MY WEEK AT THE 2022...
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Eminent Member     Fort Myers, Florida, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Believe Deuteronomy also prohibits shell fish.
As a newbie attended Southern Comfort which was very worthwhile.
At that time I also had all of the fears-using the ladies room, contact with civilians etc. Now-when I go out I do not even think about it anymore. Slip my mental transmission in to I am a woman and go from there.
I do have a strong bias about the way many now dress and refuse to conform. Usually over dressed and as a result get many compliments from women. Restrain myself from saying "so why did you give up?"

Posts: 77
Trusted Member     SOUTHAMPTON, New Jersey, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

Hi Brielle. Did I see you at the CDH meet and greet? I enjoyed the description of your experience. This was my third Keystone. I agree that it is a wonderful adventure with so many supportive girls and staff. I attended several seminars including, Transgender in Business, which was run by a friend of mine.
In August the Mid-Atlantic Trans Community holds a wellness conference in Philadelphia addressing Transgender health issues and transformation. It is very informative and another chance to express your femininity.
You are so lucky to have a somewhat supportive spouse. My wife would not accept me as Janus. I did not come out until her passing. Now I live full time at home and go out socially . I belong to 3 Trans social groups. Hopefully you have local groups to enhance your femme existence. God Bless You

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Honorable Member     Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States of America
Posts: 668

Oh snap, i forgot to mention the meet and greet! I was there, but sat in the couch area since my shoes were not being kind to my feet that afternoon! I saw the Philly event, but I wouldn't have the time or funds to go to another conference so soon. Plus, I'm getting dental implants in August - they can angle the posts outward a little, and give me a wider upper arch smile. Plus they know I'm trans,so the bridge will be ordered for a female. I'm hoping the wider upper arch will add some width to my face and make it look more feminine.

My wife and I are about to move to separate apartments in June. Not totally due to my reveal. I have a bad habit of talking over her and projecting what she's thinking and saying. I ma an engineer, so I always have to "fix" things and give her unsolicited advice. But I know Brielle is an uncomfortable presence. We know we loveeach other and she does support my need to transition, she just always said she is transitioning too, and Brielle isn't who she thought she was marrying. I get it - I don't resent it but I thought she would stay for a coupke of years and see how Brielle can interact with her.

I'm so envious of couples that not only support each other, but find joy in the changes that improve the relationship. Oh well, I knew the odds were not in our favor. I can't stop fixing a medical issue and she wouldn't want me to (I offered).



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Trusted Member     SOUTHAMPTON, New Jersey, United States of America
Posts: 77

Hi Brie. I hope your medical procedures come out fine. Seems like you're doing your best to be and appear more feminine. Good luck. I was sad to read of your marital situation. I hope you can remain friends and that she will come to realize and love the true you. Always stay the lovely person you are.
Hugs to you

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Honorable Member     Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States of America
Posts: 668

Thank you Janice. I don't feel like I'm trying to "outdo" cis women or anyone here. We all need to be true to ourselves, whether it be underdressing, role-play only with our SOs, full-on crossdressing, HRT, or GRS. It's all valid and fine so long as one is authentic and not trying to hurt anyone else.

On a lighter note, if I didn't need confirmation about my goals, I got bllod work ahead of seeing my endo this week. My potassium level is slightly too high from the spironolactone. I couldn't increase the dosage and I wanted to drive the T down a little quicker anyway. So... I'm scheduling an appointment with a urologist to set up an orchiectomy! I planned to get that done within the next year or so anyway, so this is great news. I get rid of the spiro that drove the potassium spike and get rid of the source of the T at the same time - win-win (giggle).

I know most CDs wouldn't take such steps to feminize, but I'm way past that now. I'm still leaning against bottom surgery, but we'll see how it goes. A year ago, I didn't even know I wanted HRT or an orchi!



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Honorable Member     Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States of America
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I keep trying to put a crying-laughing emoji, but it won't do it. I will have to remember that line if someone makes a snarky comment on how I'm overdressed!

