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Hey all!
I could use some help in the article section.
As the Managing Editor since 2016, I've been going at this for some time. I enjoy being a part of your stories and helping you to shape and present them to all our readers. When I first took the role of editor, Captain D asked if I'd be interested in editing, as I'd been submitting my own articles. My reply: "I'm a much better writer than I am editor." They convinced me to give it a go. Soon, I was the Resident Editor (2nd in charge), and when Cap retired, took over as the Managing Editor. We usually like to keep 4-6 editors on hand (including me) and a Resident Editor (which we haven't had for some time now.) Times change, as you are all aware. This calling has its ebbs and flows just as editors come and go.
What is required of an editor is to help those who submit their stories to polish up the articles grammatically and within an author's intended voice. This is their story, so I make it my number one priority to help them say it their way. It doesn't have to be perfect, just flow well so readers will be engaged. I have three grammar programs (I am a writer first...) that help me with much of the basics. I still make multiple mistakes, and that is fine. What is important is to convey the thoughts of our authors in a way others can relate. There are no requirements on how many or how often you must edit an article. Some come and do two or three in a week and then repeat it a few months later. Other editors have done one or two every couple of weeks. Before you ask... this is a volunteer position that does have a few perks. Sorry... you won't get paid for the edited word. Payment is the reward of seeing your author's piece excel on site.
A Resident Editor would be someone who can step into my shoes and make dedicated decisions regarding the placement of articles, the timing of them, overseeing the other editors to make sure they have their articles set in the proper categories and not overlapping each other. Technically, you would need to be able to grasp the (WordPress) software and be more frequent in editing and your presence. When the queue is low, writing occasional articles would be helpful as well. We have guides, and I can help get you acclimated to the procedures and means. The Resident Editor is also a volunteer position but with more recognition.
I believe it's time to bring in some fresh eyes and new suggestions to keep improving on a mainstay of our site; the sharing of each other's journey, successes, and tribulations. My main qualification is your willingness to help others share their stories. We do ask that you have been a member for 6 months to show consistency. You may have particular questions, so Private Message me if you are interested, and I will go into more detail.
I told the Captain that I was probably only 80% good at editing... a stretch... to which they said, "More than good enough!" The flow is much more important than the perfection in grammar. The reward is in giving back and being a guiding hand to others who share and contribute to the importance of this site and our wellbeing in the crazy crossdressing world.
I hope you reach out to me.
Brina MacTavish
Managing Editor
Brina, you have been a friend and so dedicated to our sister’s articles to CDH.
I would be honored that I would be considered to the editorial staff .. Leonara
I consider myself more than literate and may well be interested in helping out when necessary. Can't say I've ever had anything to do with Wordpress though so that may well rule me out.
Let me know what you think.