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[Closed] My History

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    Leicester, Leicestershire, United Kingdom
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I was quite young when I noticed my sister's underwear in the laundry basket; I was curious more than anything and didn't really feel any need to explore further. Gradually, the idea of seeing what those strange items felt like took over. Eventually, I had no choice but to go into her room and steal a pair of her panties and whisk them away to the bathroom (the only door with a lock!)

They felt so soft as I slid them up my legs. They looked a little strange (what with there being a bump); it was weird - though an incredibly beautiful experience feeling them on. For a few years, I kept trying on panties but nothing beyond that. The feeling kept growing, there had to be something more. One day, I saw a teacher at school wearing tights... Frankly, I've never known such an immediate attraction. I just had to head back into my sister's cupboard and "rescue" a pair. IMMEDIATELY HOOKED!

By now, I was savvy enough to never let my school friends know what I was doing, but every so often, I would borrow a pair of tights and wear them under my school uniform. I was nearly caught once but managed to take them off in the toilets and avoid being found out. For many years, I could do little else; I had neither the money nor the opportunity to buy anything beyond the occasional pair of tights, and I was more than happy enough with the situation anyway.

And then... I noticed this lady wearing a pair of black, not very high, heels; quite why, they fascinated me. The feelings that tights had given me seemed to well up to the surface, and while I didn't really have any chance of buying any shoes, another layer to my complex personality was definitely established.

I came late to the internet age, and I really didn't want a credit card either - not until I suddenly realised the possibilities. One night, when my wife had gone out for the evening, I drank a little too much wine and settled down in front of her computer with my credit card... The wine persuaded me to look at some sites of interest. Shortly, I was looking at a cute, sparkly black miniskirt and a pair of high-heeled knee-length boots. How could I possibly do this? Wouldn't my wife intercept them being delivered and divorce me on the spot? Surely, the entire world would immediately know what I was doing.

I very nearly chickened out, but another glass of wine and I hit the send button. PANIC! What have I done? There followed five days of sheer terror when I didn't dare to leave the house in case they delivered my parcel and my wife saw it - but then on Saturday morning... The postman calls as usual - and he has a package for me. THIS HAS GOT TO BE IT! I immediately took the parcel upstairs and hid it in the back of the cupboard. My wife will be out tonight. A bath and a shave later, I open the package; STREWTH! So beautiful...

I'd already selected a pair of sheer black tights and some black lacy panties; this is going to be awesome... The strange thing was that there was no physical reaction, just a feeling of calm and serenity; it felt so right, and I loved prancing up and down in front of the bedroom mirror, admiring how my new clothes suited me. Having gotten away with it, I ordered some tops and wigs and got up the courage to buy more underwear at the self-checkout at my local supermarket.

When I was finally able to select a full outfit for myself, I felt better than I ever had; the feeling was ecstatic, though I knew that the next big step was still in front of me. I found a local "Chameleons" group on the internet; would I have the guts to be dressed in front of other people - even though I knew they would be dressed up, too? Only one way to find out... I nearly backed out, but eventually got there and into my outfit in the changing room. My heart is beating three times a second and my palms are sweaty; I finally forced myself... and found that very few of the other ladies there were dressed in anything even remotely feminine... but on the other hand, they all seemed very friendly, and no-one cared that I was dressed up like... well, I don't really want to say - let's just say that it wasn't conservative.

After a few meetings, I decided the Chameleons wasn't for me - they mostly wanted to be full-time while I was very firmly a man who loved dressing up. It was obvious there was a new step I needed to take, and one chilly night in February, I managed it. Everyone in my house was used to me heading downstairs and watching the television at strange, early hours; this night, however, I screwed up every ounce of courage I could muster, pulled on my cutest outfit, and headed outside.

The streetlights seemed particularly bright, the sound of my heels on the pavement especially loud. I was hoping no one was awake at this unearthly hour. I walked over the road and down the alley. Turn right at the top, onto the side road, then right onto the main road. A taxi pulls up beside me at the corner - PANIC! He has two drunken girls in the back coming back from a night out, but no one notices me, or at least, they don't realise anything is out of the ordinary, even though I'm at least ten inches taller than any girl they've ever seen thanks to these gorgeous high-heeled, platform boots.

