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Congratulations on your wonderful experience. Shopping for and trying on Women's clothes is such an exciting and fulfilling experience.
That's a wonderful experience. I too have found that a customer gets treated with the same respect from my experiences buying women's shoes and clothes. It's good for business.
It's STILL 90*f every day here. So chiffon flouncy maxi.skirts light blouses and summer tops and bikini bottoms !
Tee shirts over lightweight bras and simple house dresses still hold sway in this weather here.
Hugs xoxo
Good for you, Allie! I never hesitate to try things on, but never would I try on women's clothing in male mode. Not that I don't have the intestinal fortitude to do it. It just doesn't feel right & when I look in the mirror, I want to see a woman-- not a guy in a dress.
You will soon find that trying things on in stores will become second nature and your anxiety level quickly fades. I've done it for 2 1/2 yrs. and never had an issue. Confidence is key, walk in like you belong there, like you've been there before. Dress to blend in and don't talk to anyone in the fitting room. Go when stores won't be crowded so the fitting rooms will be lightly used. Keeps you from having to stand on a line.
I was shopping for a gown for new year's eve and the lady at the changing room, was uncertain if I was allowed to take them to the men's dressing room (I was wearing masculine clothes).
In the past, I would have been too embarrassed to try on the gown to begin with, let alone with a balking employee. But I remind myself that my demeanor when I'm shopping sets the tone. If I'm timid I will get a lot more looks, but if I'm confident I get less attention.
And quite frankly it's 2025, so time to "update your software" people in the public. But I always (try to) remain calm and polite, no matter what happens.