Scarlett On How To ...
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Scarlett On How To Share Your Thrill Of Cross Dressing With Others

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(@Nicole Dalton)
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Joined: 6 years ago

Great article Scarlett! I would have never thought of bringing pics with me. I will give that a try. By the way, you’re stunningly beautiful.♥️ Nicole

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    Pensacola, Florida, United States of America
Posts: 1043

Thanks Babe! I get a lot of those so sweet compliments from so many of the girls here at CDH! They are always inspiring me to try something new and keep my quality of photos to be some of the best displayed on here. And none of them are touched up in any way! That's all me and all Scarlett!

Thanks for the lovely note, Nicole! Have a super week girl friend!

XOXOXO Scarlett

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Noble Member     Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States of America
Posts: 813

Thank you my dear. Your recent photo is beautiful , I am jealous and envious of how you look!!

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Eminent Member     Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

I applaud you Scarlett! Loved you article on sharing the thrill. Crossdress evangelism! My heart is about to explode!!

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    Pensacola, Florida, United States of America
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Maritina, I love the definition you've assigned to my mission - "Crossdress Evangelism"! Well if that won't sum it up in two words or less, I can't imagine what would!

Well done girl friend! When I'm out there spreading the news, I'm dressed as "Handsome Husband" and never as Scarlett so they know that cool handsome and even cool non handsome guys are really into cross dressing. And I let them all know that there are millions that you've walked past over the years that you wouldn't have come close to guessing they had a sexy pair of panties on underneath those khaki shorts or those slim cut suits!

! guess I look just about as cool and "normal" (whatever that means now) as anyone else out there. As I noted in one of my formal articles entitled "Scarlett Will Never Refer To Herself As Drab", when I walk out the door whether as Scarlett on my four Scarlett nights out per year or whether it's as Handsome Husband, I always check myself in the mirror and make sure everything is right before I get in the SUV or truck and go! And I think my coolness and normality adds to the cred of our spreading the news about cross dressing. I the girls I share photos with that there are millions and millions of guys who love the look and feel of women's clothing on their bodies even more so than girls! We appreciated the feel of thigh high hose, ankle or knee booties, skirts, dresses, panties, pantie hose, makeup, bras, etc., etc., and etc.... When most ladies take that feel way too much for granted. They have no idea how lucky they are and we really appreciate everything about about women's apparel - especially shopping for it!

Love ya, Maritina! XOXOXO Scarlett

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Active Member     Kentucky, United States of America
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you are so lucky to be so nice looking dressed up. So sweet hun.

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    Pensacola, Florida, United States of America
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Georgia, I'll never take the genes by late parents passed on to me for granted. It's those genes that make the transition from guy to girl so much easier for me than many other cross dressers.

I'm no doubt very blessed!

XOXOXO Scarlett and thanks for the sweet compliment, Georgia, from your Florida girl!

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(@Nicole Dalton)
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Joined: 6 years ago

Yes--I've had tremendous luck with sales people being accepting (when I'm spending Money)--(esp at thrift shops ect) Wich is Great--but now I don't need much more in clothes-- Family on both mine & my wifes' side knows & I thought accepted fem me (Jane) --However--Since my wife died (May 4 2019) both sides of the family seem to ignore me (even avoid) me-- they used to visit or phone either one or both of us multiple times a week --Now I feel ostracized-- Of course--I'm pretty Broke now--I do wonder if that is part of it-- Lost the love of my life--lost the kids--& now my income is cut to below poverty level (struggling to keep the house--Does anyone have any advice?? Jane

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    Pensacola, Florida, United States of America
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Jane, all I can tell you is kids suck! I put both my sons through college at FSU in Tallahassee by paying for their cars, food, car insurance, place to live, clothing, and spending money and never received one "Thanks Dad" from one of them.

I've got many more other horror stories related to my kids that I will spare you.

I taught middle school Math and Algebra for six years after retiring from a high profile job and now I am totally allergic to kids of all ages so I can't help you at all here, Jane! Kids SUCK! XOXOX Scarlett

I know this won't gain me a pile of friends here, however, I'll telling it like I feel it is based on my raising and interaction with today's kids! Sorry Girls! Hope a few of you feel the same way!