The taxi moves off and I breathe again. I’m off past the shops and turn back towards home. A few windows are lit up, and some curtains flap a little, but there's no indication anyone has seen anything out of the ordinary. Much as I’d loved dressing up, it's a relief to take my outfit off. THE STRESS! Ever since, I've been getting up the courage to go out in the daylight and get a proper, professional makeover and photoshoot.

Hopefully, you ladies out there will get to see the results before long. It's been a long, long journey, but this is where I am. I feel with every distinct step, I've grown. I don't want the world to know (beyond suspicions) but I'm proud of myself for having the guts to get here. As a man in a skirt, I feel far more complete and at ease with myself than I ever could have if I had denied my curiosity all those years ago. It makes me wonder; do all boys experience the same feelings and curiosity that I did? Are there far, far more crossdressers out there than even we realise? Will society ever evolve enough to fully accept the idea of crossdressing? We can but hope...

Thank you for taking the time to read my story; please keep an eye out for my photoshoot pictures when they come up - if I can steel myself to have them taken.

Ladies: I love you ALL...


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Reputable Member     Denton, Texas, United States of America
Joined: 3 years ago

Holly, thanks for your story. I hope you can go for the full professional makeover and photo shoot. I just went to one and I never looked better. Now I want to go to others.


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    Leicester, Leicestershire, United Kingdom
Posts: 614

It looks like the makeover and photo shoot is indeed on for mid December (I need some time to lose a bit of weight...) I'm just awaiting confirmation. It's a fantastic feeling waiting to do it - but also terrifying! I'll definitely post some pictures once I've had them taken... assuming that I'm not too terrified to turn up in the first place! Holly XXX

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Eminent Member     Michigan, United States of America
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"just a feeling of calm and serenity; it felt so right"

I always enjoy reading these accounts. We all come from different walks in life but it is amazing to me that "how we feel" when it happens seems to be universal. I can't tell you how many times I have seen it written, "I felt so right."

Then, invariably we internally ask ourselves why dressing this way "feels right."

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    Leicester, Leicestershire, United Kingdom
Posts: 614

Christina - you are so right. No part of my journey has ever felt awkward or difficult - once I've managed to do it; every part has felt almost impossible beforehand though! I've now managed to summon up the courage and been in contact about a makeover and photoshoot - I'm just waiting on confirmation; a great feeling - but also terrifying at the same time! Should hopefully be able to post a few pictures just before Christmas - hopefully they won't be too traumatic for anyone viewing... Holly XXX

Posts: 86
Trusted Member     westerly, Rhode Island, United States of America
Joined: 3 years ago

Thank you for telling your story. You have taken some chances, I have never had the courage to have things delivered in fear of them being intercepted. I hope your makeover goes well and you have a fabulous time. I have only dreamed of such and wonder what I would look like having one, what kind of magic a professional could preform how nice it would be to experience just once. After the initial shock and anxiety that feeling of calm and serenity as so well described takes over I'm sure it will be amazing.

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    Leicester, Leicestershire, United Kingdom
Posts: 614

Hiiya, Debbie; yes, I've taken chances, but luckily everything has gone well. There has only been the one time that I've had anything delivered that came in packaging that would have landed me in trouble. I've found it worth the effort of risking it and hope that maybe you could find the courage if needed - it helps so much in building up a decent wardrobe. I may write an article about the photoshoot experience once I've been; fingers crossed, but I'm really, really looking forward to it! Love you: Holly XXX

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Trusted Member     westerly, Rhode Island, United States of America
Posts: 86

Yes in the wardrobe dept I am lacking I have a fairly large stash of lingerie bras panties slips nighties etc. but only one dress and one skirt no hair or makeup. I will be looking for more from you don't take too many wild chances I don't want to see you in trouble. I am exited for you about the makeover and looking forward to the story. Hope to talk soon girlfriend Debbie

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    Leicester, Leicestershire, United Kingdom
Posts: 614

