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Wow, Paulette what a great well written article, I loved it. Don't get me wrong but after reading it I was glad I was a Canuck. We never had stuff like that happen when I was a young crossdresser. Of course we still had to be very careful where we went and with whom. Just like the States, back then, homophobia reigned supreme in the Great White North as well. I might add that you look absolutely gorgeous in the pic. Keep the articles coming, they're very good and if you're not a writer....you should have been.
Paulette, great article. I can understand why you are a part-time girl now. I am so sorry you had to face the negative side of being a transgenderd woman. I am glad to see that the pleasant aspects of of womanhood did not stop you from being the beautiful woman you are.
Kim, what a heartbreaking story. I am so glad, however, that you overcame that horrible trauma and have reclaimed Paulette. I didn't dress publicly until late in life. Although I'm not interested in men (though I do find stylish transfemmes incredibly sexy), I have been "hit on" by guys and do love the attention. Like any girl, I am much more concerned about my personal safety than I am when I am in guy mode.
Oh my gosh! This is an incredible, personal story. I felt like I was there with you. Thank you for sharing and for being a pioneer for us all. How wonderful that you met a kindred spirit at such a young age. I haven't read through all the comments, so forgive me if you've answered this, but are you and Barbara still in contact?
OMG, I can't believe that happened to you. I'm glad you made it through ok, and didn't let that define your life.
To answer your questions, I've never been out of the house dolled up. It's so hard to find anything that would fit me, and I know I'm not passable. I'm hoping being here will help change that
So much of this is a repeat for me it’s uncanny. Close in years, close by Lakewood and Grace, similar experience as first time crossdressing. We probably even bumped into each other. You write so well I enjoyed the article so much. Can’t wait to chat and uncover more. Lovely.
Oh my goodness girl. What a story. First of all, very well written and detailed perfectly. Unfortunately. That is extremely terrible what happened to you then. I can see how you would want to lock away “the best part of you” for so long. I’m so sorry that you had to go through that point in your life. I was only 4 at the time but I know how things were much different back then. Kudos for even being out there.
Now, I’m a positive thinker. I like to see the good in everything and everyone. If that’s possible. Lol. So I choose now to remember this...
You had Barbara. An obvious close friend and girlfriend the you can confide in. Spend girl time with and go out on the occasions that y’all had fun. Please don’t let this ruin the good times.
I do feel for you for having such a traumatic experience. That was horrible. You wrote an amazing story about it and it’s something I think we all should be careful of now. Even though these days are much, much better then back then.
Hugs 🤗
Baily 🎀💁♀️🎀
Paulette..... Nice article. Never had the pleasure of being beaten by da po-leece, but came close a few times. As for Vietnam, I missed that "party" by two years, my lottery number was high - whew. But I did do some post Viet time in the US Navy.
As for crossdressing, late bloomer here but always had a fem side since I was a kid.
To answer your questions: 1. No 2. No, at least not to my knowledge, had I been aware it would make me uneasy, I am straight 3. No, I try and ALWAYS be aware of my surroundings, drab or dressed. Especially now days....
Question - You still friends with Rodney?? That must have been a fun friendship.
Have fun, enjoy your crossdressing... Staci...
Paulette, wonderful article. Remember those days, gradated in 1970, and dated a girl named Paulette. I cannot imagine what you went through. I was lucky enough to go through three lotteries, sitting and watching what my number would be. Got lucky. Very glad you endured it all and came out on top of it. Many did not.
God Bless your service.