(@Nicole Dalton)
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Scarlett--I Do wish I could say you are Wrong about kids (& family in general)--But, I can't--My two Youngest Daughter who live 8 or 10hrs away--seem to be the most caring out of the 5-- they do text once a week or so & when they come to London (Ontario) to visit their friends they usually stop for a Short visit--I guess this is practice in case I'm ever in a nursing home- Thanks for your input-- I guess I just have to "Buck Up" & Try to make some new Friends -- but with a lack of money/time & energy-- It feels Impossible-- It's a good thing I have dogs to take care of-- a sense of responsibility sure helps-

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    Pensacola, Florida, United States of America
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Hey Jane, don't worry about family members and friends. Dogs are so much better than family or friends. Dogs always give you that unconditional love we are always searching for humans and never quite get it!

Stay with the dogs and don't worry about friends and family. They will leave you in a second but those sweet doggies will be with you until it's time for them to jump over the rainbow bridge. When that happens, I cry for about two weeks and always have photos of them I put up on the Christmas tree each and every year. The ornaments where you can insert a very small photo of them and put them on the tree. That way they will always be with me until they scatter my ashes over the Smokey Mountains!

When a family member dies or friend dies, I cry for about 5 minutes and sometimes not even that. I hope you don't feel less of me because of that fact. I love my Corgis and I can never get enough of their unconditional love and their quirky and hilarious personalities. This is our second pair of Corgis and will never have a different breed as part of our family.

Stick with the dogs Jane. I'll be your friend!

Sincerely, Scarlett

(@Nicole Dalton)
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Thank you very much-

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Reputable Member     Homosassa, Florida, United States of America
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Scarlett, You are rapidly becoming one of my heroes! i am fairly certain my crossdressing would NOT go over well with my daughter though my son would likely accept it as just another of Dad’s oddities. My wife is accepting though not enthusiastic; we had ‘The Talk’ about two weeks ago. i am an embryonic crossdresser just getting some outer wear and more than one bra. i suspect the next person to find out will be either the one who pierces my ears or whoever gives me my first makeup lesson. Both of these are in the near future.
Your pictures are lovely. i hate that you can wear stilletoes, between my brace and my prosthetic i would love to just get 2” heels . You inspired me and many others

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    Pensacola, Florida, United States of America
Posts: 1043

Thanks Babe! You wouldn't believe the amount of notes I get from girls who tell me I'm an inspiration to them. This humbles me and makes me so very proud as well!

I'll never grow tired of hearing what an inspiration I am to so many girls here at CDH!

Love you Bobbie, and have a super week! XOXOXO Scarlett

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New Member     Florida, United States of America
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Hey Scarlett , such a great post. I often dream of coming out like you said. Makes me feel light and free just thinking about it. I wasn’t aware that you are in Pensacola. I am in Destin, would love to have lunch one day. I am semi-new to this and think I could really gain some confidence from you, if you think it possible to meet.

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    Pensacola, Florida, United States of America
Posts: 1043

Hi Misty! Good to know there's another cross dresser within 300 miles of here.

I can't meet with anyone because I can only get out in the public as Scarlett four nights per year and on those nights I prefer to fly solo.

But wherever you purchase items for Misty, feel free to share photos of Misty with these people if you feel confident with your Misty pics.

I've very proud of my photos and I even shared them with a female physician assistant at the VA hospital over in Pensacola today! She thought the photos were fabulous and couldn't believe they were me! I showed her that very small birthmark on the shin of my right leg to prove to her that those Scarlett photos are of me! She was very impressed, encouraging, and accepting which is what I get from whoever I show my photos to! These were my latest of me in those sexy outfits with me in short shorts for the very first time last week!

XOXOXO Scarlett....Tell me about yourself and when you started cross dressing and if you go out in public as Misty and if you are married, if your wife is OK with the CDing!