Debs - had the confirmation! Makeover and photoshoot is 11am on December 14th - I now just have to stick to the diet and get myself into a half way reasonable condition! Hopefully, I should have some pictures posted before New Year; can't really say just how exciting the thought of it is!!! I truly hope you are able to find a way to sort a similar experience for yourself; I'm sure you'd love it as much as I am doing! Holly XXX

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Trusted Member     westerly, Rhode Island, United States of America
Posts: 86

How exiting good luck with the diet I hope you have your figure back by then. I know I have a but of trouble in winter the days are shorter and I tend to eat a bit more so in turn I gain in the winter. Debbie

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    Leicester, Leicestershire, United Kingdom
Posts: 614

Debbie: I DID IT! Please have a look at my profile photos; not an easy thing to do for me, but now I've managed it and I'm on Cloud Nine! I'm going to go again in the summer; how about you come with me (or at least go on the same day to wherever is closest for you.) I'm sure you would LOVE the experience! Holly XXX

Posts: 7
(@Betty Rockwell)
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Joined: 3 years ago

Holly, what a lovely story. Will society ever advance to a point of acceptance? Yes, I believe it will. The key is educating people about crossdressing and tearing down the outdated misconceptions about it. I had some ideas about what I thought it was before my husband came out and I found this site. Glad to have you here.

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    Leicester, Leicestershire, United Kingdom
Posts: 614

While education is undoubtedly the answer (or at least one of them) is the question "Who has been exposed to our community?" I am too scared to go out fully dressed, but if we ALL did, wouldn't the "intolerant" (or just uneducated in this sphere?) rapidly see the error of their ways? I can feel a forum question coming on... I doubt it will happen, but who knows? I think your husband is a lucky man - or maybe you could persuade him to become a lucky girl? Kisses: Holly XXX

(@Betty Rockwell)
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Posts: 7

You are so sweet! The problem is that many people don't want to be educated about things that are not a part of their lives. There is also a real barrier with the idea that crossdressing is nothing more than old perverts in dresses. Once I got past the initial SO ideas (he's gay or wants to transition) I have learned that it comes from an entirely different place.

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Famed Member     Roland, Iowa, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

Thanks so much for your story, Holly. I think as others here that some time down the line cross dressing will be more accepted. If the people out there get to know each of us on a one on one case and see that we need this and are harmless to the world. Part of the problem is some activist in the trans community push some extreme views and some on the conservative side push back and all of us CD's are punished. Most of us want to just dress or maybe start down the road of transition and have no desire to destroy the rest of society as we now know it.

. Cassie

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    Leicester, Leicestershire, United Kingdom
Posts: 614

Hiya, Cassie: lovely to talk to you. The destruction of society is a personal thing - many of us think that is what has been going on since.... well, being British I would say 1979 (pretty sure everyone will be able to work out what that means!) If the society being destroyed is the one that has been so intolerant of alternative views, then I doubt anyone on this site would be too disappointed, but the problem is "Philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways - the point, however, is to change it". (10 points to any lady out there who can correctly attribute that quote.) One day cross dressing will be fully accepted - and will no longer be called "cross" dressing... but at that time, will "society" have found some other reason to discriminate against us (or whoever is then the flavour of the month?) I'm not trans and won't push too hard for trans rights - but that's mostly because I don't think it should be needed! Who cares what a person thinks about their gender/sexuality, bar they themselves? NOT my business or anyone else's, bar the individual involved! The "Conservative" side seem to keep pushing against me - but as long as there is a rule of law, I hope they will eventually just wither on the vine, as it were. Sorry to rant on like this; I'm just looking forward to my (now confirmed!) makeover/photoshoot in December - the excitement is driving me a little crazy!!! Love you all: Holly XXX

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Eminent Member     Anchorage, Alaska, United States of America
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This was such a nice story. I remember the too few times I stepped out enfemme, and it was exhilarating. My current wife won't have anything to do with it and has told me she would leave me if I continue, so I have a post office box, to receive my girlly items. When I order nylons, panties, a dress or two from Shein, or a wig, I'm on pins and needles until they arrive, and find a place to hide all of my items. I have to make sure all address labels are disposed of so my wife does not know that I order to a different address. I envy every time I hear a story like yours, and I remember how exciting it is. I hope you get many more adventures just like that one.

