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Hi Jackie, I really love your story. If this were made into a film, it would be a major chick flick (which I just love by the way). Your writing is full of emotion and passion. Thank You so much for sharing. I wish I had a sister like Elaine. Lucky Gurl!!!!
Hugs, Krista
Very beautiful story, beautifully told. Those of us that have people in our lives who support us are very lucky.
Great piece hon.
Love this article because I also had a sister who is amazing. When I was about 3 or 4 and she was 7 or 8 she started dressing me up in her old princess costumes for her "tea parties" which was her, myself, and a number of select stuffed animals, lol. I can still remember how the flowing dresses and skirts felt on me as I twirled around. Eventually my dad made her stop and I didn't know why. Many years later she was the only one who ever caught me cross dressing. I was 13 and she was 17. She was a dancer so she had all these incredible shiny leotards and pinks and baby blues and whites covered in lace and ribbons. She was mad at first but then told me it was ok. When I came out to my wife 14 years ago, my sister also found out through my wife and was a huge part of getting my wife to accept it and support me. I am so blessed to have such incredible women in my life and obviously you were too. Nice story!
Jackie, thank you for posting your story. I loved reading it and made me think of my teenage years and how alone I felt. I was the oldest of 3 children and we lived in a very small apartment. I remember trying on my mother's clothes and using her makeup on the rare times I was home alone. Reading your story made me wonder if I had been the youngest and I tried on my sisters clothes.
Thank you again for sharing your story.
Yours Terri
Thank you Lissa, I believe you could be right hun.
Jackie this brings my emotions out so much and i wanted to cry just reading this article. This was so touching and loving?
That's a beautiful and touching story Jackie. I have not been logging into this site much lately as I have been preparing my life for a full transition.
Your touching story reminded me of why I love logging in.
Thank you for sharing
I,too,have a special sister.We live in different states and after much internal debate lasting over a few years I finally told her that I was a crossdresser,Her answer to me was "If it makes you happy,go for it".She has seen a few pictures of me fully dressed as Michelle and plans to visit when her business permits later this summer,maybe finally for some sister and sister time.
I wish all the sisters should be helpful to their crossdresser brothers
That's wonderful that you had such a good sister who was so loving towards you, and accepted you for who you really are.
Also where did you get the dress in that picture?
A wonderful story. To have a sister, who loves you as much as she does, is something I've looked for. I may never find it, but, then again, being a member of this site, maybe I will.
Had to call my sister and tell her I loved her after reading this. She has always been on my side and respected me for who I am in all aspects of life. When I came out to her she had her questions, but she was 100% supportive. If I was out of line, she was the only one who could put me back in line.
Thank you for this.
Such a beautifull story. Thank you for sharing this part of you life with us. We are always here for you. Anytime. Huggs and kisses to you Jackie,
- Terri Anne
I am new here and just read your story. It almost made me cry wishing I could of had the experience you had with your sister
My mother was both physically and mentally abusive. I felt so all alone most all of my life and finally coming to terms of who I really am even though I have known it since I was 3 or 4.
You are blessed to have a sister that is so understanding and compassionate.
I wish you the very best and hope we get to chat one day. I drive truck so my hours and times available are all over the place as well as very limited. At least this job almost pays the bills and for my transition.
Jackie....what a lovely story. Bless you. I wanted long hair in the late 60's and early 70's but my Sarge and LT had different ideas....tennis ball cut for me!
Lady Veronica