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Fun quiz! A bra is the most essential femme item for me. For most of my life it was the ONLY garment of interest. I have moved far from that point but it remains the item i wear almost constantly.
I scored 47. I wear a bra everyday and have since 1991
I scored a 36, happy to be a silver fox! LOL... and by the time I read down to 50, decided to go shopping for more...
Scored Silver - 32 - but this is because I am recovering from a purge. Shopping plan in place and Weill be back to wearing a bra on a regular basis soon!
Love this … but sadly only 7 scored! I have the house to myself for a few hours tomorrow so shall I endeavour to push my score into double figures!
I scored a 31. Guess I have some work to do.
I'm a size 48 C or D Scored 46 points. = Golden Bra
Not at all surprising , that I rate that I lov bras , Golden Bra
Even have some longline bra I lov to wear ,
Sometimes wear 2 bras for extra extra firm support ...
You Should have one for Shapewear to 50 points ????
🍒🍒Question 🍒🍒
🍒🍒??Does any still like to wear a longline bra any more ????🍒
I have to say I lov the way a nice good fitting bra, is like a warm beautiful hug , hugging you & supporting you all day long, a amazing beautiful feeling ,
🍒🍒 ??? Any one else feel.that way ???.🍒🍒
I love bras 🙂!! I wear a cotton sports bra and cotton panties every single day even under my male clothes if I’m going outside and I am wearing a bra even as I’m writing this!! I first discovered that I was transgender when as a teenager I was left home home alone and I snuck into my older sisters room and tried on her red sports bra and cotton panties! The feeling was euphoric!!
Taking advantage of the new comments here, I recently bought an unpadded underwire bra and I loved the way it shaped my breasts - yes, it made me look like I had some breasts. Small and without cleveage, but it did the trick! I loved the feeling!
I scored 38. I really enjoy wearing bras because there is nothing more feminine than wearing a bra. Early in my crossdressing journey, I used to be mostly fascinated with wearing panties, but if you're going to go out and purchase panties using the "it is for my girlfriend line" (I am talking about the days prior to online shopping), you almost have to buy a bra just so you don't blow your cover, and since I really was buying them for myself (and I spent the money on it), I may as well try on the bra too. My fascination has since shifted from panties to bras. Now I shop for bras first then search for the panties that match.
I mostly identified with the fact that I love shopping for new bras. There is nothing that makes me feel more feminine than putting on that new bra for the first time. There was also something there about buying bras for the wife or girlfriend, that is when I usually sneak one in there for myself as well, and there have been time where I ended up buying more bras/lingerie for myself than I did for my wife!
37 for me but I think some of the questions kept me from scoring higher. I'm not an underdresser and we don't do matchy matchy things.
Anyway, I'm not me without my bra and forms (which I wish were real).
My score: 46! I love wearing bras! I know why I like wearing a bra- it's because I NEED to feel it lovingly against my breasts. It is part of my very feminine personality.