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Hi Ashley
Great read I'm so happy for you that all worked out and you had a great night, I'm hopping to get out over the Xmas break if all goes well
Thanks for sharing and glad you had fun. I totally understand your points about challenges having a family, and also about not having a garage!
Thank you so much for sharing your experience.
Thanks for sharing your story. I’ve been trying to build the courage to go out of town for a concert dressed up in fem. I always bail at the last minute. I don’t have the support and I haven’t told any friends. I’m trying to read who I can tell that would be supportive that can be a part of my journey. This was very encouraging and I hope you have more milestones.
Love the story. My wife also knows, but is not supportive. She knew from the start, but I think she underestimated it's importance in my life. To keep the marriage together I had to get my clothes and stuff out of the house. I didn't purge, because I know that doesn't work, but they're in storage, which is costly and not nearby. It's been that way for a few years and is fairly ridiculous, but then life often is. So you are very lucky. Enjoy. I also love the outfit, I much prefer pretty and feminine than sexy/slutty. Huge congrats.
So much fun to read your story, nicely done. I am 72 years old & dressed in public since the 1960's, to last weekend! Like you, & most CDERS, we kept parts, meaningful parts of our lives in a garbage bag in the garage....think of it. Fear motivates our actions. Not wanting anyone to know who is in that dress. Not a way to live. Since life is short, & mine, shorter by the days, much shorter than yours. Glad to venture out into this world you have created.
I have gone out many, many yrs with relatives, gays, lesbians, whom ever wishes to come along. I am never looking for sexual activities, but I do like to look attractive. No one would ever say " ...hey, there's T.J...."
You have a long road ahead. Make the best of it. We old Gurls have paved the way.
ENJOY being you!! T.J.
I am still looking for a time when I can go in the day time dressed to see how I feel ! I do go out at night dressed when I know my neighbor's are in bed. Only two of them know I crossdress but ant seen me dressed yet!
Great read Ashley
I to have a straight girl and a gay male friend that I've told. I am close to fully telling my wife and if I get at least the same support as yours I well be more than happy.
Thanx for sharing
Congrats on your first time out.
Love your story Ashley and you look great!
My wife and a few freinds are going to go with me next weekend for my first time out. I hope it goes great for me too!
Thanks for your story 🙂
hi Ashley, lovely story and its fabulous to hear of your very supportive wife, it makes things so much easier doesn't it? I am glad you have been out dressed femme, I still have yet to do it! congradulations on the weight loss too 🙂 . have fun, enjoy yourself and I will look forward to your next article 🙂
fiona xxx
Love it
Great story. Makes me want to do it soon!
Very brave x
Always great to get out! I’ve literally become the old lady driving a Cadillac!