Local Places Contes...
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Announcement [Sticky] Local Places Contest

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    Monroe, Wisconsin, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

There are many thousands of places that will greet a crossdresser or trans girl with a smile.  We drive by them everyday, and most of the time we don’t give them a second thought.  I myself have passed several places, wondering if I could feel comfortable stopping in, but didn’t do so.  Ultimately, I end up going to places where I feel safe.  Over the years, many such places have earned our business by accepting and catering to girls like us. For example, there are around 1385 Ulta stores in the US.  I have heard many wonderful stories of CDH girls that frequent them for their beautification goals.  Additionally, there are over 2700 Sephora stores in 35 countries around the world.  Lots of us girls go to these, and feel comfortable and welcome.  My point in all of this is to tap into a knowledge base that can help all of us find our place in the world.  CDH is eager to help, and this is how we can do it.

We are excited to start a contest in February, to find and document the local places that our members know and love.

We want to have a list of providers that we know are accepting of the LGBTQIA+ community and we will use YOUR contributions to accomplish this. The contest will start on Monday, February 3rd 2025 and will run for 2 months, ending on FIND A RAINBOW DAY - April 3rd.  The member who has the most local places published in that time will receive a free 1-year Princess membership.  Second and third places receive a free 1-year Duchess and Baroness membership, respectively.  To be eligible for any prize, a minimum of 25 entries will be required.  I have done as many as 8 in one evening after dinner so, 25 over 2 months is quite doable. The site owner, Vanessa Law, has also agreed that during the contest period, every 25 entries will earn that contributor a 2-month Duchess-level membership. 50 entries will translate to 4 months, and so on. We also want everyone to be kept informed of how the contest is going.  So, as the contest proceeds, there are going to be multiple badges, as well as updates on the home page.  All the award winners will receive a special badge prominently displayed on their profile page for everyone to see.  During the contest, any member that gets 10 places published will earn a badge to celebrate their contribution.   These are the rules for this contest. 1)  To qualify for a Local Places entry, the place's title, description, a category, and a website address will be required.  (A Facebook page qualifies as a website, as does their Instagram or Twitter/X.) 2)  Two out of three of the following will also be required:  Phone, Email, Contact Person. 3)  The place description needs to be a minimum of 7 words long. 4)  All submissions should be appropriate for the audience. CDH will remain PG-rated. 5)  Chain stores will not be accepted for this contest. If the listing you are submitting has more than 20 locations it will be considered a chain store. 6)  Submissions need to be uploaded using the Local Places submission form.  If you click HERE, you'll be taken right to the form to get started. 7)  Please be discreet.  Check with every establishment you intend to submit an entry for, and make sure they are comfortable having their contact information released. 8)  Every establishment submitted as a Local Places entry needs to be actively doing business at the time it is submitted. 9)  Establishments submitted need to be regarded as safe and accepting of our membership. Please use good judgement. 10)  Duplicate entries will only be awarded to the first person to submit them. We have editors that will be checking each submission for accuracy and relevance. We won’t be able to respond to each submission personally, but we will do our best to publish each submission in a timely manner.  You can then look your listing up using the search bar in the Local Places section of CDH.   I am coming up on 5 years of being a part of this wonderful community. I have grown personally, relying on the help, support and generosity of everyone here at CDH. Talk with your friends and help make this contest a success for all of us. Hugs, Bree

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Managing Ambassador
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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
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I've assembled a list of UK places, but I'm holding off on submitting any of them until after the competition starts 🙂

As a member of staff I won't be eligible for any of the prizes, but I AM interested in earning a badge for 10+ contributions.

I just really like badges.

Ellie x

Joined: 5 years ago

    Monroe, Wisconsin, United States of America
Posts: 214

Good Plan Hun...I actually haven't seen the badges yet....But I want one

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    Monroe, Wisconsin, United States of America
Posts: 214


Badges are nice. You already have a local place published....very nice. 

Thanks Dear



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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
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Ohhhh ... I have several more lined up 🙂

Ellie x

(PS - I had to read your message twice, since the first time through I thought you were telling me that badgers are nice).

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    Monroe, Wisconsin, United States of America
Posts: 214

Well....Wisconsin Badgers women's Volleyball girls are nice. The little furry creatures...not so much. Had one down on the farm...not very sociable..lol
Thank you

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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
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I've just contacted ten more UK MTF makeover services to see if they're up for being included. I'll contact another ten tomorrow.

As and when they start to reply, I'll submit the listings.

Once those are all dealt with, I have even more to get through 🙂



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    Monroe, Wisconsin, United States of America
Posts: 214

You go girl....Let me know if it gets to be too much for you. I could find some time to help input a couple for you. Just get me the web address of their storefront.