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    Leicester, Leicestershire, United Kingdom
Posts: 614

Thanks, Cheri: yes, the disposal of address labels and packaging is something that can too easily slip the mind. I've come close to putting some incriminating material in the normal recycling a few times - not a nice feeling when you realise what you've done! I try to ensure everything is torn to shreds - and in the winter it's used to light the fire! Good luck with keeping your secret; it's a shame your wife doesn't approve, but at least she knows about it in the first place - one step down the road, and who knows? Maybe she'll change her mind. Thanks for reading! Holly XXX

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Active Member     Washington, United States of America
Joined: 4 years ago

Great story Holly! I too borrowed my sister's things when I was little. It is so hard to balance going out with confidence and making sure the wife doesn't see. I am glad you are enjoying every bit of it

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    Leicester, Leicestershire, United Kingdom
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Loving every second - bar the indecision over "What am I going to wear tonight?" Holly XXX

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Active Member     Cardigan, Dyfed, United Kingdom
Joined: 2 years ago

Ah, the laundry basket as a lad... I remember it well. My dad caught me trying on some tights - we never spoke about it; he was not impressed. C'est la vie.

Thanks the the article, Holly. x

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    Leicester, Leicestershire, United Kingdom
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Hiya, Bebe/Stephanie: sorry I took so long to get back to you - internet trouble... I was very lucky in not getting caught. Looking back, I'm amazed I took so many risks and always seemed to get away with it (though it was very, VERY close a couple of times!) I'm not sure, but I think it could have been better if my parents or my sister had indeed caught me - I could have been a lot more open about it for so much more of my life and - who knows? - maybe I could have told my girlfriend (now my wife) and had acceptance from her? Or would I just have been humiliated and lost my family and my girlfriend as well? No way of knowing, but an interesting subject to mull over... and quite possibly going to form the basis of a forum discussion later today... Holly XXX

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New Member     Logan, Queensland, Australia
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Hi ladies

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    Leicester, Leicestershire, United Kingdom
Posts: 614

Hiya: lovely to see you here. Holly XXX

Posts: 56
Trusted Member     Rosemead, California, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

Hi Holly and as everyone has a story me now retired before I had more opportunity to dress after work I will drive back home all dressed having been a truck driver I had many moments or close encounters with people some with fellow drivers coming back from their trips one time I was finishing dressing inside my mini van I managed to cover and pretending asleep ( 10pm ) which when done I would drive back home about 45 miles and drive back I would drive completely dressed to a adult bookstore and sometimes get in ( Thursday evening to early Friday morning) was crossdressers nite I would get in an browse some time then talk to sisters alike exchanging ideas and so on then later change back in the van removed all makeup and head home which I my wife already asleep cause she knew I would come late around 2/4 am and always cause if I did came earlier I had to call and explain one load was short and finished early good times being there all dressed all the time with nylons garter belt mini dress long wig and makeup drive back home and driving a caravans of trucks as I drove earlier. In the meantime happy dressing you’ll sisters.
Auroras Livingfem

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(@Betty Rockwell)
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Nicely done! Very well articulated and I’m so happy for your success in finally getting passed the fear of exposure and stepping out. Keep that Pen to the paper. Dulce XXX

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    Leicester, Leicestershire, United Kingdom
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Thank you, Dulce - please keep watching for my next Pen to Paper experience... By the way; your profile picture is SO cute!!! Holly XXX

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Eminent Member     Ontario, Canada
Joined: 3 years ago

Thanks you dear Holly Marie. Your story is wonderful. I lived all the moments. You pictured all feeling very well. I can understand your feeling, and I admire your courage.
Love jasmina xxx

Posts: 614
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    Leicester, Leicestershire, United Kingdom
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Hiya, Jasmina; thanks for your lovely comments. I was supposed to go for another photosession in mid December - but I caught Covid (5th time!) I've re-booked for March 19th; hopefully, I'll be able to let all the ladies know how it went... Love you: Holly XXX

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