Mentors and Muses
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Mentors and Muses

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(@Rebecca Lewis)
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The girl was walking along a narrow lane. It was by its nature a secret lane, yet you may have walked it yourself.

The girl was young, and she knew very little about the world. She didn’t know why the way that she had chosen to take seemed so exciting. Neither did she know quite where it would lead. But part of her understood that however much time she spent elsewhere, she was destined always to return to this particular path. She wasn’t sure that she had chosen it; sometimes it seemed as though it had chosen her.

There was no map that she could follow to chart her way; she had no clear destination in mind; she looked for fellow travellers but she saw none. She was alone, and yet there was never a time when she felt lonely. It felt entirely right to her that she should be going this way. Sometimes she found herself travelling through dense woods, hoping to pass unseen. Those who noted the unintended traces that she left behind may have guessed where she was headed. If so, they chose neither to pass comment nor to criticise. Perhaps they believed that the girl’s teenage hormones would eventually settle and cease to disrupt her wayward compass. Perhaps they believed that she would return to her original track once more. They watched as she continued along her way.

As the years passed the girl sometimes strayed from the narrow lane, yet she always returned to it. Byways were explored, but without any clear purpose. Little by little, as she moved on, the lane widened until it became a road. At times, the way ahead seemed a little clearer. She began to hear rumours of others travelling in the same direction, but she continued to travel alone.

Occasionally the girl encountered roadside vendors plying their wares, but she was shy; a cautious look at their stalls, a quiet request for an item, a mumbled excuse for the purchase, a rapid retreat. All too often she discarded the items that she had bought and left them at the wayside, sometimes because they proved to be unsuitable and sometimes because she worried that they might too obviously flag the direction in which she knew she was headed.

Although she never lost the belief that this was the right road for her to travel, the girl began to feel a growing need to seek guidance along the way. She explored roadside shops, even chancing upon a lingerie store whose owner was willing to provide advice on styles, sizing and fitting to suit her desires. Her appearances there were always met with a warm welcome and instructive chats. She found her visits to cosmetics counters for makeovers less beneficial; although she was enthralled by each experience, they somehow failed to educate. Despite this, each of the people that she met became, in their own way, her guides and mentors.

Over time the girl noticed that the road was broadening still further. Although she had still to physically meet anyone on the same path she nevertheless found ways of learning about their experiences. Some, she saw, had written about their journeys; others had recorded pictures and even videos of themselves. She read; she watched; she absorbed it all.

And then, one day, it happened.

As the girl walked on, her nose buried in her research, she happened to glance up. Ahead of her was a signpost. It said, simply, “Cross Dresser Highway”. Intrigued, she looked in the direction in which it was pointing.

It was a revelation. Until now the girl had walked the road alone, but here she found a great throng of people. While some were striding forward purposefully, others were noticeably more hesitant; while some seemed joyful, others appeared worried about where they might be going. She saw them stopping to ask passers by for directions. Here and there, small groups were pausing in their journey to share the highs and lows of their experiences. It was clear though that no matter what they were doing everyone was moving in the same direction. And, here on the Cross Dresser Highway, the girl found what she had been missing throughout her long, solitary journey. All around there was a tremendous outpouring of understanding, support, experience, encouragement, challenge, perception, thoughtfulness, wit and humour. To her ears, it was like music.

She encountered travellers whose exposure to this place, no matter what the duration, had given them insights that they were eager to share. These people were her new mentors. There were those who shared their thoughts and advice with her directly, and those who she was able to learn from by eavesdropping on their conversations.

And here, too, the girl discovered she had found her muses. These were the travellers whose very presence and achievements gave her inspiration and insight, and whose actions she could perhaps hope to emulate.

Could it be that her own communications with fellow travellers had provided encouragement to them, as their accounts had to her? At the very least,  she hoped that they had found joy in hearing about some of the more bizarre encounters that her own journey had involved.


And now, what started out as a narrow lane and an uncertain way ahead has brought the girl to this particular place, and this particular time.