Extra Huggs

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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
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It's okay ... I've got this.

I'm concentrating initially on UK makeover services, and then I'll move on to venues 🙂

I'm actually enjoying getting in touch with all of the people involved. It's building up my contacts list and I'm unearthing places I'd never previously heard of.

As of now (early afternoon on Thursday) I've emailed 22 providers, I've heard back from seven of those and I've had five sites published (with two more submitted).

Badges, here I come 🙂

Ellie x

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Noble Member     Ft Worth, Texas, United States of America
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To paraphrase the movie Treasure of Sierra Madre: “ “ Badges? You don’t need no badges!” 👩‍❤️‍👩👩‍❤️‍👩

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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
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I just love a good badge 🙂

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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
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Saturday Feb 8th, Ellie-update:

Ten sites already published (nine in the UK, one in the Netherlands), an eleventh pending, and still awaiting responses from another 23 providers 🙂


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    Monroe, Wisconsin, United States of America
Posts: 214

Love it....Liz was busy but...Badge on the way


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Illustrious Member     North County San Diego, California, United States of America
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I'm guessing you'd rather get a badge from ME than fetch it for yourself.   You could do that you know 😀

Badge has been awarded!

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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
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That feels like approving my own photos. It doesn't seem right somehow. Sort of an abuse of power 🙁

I'm going to wear my badge all day 🙂

Managing Ambassador
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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
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@midwesterngirl @lizk 

I'm on a mission here. I've now submitted 30 UK sites in total 🙂

As staff I'm not eligible to take part the competition, but I'm still aiming to earn at least that '50' badge.

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Reputable Member     Fayetteville, Arkansas, United States of America
Posts: 184

@ellyd22 I'm only 4 behind you Ellie.. and they are only one pesky ocean away!

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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
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I'm aiming to submit another eight tonight 🙂

My main sticking point is all the people I contact that then don't get back to me 🙁

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Illustrious Member     North County San Diego, California, United States of America
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Explorer badge has been awarded. The award committee never settled on a name for the 50 badge or the 500 badge. Some nonsense about frozen synapses. I'll see what I can do.

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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
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Didn't I read somewhere that 50 was 'Pathfinder' and 100 was 'Trailblazer'?

Or did I dream it after eating too much cheese close to bedtime?

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Illustrious Member     North County San Diego, California, United States of America
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Okay.  We don't have a 50....yet.  That was my bad.  Pathfinder is 100.  Trailblazer is 250.  We also need a 500 since we discovered someone with well over that number.

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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
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I think I'll be on 50 by this weekend ...

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Illustrious Member     North County San Diego, California, United States of America
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It must be nice to have that much free time!  Someday. 🙄 

Posts: 1444
    Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
Joined: 1 year ago

I don't know why this article is (currently) showing as written by me.  I edited and published it, but the author is Bree Heath @midwesterngirl, all credit belongs to her!  A site software issue, I imagine? 

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Estimable Member     Oxford, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
Posts: 139

@finallyfiona - ah. Hence the US references. I thought you'd emigrated!

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    Monroe, Wisconsin, United States of America
Posts: 214

Where in the Heck is that COPYRIGHT button.....

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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
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Great article Bree ... hopefully there will be some way of getting your name attached to it!

I think this is a wonderful initiative, I'll certainly be sorting out a list of UK places for you.

I just want to say a HUGE thank you for everything that you and the other Local Places girls, @siskaye and @denimwear, do for our community. You're absolute stars, and you deserve all the recognition you can get.

Big hugs

Ellie x

Joined: 5 years ago

    Monroe, Wisconsin, United States of America
Posts: 214


Thank you Dear. shopping one of your submissions is going to go right in my bucket list. I managed to get to Ireland last year but would definitely love to walk around the UK with a purse full of Sterling...



Managing Ambassador
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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
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Just so you know, I've 'stickied' this article so that it will remain prominent in the forums for a while.

Ellie x

Joined: 5 years ago

    Monroe, Wisconsin, United States of America
Posts: 214

Thanks Hun 🤗

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Famed Member     Seattle, Washington, United States of America
Posts: 1461

@finallyfiona Sorry this was probably my fault.

I noticed that it didn't automatically cross-post the article to the forums, so I went in after to update this, and the system must've gotten confused.

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Famed Member     Seattle, Washington, United States of America
Posts: 1461

I felt bad about this so went into the database to make sure it was right. Sorry @midwesterngirl and @finallyfiona - should all be fine now

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    Monroe, Wisconsin, United States of America
Posts: 214


Thanks Hun. Of course, I was enjoying the plausible deniability...Now everyone will know it was my fault if we break the internet. Wink  

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Illustrious Member     Fife, United Kingdom
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Hi, Fluff, I saw it with you as the topic starter but that Bree had signed it. This has been happening recently, but as far as I've seen, only with articles. 

