I'm going to be "the guy in the dress." I think I look pretty nice generally, but I know I'm not fooling anyone. I would like to be able to pass just to avoid the stares and giggles and such. While most people don't care, there's always a few that pay more attention to me than they normally would. It would be nice to be seen as just as a normal woman when I'm dressed up. I do like the deviant aspect of cross dressing to some extent. I like being weird, but it would be nice to blend in. I'm not trans and don't feel like there's some woman inside that needs to get out, it would just be nice to be in a store and hear laughter and not wonder if it's in my direction or not. I shouldn't worry about what strangers think, but I do. I mostly worry about people I know and how it might affect them (complicated and long tangent . . . ) so it would be nice to be "ignorable."

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New Member     Ozark, Missouri, United States of America
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I can’t pass when I lived in Florida our house had fence so I could walk around the yard or sun bath it was great and I do have the fear of being caught my wife kind of knows

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Famed Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
Joined: 4 years ago

Well Trace, you seem quite content with what you have and the acceptance of a partner. It is a refreshing article that may put others who are like you at ease as there are no rules here on how, when and where you should dress, the key is happiness and contentment living within your own boundaries.

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Baroness Annual
Prominent Member     Winston-Salem, North Carolina, United States of America
Joined: 3 years ago

Passing is a passing issue for me. Most of my dressing is at home, from neck down only. But when I go out in public I spend hours preparing, hoping to look my feminine best and doing well enough to blend in without being noticed by many. It is a high to believe that I have succeeded in my feminine skills to the point I am viewed as a woman rather than a man in a dress, and a thrill when complimented on feminine appearance or actions

Clearly some do believe I am a woman and treat me that way, without having to fake it. That is always a highlight.. I always feel Elated if addressed as "Ma'am" and DEflated if addressed as "sir." Real or not, I enjoy the fantasy of believing I am passable and acceptable in my presentation.

So, while I'd love to say passing does not matter, the truth is that, passing does matter to me. It validates who I am, the part of me who finds female expression necessary and enjoyable. It helps me experience what I believe women experience in many situations, and even if ingenuine, portrays a level of acceptance that is beyond what I usually enjoy in drab mode. Women compliment women routinely, and simple courtesy and positive recognition of who I am or express myself to be- FEMALE- is a nice byproduct.

Passing is not a necessity. In fact, I sometimes out myself and am always quick to divulge the truth if anyone wishes to inquire, as that is a positive experience for me, as I love to explore such topics, especially if I am in position to help someone for whom it matters in their relationship or any other aspect. I see crossdressing as a positive gifting and wish others could see it that way also, so as to experience the joys I have experienced and learn how to deal with the negative consequences. When out in public I would far rather engage with people who do NOT crossdress than those who do. Passing TOO well could limit opportunities to reach out to others so in fact can be a mixed blessing.


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