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Trusted Member     Mount pleasant, South Carolina, United States of America
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Oh Brielle,
I can only imagine your emotions during that conference girl! Way to keep your composure and meet with your daughter.
I would love to chat sometime as I am a practicing Catholic and converted from Methodism after I met my wife a cradle Catholic.
I struggle with my faith and my transition constantly. Thanks for sharing your story with us at CDH!
I also would love to go to such a conference

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Honorable Member     Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States of America
Posts: 668

Hi Hope, I'll give you an exclusive - I'm going to change my name legally later this year, and I've settled on Brielle Hope S---- (last name still private until I've come out to everyone close to me. So, my middle name will be Hope. I want my name to speak to the hope I have in my transitioning, my future, and my God. Breille is a French, feminine extraction of Gabriel, which means the LORD is my strength, I beileve. I'll keep my surname because I'm not erasing my past, just improving my future.

I answered another member here about a great book to help clarify your faith and what scripture orginially said and meant. It's "Transforming: The Bible and the Lives of Transgender Christians" by Austen Hartke. It is a wonderful guide to help us understand how God sees us.

I spent my whole life feeling like a social and spiritual outcast until last year. I used to ask God to "fix" me and I was so depressed with a "stony" silence. I came out to my wife almost a year ago, and further learned I need to medically transition. I stopped praying for a fix and started praying "how can You use me through this, Lord? All these doors suddenly opened up, my wife suggested my retirement be in ministry or counseling, I met Marcie Rose here and she asked me to co-present a Trans Theology workshop at the conference.

I don't have to wonder which version of me is better for spreading the Gospel of Christ, do you?

I'm glad you like the article. It was so special for my daughter to drive nearly 2 hours on her day off to "meet" Brielle. After a few moments of awkwardness, we were just a parent and adult child having lunch together at Chili's. Very cool!



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Reputable Member     Long Island , New York, United States of America
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Great account of your experience at Keystone. It was so nice meeting you at dinner with Melanie. Keystone is a great event. Each time I attend it I enjoy it more.
I am so happy you had a good time.
Hugs Terri

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Honorable Member     Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States of America
Posts: 668

Hi Terri - thanks and I enjoyed the evening with you as well.



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Noble Member     Middlesex county, New Jersey, United States of America
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It sounds like you had lot of fun. I was planning on going to Keystone, but when registration opened, COVID was rampant and I decided not to go. I'll try again next year.

I did go to a conference a number of years ago and had a great time. My SO was working out of town and I never told her. I'm divorced now so it's not a concern.

I get out a lot. Several days a week I take a walk through my neighborhood. But I've also gone shopping and picked up food from restaurants en femme. I had a friend ho used to throw parties and I would go there. I have another support group I go to as well. I'm usually wearing a skirt and top, occasionally a dress. And I;ve gone to the beach a few times in a one piece swimsuit.

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Honorable Member     Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States of America
Posts: 668

Wow Alison, you are quite active. I have to admit, I'm still very timid about shopping or eating out, or walking around my complex en femme. One neighbor knows, and I'm moving in a few weeks, so not much point making it a "thing" here. Once I move in to the new place, I'll tell the management office I'll be using a new name by January 1, if not sooner. Still need to come out to my employer and my siblings.

I did have a blast at Keystone! And I also have a local group that meets once a month at the Blue Moon in Pittsburgh. That group gave me the confidence to attempt Keystone and I'm so glad I did!

Posts: 32
Eminent Member     Augusta, Georgia, United States of America
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Thanks for a great personal overview of the conference. I'm looking forward to Southern Comfort next year. Ive never had the chance to make a major event like Keystone, so your article gave me an idea of what to expect. My usual going out dress consists of women's jeans or a skirt and a pretty top and of course my black pumps. A few accessories like earrings and my favorite pearl necklace and I'm off. Thanks again for the information.

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Honorable Member     Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States of America
Posts: 668

Good luck and I hope you enjoy it! I used to live down that way and a trip to Southern Comfort may be in the cards one day!

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