Ah, the mystery of software issues, never got these problems with an abacus! But then, we don't get CDH on an abacus either 🙄.

Allie xxx


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Noble Member     Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States of America
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great Idea !

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    Monroe, Wisconsin, United States of America
Posts: 214

Thank you Dear

Did a local place immediately pop into your head. I know down here in the capital of Wisconsin there are lots of places. I like to think its cause there are so progressive in Madison but I think being a college town helps

Posts: 214
Topic starter
    Monroe, Wisconsin, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

Oh My goodness....Its only like 17 days until This contest starts. This ain't the Oscars but I would like to thank Vanessa, Liz, Kaye, and Lynne for helping this come together. I have been working in the local places space for a while now and I believe this contest will be great for all of Us. Before the Contest was a thing, I had a few conversations with local providers near me. It is wonderful to talk to people that accept and welcome a very diverse population. I have submitted 95 local places so far. (I'm not eligible for the prizes so, don't worry). I think I have picked someone to actually give me a makeover. She was so nice.

You ladies ARE CDH and I want to thank you for participating and allowing me to be a part of your community.


Posts: 214
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    Monroe, Wisconsin, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

Hey Girls

I was thinking about the contest today and wanted to share a thought on one of the rules. 

3. The place description needs to be a minimum of 7 words long.

I can have a difficult time describing things and sometimes my words come out all wrong.(I think there’s a country song in there somewhere). I usually copy and paste the description that I see on the providers website. Facebook has an About page where this can come from also. 

So, if your local place has that you would be just fine copying and pasting that info. 

I hope to be very busy when the contest starts.. Thanks  



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Reputable Member     Fayetteville, Arkansas, United States of America
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I have found getting some businesses email can be a challenge.. web site & phone number.. no problem

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    Monroe, Wisconsin, United States of America
Posts: 214

I have noticed that also Emily. I have gone to a couple platforms to find Email addresses for providers. We are moving into the new reality where Text messages are replacing email for direct messaging. Hopefully this won't be be a huge problem.


Posts: 214
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    Monroe, Wisconsin, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

I was thinking about the contest as it draws closer. I hope that you girls that live in smaller areas contribute as well. It may seem like a small town provider or friendly venue wouldn't be helpful to us girls. I would like to see more small town listing. I know just by the numbers that Girls like us are everywhere. Maybe even a small town neighbor. Your local places might help another girl find her way out of the closet. 

Thank  you







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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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When does the listings get released?

Posts: 214
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    Monroe, Wisconsin, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

Great question. In a perfect world The submissions will be checked on a daily basis. If there is a problem with authentication of the submission it may be delayed. If the editors are very busy also we may not get to everybody's submission right away. I will keep everybody updated has the contest goes along. 



Posts: 214
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    Monroe, Wisconsin, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

OK Girls.

Im excited and I hope some of you are as well. I am looking forward to confirming your Local Places Entries and Expecting you will be keeping the Editors busy this week. Let's see who can land that first Badge and bring us together with our Providers/Allies. 

Thank you for your participation.




Posts: 10
Eminent Member     Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom
Joined: 4 weeks ago

Hi Bree I am still find my way round this site and my local place is our support group Nottingham Charmelions they all make me welcome I have made some new friends and I hope to make more .

Posts: 214
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    Monroe, Wisconsin, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

That's Great Stevie and Welcome to CDH.

There is a wonderful community of like minded individuals here. You will fit right in.


There is a link in the article that will take you directly a form to fill out.  You will be prompted to fill out the information that will make it easy for other local girls in your area to find your listing. You should read the rules for the contest so that You input the required information. Any Extra information is appreciated but there are only a few Required items.

Thanks for contributing



Posts: 214
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    Monroe, Wisconsin, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

So. I wasn't very precise in the starting of the Contest. I am sorry Ladies. Since it is already February 3rd in the UK..We will say the contest has officially begun for everyone. Get them coming ladies and 


Thank you   thank you   Thank you



Posts: 214
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    Monroe, Wisconsin, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

Oh...And Ladies. If you have any questions you can shoot us a message here on this thread. We will be checking it daily and will get back to you as soon as possible.





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    Monroe, Wisconsin, United States of America
Posts: 214

Emily Southern has earned the first badge. Thanks Emily for your contributions. Very interesting places


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Reputable Member     Fayetteville, Arkansas, United States of America
Joined: 1 year ago

Thanks Bree!  I hope other girls might find some useful or maybe curious & i might get a chance to meet them.

Happy Heart

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    Monroe, Wisconsin, United States of America
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