As she reflects on how far she has come, she would like to take the opportunity to shout out a huge THANK YOU to all of her fellow travellers and friends. She has gained much through her interactions with them. But she knows that those first hesitant steps along the lane which led to giant strides on the Cross Dresser Highway were ultimately her own steps, her own giant strides and her own achievements. She is proud of them – she exults in them.

The girl gazes ahead along the ever-widening road, and sees that even now there is still a long way to travel. Having already come this far, she is excited by the prospect. It holds no fear; it’s simply the next stage in her adventure.

And with that thought, she turns to her fellow travellers and says; ‘Well, what are we waiting for? It’s time to move on. Why not see what’s round the next bend in the road?’


Acknowledgement: I would like to thank @ellyd22 who refined the words to help the story flow graciously from the page to the mind of the reader; without her help this article may never have been published.

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Illustrious Member     Fife, United Kingdom
Posts: 2135

Rebecca, I thoroughly enjoyed reading this, congratulations on creating a piece that is both analogous and emotive, not an easy thing to do.

In very happy to be travelling the same road and wish that, like the art school dance, it could go on forever. (Pete Brown and Piblokto, Harvest Records 1970).

Thanks for this 😊.

Allie xx


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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
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Rebecca, you already know how much I love this.

Thank you so much for writing it.


Ellie x

Baroness Annual
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Noble Member     Gloucestershire, United Kingdom
Posts: 596

@ellyd22 And thanks again for helping to polish it up for publication.


Rebecca x

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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If anyone is interested in reading about a modern muse, reserve at your library Dear, Dear Brenda, by Brenda Venus. It is based on a collection of letters to Brenda over Henry Miller's last four years. Both are interesting people in their own way.

Baroness Annual
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Noble Member     Gloucestershire, United Kingdom
Posts: 596

@harriette Thanks Harriette. The reference is one that I had not heard of; I will try to follow it up.

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    Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
Posts: 1432

I was amazed by this piece from the moment I first read it to edit it for publication.  (Not a thing was changed, of course, except to help choose the photo to accompany it.) 

This surely speaks to all of us here.  CDH is the metaphorical Highway to Heaven 🙂

Big hugs,
Fluff xxx

Baroness Annual
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Noble Member     Gloucestershire, United Kingdom
Posts: 596

@finallyfiona And thanks for your encouragement to get it published.

Big hugs right back, Rebecca x

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Reputable Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 147

Bonjour, And thank you Rebecca...the metaphor, the simile all well taken. A lovely poem of sorts of the path taken, to the one's found as the journey moved onward to become reflections of so many walks. I found myself in that group of travelers across the highway. 

Blessing, benedictions, grand amour, OX Kyra

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Reputable Member     Northeast GA , Georgia, United States of America
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Beautifully written! It's so encouraging to learn that you are not alone and can find great company with others who truly relate to you.

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Baroness Annual
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Noble Member     Gloucestershire, United Kingdom
Posts: 596

@mkat3874 CDH really has become my crossdressing spiritual home

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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This sounds like a lot of our journies. Unsure of where the path that we take will end, we continue going forward anyway. 

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Baroness Annual
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Noble Member     Gloucestershire, United Kingdom
Posts: 596

@harriette It's addictive ... but an addiction I guess we were born with 🤔

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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
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Funny I was on that path too and we never met until we hit the crossroads.

Beautifully written with resonance too as knowing that when the path widened it became a highway and went at speed.

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Baroness Annual
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Noble Member     Gloucestershire, United Kingdom
Posts: 596


Hi Angela, I think you were one of my very earliest contacts on CDH. I have often read and valued the contributions you have made (I guess I was 'eavesdropping' 🤗 ).

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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
Posts: 3362

@fembecky Thank you Rebecca we are kindred spirits.

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Rebecca -

Thank you for such a thoughtful and inspiring article. I am sure many of us have been on that path,  I know I have and continue on it. It is amazing how we go from feeling alone to finding our community which makes us feel good about ourselves. 