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Trusted Member     Plano, Texas, United States of America
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Thank you for another great article Scarlett. You're an inspiration to all. ❤️

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    Pensacola, Florida, United States of America
Posts: 1043

You're so sweet to say that, Isabelle and I seem to get that same sentiment from so many of the lovely girls on this site!

You girls are AWESOME! XOXOXO Scarlett

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Active Member     Coral Springs, Florida, United States of America
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Great experiences! Are you going to the Southern Comfort Transgender Conference this weekend? Khloe will be clad in the highest and prettiest of heels. Hope to see you there.

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    Pensacola, Florida, United States of America
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No Babe, I can't go to any of these conferences but would love to be able to do so! My wife stays very close to home (she's the director of our county health department which is located a mere five miles from our new home) which makes it impossible for me/Scarlett to disappear for two or three days!

Khloe, I only get out for four nights per year when my wife is away to short statewide conferences with high level state health officials from one end of Florida to the other. And this year I'll only have 3 nights out because she just took me to the last conference which was held at one of the most gorgeous hotels I've ever seen in my life - the spacious Embassy Suites on International Drive in Orlando, Florida right in the middle of all of the action in Orlando. We extended her stay there for three days so we could spend three days at three of the Disney Parks. I opened the park along with my older sister back on October 1, 1971. My sister was one of the 150 original tour guides when they opened the park. She was hired six months before that opening date and I came on board a week before opening.

You won't ever see me at the conferences for reasons stated above but would love to be in attendance as four a five per year. But won't happen as long as my sexy redhead is my wife which will be for a long long time!

XOXOXO Scarlett

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New Member     Coralville , Iowa, United States of America
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I have felt the same acceptance, thanks for another great read Scarlett, I am wondering if they are more comfortable with us when we are not dressed. ?

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    Pensacola, Florida, United States of America
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Short answer is yes, Michelle. When I go to share my Scarlett photos with these girls in these stores, I'm always in "Handsome Husband" mode. If I were in Scarlett mode, I'm sure there would be a certain amount of awkwardness in the air while sharing my Scarlett photos!

Great question by the way, Michelle!

XOXOXO Scarlett

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(@Nicole Dalton)
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Joined: 6 years ago

Lovely article Scarlett. You are an inspiration to all us girls. Love your pictures. Sometimes I just wish you wouldn’t set the bar so high. You are too pretty. Lol. Just kidding. Huggs.

PS. I have my first article about my Macy’s makeover and coming out, due to be released hernon Thursday. Hope you have the opportunity to look at it hun



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    Pensacola, Florida, United States of America
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Annie, can't wait to read your Macy's makeover article. The girls who write about these makeover experiences always have nothing but very positive things to say about them and I'm sure your's will be full of positive notes as well!

Bye the way, your photos just keep getting better and better with each and every posted photo girl friend!

Yep, the girls on here tell me I set the bar high and that's an ultimate compliment and I hope to continue to raise the cross dressing bar! However, Annie, at 64 years old, my time for raising the bar is extremely limited! Gravity, gravity, and more gravity is taking its toll on my face and body! I can't look sexy, cute, and gorgeous for very much longer girl friend!

Love ya Annie! XOXOXO Scarlett

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(@Nicole Dalton)
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Another fantastic article! You are just filled with great advice. It's funny how proud we are of ourselves aren't we? When I've had to opportunity to share my crossdressed self (photos, whatever) it's such a thrill - especially when they react in the positive! Keep up the great posts!

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    Pensacola, Florida, United States of America
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Thanks Girl Friend and so glad to hear from someone else who enjoys showing their photos with others, Alexis!

Thanks for liking another article of mine!

XOXOXO Scarlett

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(@Nicole Dalton)
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Good article, Scarlett. I debated if I wanted to show up at my cousin's wedding as Christine this fall. I'm thinking "no"! The main reason is because my mom and my grandfather are both very ill and may not live more than another year. My grandmother wont be far behind them. That's three funerals in the near future, and there's no sense in making three already unpleasant gatherings downright awkward! I'm not close to any other family on my mom's side, so once those three individuals are gone, I wont care if the others know. I'd hate to make gathering bad for my mom, my grandma and my grandpa though! For example, if my mom were to die a few months after the wedding, I wouldnt want grandma and grandpa having to deal with family drama in addition to the loss of their daughter. Who knows, maybe when the last of those three dies, I'll introduce Christine just to piss everybody else off!

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    Pensacola, Florida, United States of America
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Super decision on your part not showing up to your cousin's wedding this fall with your total girl on as Christine even though you would probably be one of the prettiest girls there - including that of the bride!

Yep, no sense in rocking the family boat and freaking out about three of your immediate family members who may be cashing it in within the nest couple of years or so.

So go to the wedding in "Handsome Husband or Handsome Guy" mode to keep all relations with the entire family smooth for the time being!

Love ya, Christine, and as noted in this article, it's always dicey and a real gamble when letting family members know about your thrill of cross dressing. The reveal to strangers or folks where you shop for Christine's items, ends up to be such a more positive, encouraging, and supportive experience than sharing your thrill of cross dressing with family members!

XOXOXO Scarlett

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Trusted Member     EWING, NJ, United States of America
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Love your articles and photos Scarlett. Always look forward to reading and seeing them.They are a big inspiration to us girls.

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    Pensacola, Florida, United States of America
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Thank you so much, Paula! The response to my articles have been overwhelming! The girls really seem to love my writings! Many of them are based on hundreds of questions sent to me in private messages asking me for all kinds of questions pertaining to anything you can think of tied to cross dressing. Their questions inspire my articles and the title to my articles. And the articles actually end up saving me a ton of time answering individual questions coming to me by way of private messages!

Love ya girl friend! XOXOXO Scarlett

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Active Member     British Columbia, Canada
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A transformative piece. Thank you for writing, it meant a lot to me personally and was the reason I have just joined CDH.

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    Pensacola, Florida, United States of America
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Wow, well that was sure nice to know, Stephanie. You'll find out real quick you are now a member of the classiest cross dressing on line sites in the world!

I've been on this site for about a year and a half and was a member of one of the worst but most popular site because it's the first one that pops up on cross dressing site advertisements when Googling the subject. I won't mention that site, however, I was a member of that site for over 2 years and it was a mess. The members, founder, and administrators were a complete mess!

Vanessa Law, the founder of Crossdresser Heaven, runs a first class site and if anyone attempts to come on board for nefarious or wrong intentions, they are deleted from the site in a hurry.

Vanessa and the administrators of this site are always coming up with ways to improve every section of this site. So if you ever see a section difficult to get to, it's in the process of being improved with super software changes to make that section so much better and easier to use. So don't bail if a particular part of our site is down. It's just like waiting for a street with a ton of pot holes being repaired and is a nice smooth road with the road construction crew gets through with it!

If you have any questions about this site, Stephanie, please feel free to send them to me in a private message!

XOXO Scarlett....And check out my photos when you get a chance! The girls seem to love them! I'm also a writer and editor in our Article Section and when you click on the "Articles" word at the top of your screen, please go to "All Articles" at the bottom and click on those words to have access to my informative articles and many many more by our other writers who contribute to that section!

Posts: 8
Active Member     Galveston, Texas, United States of America
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My wonderful Sister Scarlett, i have not been here long but have read much of your articles and cant wait to read more. Since i have found CDH i find my self looking forward to a few minutes to read more and learn that i am far from alone. you are an absolute inspiration to us all and a most beautiful woman . I just had to say Thank you for all your great inspiration, Thank you for being you. I am looking forward to your ideas on how to share Julie with my wife of 31 years. Hugs and Blessings for all you do keep it up...Jewls

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    Pensacola, Florida, United States of America
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Thanks a bunch, Julie! I love both to write and edit articles in the Article Section for CDH! I love giving tips and sharing knowledge pertaining to our thrill of cross dressing.

The girls on here tell me on a more than regular basis that I serve as their inspiration to come out of the closet, be proud of their cross dressing, and how to take their own individual cross dressing skills to their personal highest levels.

Thanks for your sweet note to me Julie! Have a wonderful rest of the week! XOXOXO Scarlett

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