Continue your journey, making new friends as you go along with the knowledge that you are not alone.


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Baroness Annual
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Noble Member     Gloucestershire, United Kingdom
Posts: 596

@cdsue Thanks Suzanne

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New Member     Utah, United States of America
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Very well written.

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Active Member     The real Northern California, California, United States of America
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What an absolutely excellent story! One that I think we can all relate to. Thank you!

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Baroness Annual
Famed Member     New York, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

Lovely story Rebecca!

It's always interesting to me to see just how many people CDH helped in their walk along that highway.

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Baroness Annual
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Noble Member     Gloucestershire, United Kingdom
Posts: 596

@d44 I suspect that many more people have been helped than we might be aware of. I have read many of your contributions and valued them. Thank you.

Baroness Annual
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Famed Member     New York, United States of America
Posts: 1759

@fembecky That is very sweet of you to say that. Thanks a bunch! ❤️

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Trusted Member     Roscommon , Michigan, United States of America
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Oh my word! What can I say but that I found that to be incredibly beautiful, deeply insightful and totally profound. In its way it encapsulates my own journey of self discovery and acceptance. My long, lonely years on the path and my eventual discovery of kindred spirits on that same path. This so hits the mark it is making my soul weep with tears of joy.

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Baroness Annual
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Noble Member     Gloucestershire, United Kingdom
Posts: 596


Thanks Jessica. When I re-read the article myself I feel a bit emotional and find it hard to believe I wrote it. I am so glad others have been touched by it.

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Estimable Member     Perth, Western Australia, Australia
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That was a beautiful and insightful read Rebecca. I really enjoyed it and felt I was walking along beside you. Stories are words and words, if they have meaning, resonate inside of us and your article certainly resonated in me. I am a long way down the road - only a couple of miles of travel left for me but I am happy in my knowledge that people younger and more energetic than I can continue this journey. It is my hope that these people will show others - even those who dont travel the cross dressing highway that it isnt a road of evil or a road of deviance but a road of hope and glory and that the travel will bring joy to the world. Thank you for a beautiful story, take care and stay safe in your journey...Ellie xxxx

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    Northern Territory, Australia
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What a fascinating experience! It's great to hear how meaningful interactions with fellow travelers can lead to personal growth and inspire creativity. Speaking of learning from different perspectives, have you ever tried the bad parenting game? It humorously highlights various parenting styles while encouraging discussion about what we can learn from our own experiences. It's a fun way to reflect on our approaches and perhaps pick up a few valuable insights! removed link

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New Member     Bern, Bern, Switzerland
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so beautiful story with so much spirit. 😍🌟

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Honorable Member     London, Middlesex, United Kingdom
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Rebecca I love this !!!! I smiled the whole way through reading it and even had a little tear at one point , then it came to an end and I read it again three more times ! 🙏🥰

I feel like I can even relate a tiny amount to this , not in the same way many of you can at all, but my road of confusion was a lot shorter and quicker and started when I found my husband was unhappy and never understood why , I felt alone and the road was uncertain, but I completely relate to the part where the cross dresser highway signs arrived and the feeling of being guided and part of something bigger and wonderful.

Let's do this - what are we waiting for ? Let's see what's round that next corner because we all deserve to be happy and I am so happy to be here with you all and honestly your article has made me so happy today so thank you 🙏 ❤️🌈🥰

Posts: 596
Baroness Annual
Noble Member     Gloucestershire, United Kingdom
Joined: 5 years ago

Thank you Laura, it was so kind of you to say those things and it makes me really happy that you enjoyed it. I must say that I even surprise myself when I re-read it, and do find myself getting slightly teary eyed as well.

It was lovely to meet you on the video call recently; I do hope we find the opportunity to meet at some point.

Rebecca x

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Estimable Member     West Midlands, United Kingdom
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Wow Rebecca, what a beautiful and meaningful story - one we can all relate to I am sure, and we can all reflect on our own stages of the adventures along the same twisting road. Wonderfully written, you should get that into print one day!

Jen x

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