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In his quest to make 'real men' out of his parishioners Ken Hutcherson, pastor at the Antioch Bible Church in Kirkland, WA was quoted in a recent sermon saying:
"God hates soft men" and "God hates effeminate men." He went on to say, "If I was in a drugstore and some guy opened the door for me, I'd rip his arm off and beat him with the wet end."
Is that his answer to the question 'What would Jesus Do?'
Perhaps king David was delusional when he said:
'For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.' - Psalms 139:13-14
Maybe the apostle John was misquoted in his old age when he said:
"Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love." - 1 John 7-8
It seems 'God is love' only holds as long as you're not a soft man. And by soft, could Hutcherson perhaps mean: 'sensitive, caring, kind and gentle'? Yes, that's what I picture when I think of a soft man. It also sounds suspiciously like the fruits of the Holy spirit mentioned in Galatians 5:22. I guess that makes me worthy to be 'beaten with the wet end' of my own arm.
Now, pastor Ken tries to pass this off as a joke. If we believe him, it's one made in extremely poor taste. Joke or no, I think it points to something deeper - to the doctrine of hate being preached in so many churches across the country.
It is unfortunate that senior leadership among many Christian denominations has allowed themselves to be defined by what they hate. Anti-abortion and anti-gay. Against pre-marital sex and against gay marriage. Somewhere in all the rhetoric, the message of hope, faith and love Jesus Christ came to preach is lost. Along with that, we Christians are losing the ability to influence others for the kingdom of God. We are no longer seen as a refuge from the world, but rather a group of people who will heap on judgement and guilt until the fragile, broken person has been molded into our own version of Christian virtue and purity. We no longer love people as they are, but rather as we believe they should be. Those who don't conform are quickly tossed aside. Demonized and alone.
In the word's of Dr Seuss, the Christian church is quickly becoming those who 'don't matter'.
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." - Dr Seuss
Hi, Well that preacher is way off base. To hold the dor for someone is just a polite thing to do and has nothing to do with your gender. He sopunds like a REDNECK and a fool to boot.
Thanks Lynn,
It's great that you know Christians like that! I haven't been as blessed as you to meet many Christians like that.
But you're right, it's those folks who make all the difference!
Toby, if Jesus is not God, who do you believe He is?
Many times Jesus refers to himself as God, forgives sin, and calls himself the 'I Am'. These are all forthright declarations that He is God.
I have dated a few guys, three of whom happened to be effeminate, now not only were they MORE manly in the bedroom than any of the outwardly macho manly men but they were more considerate, able to use their own initiative and by far the best guys a female can date assuming of course they are straight.
They are sexy, sensitive and hot.
I have spoken to other female pals who say the same. Effeminate men are man beasts in the bedroom.
That religious guy is NOT a man of God, he's an absolute berk and he was wearing a dress to give that sermon no doubt 😉
I think the trinity is misunderstood rather than nonexistant. Most times i don't WANT TO HEAR preaching against crossdressing and tg because i want to be tg.Why can't God exist,demonstrating his love for us through his son,with a supernatural bond between him,his son, and us, through the holy spirit? Its like this, sometimes, even though my mom is miles and miles away, i know she is thinking about me because i can feel her presence, like i did when i was a baby.Why not with God?
I'm a Christian that wants to know God, but wrap in himself, listening to the lyrics "The man in the mirror" I need to make a change. I was born with KlineFelter Syndrome 47XXXY Since 5 I wanted to be a she, ended as a shemale, When I look out my eyes I feel woman, but when I look in the mirror I need to change back, I want to serve God, I'm wrapped in me, when I should have my eyes on Him. pray for me. I have breast almst a D cup, been taking Pueraria Mirifica 500 mg. buy them on ebay $5.99 I want to serve Him, how do I win my will to him when feeling me is beautiful, I love me and I can love my neighbor, take this from me, how do I love my neighbor? I did say pray for me. I want 2010 to be better then my balance life. I am born again, the only thing I can't let go is this life style, am I doomed.
i am always getting comments and prayers about being some kind of hero spiritually. i am so tired of that.People always elate my given name to a bible charachter when they pray for me. I am not like that at all. In fact all i want is to become a woman so i can know God intimately, free to worship with and among other women.I feel ashamed when people pray according to what they see as my natural gender. Id rather hide behind eye shadow and lipstick than get those kind of prayers. Jesus said "if you seek me you will find me" It goes without saying that if you seek gods word from a man you will merely get a spiritual opinion.You can hear God's voice when you read his word, uninfluenced by men's opinions
ISIAIh 41 BRING forth your IDOLS did they PREACH to you see they can’t
speak they can’t DO ANYTHING all they do is cause confusion. Jeremiah 10
they nil hier IDOL down like a scarecrow it can’t move cant speak can’t
move must be carried these are nothing but the WORK of CON men.john 10
jesus christ sais his sheep hear his voice and another voice thy will
not follow and if another person tries to preach to tem they WILL FLEE
from him. jeremiah 5 the priests bear rule on thier own authority what
will you do when your judged my word is not inside them. Now here is the
kicker john 5 son of man voice goes back in time mathew 16 jesus christ
claims to be th son of man.1 cor2 mind of CHRIST preached internally
and john 16 sais the spirit of truth comes in the future. Ezekiel 13
lying prophets of ISRAEL my word is not inside them saying god sais god
sais god sais wrote hoping mankind would CONFIRM thier WORDS. all of
this is EASILY verifiable.
The things that preacher was saying were dumb. As a fellow preacher, I would love to gently talk to him and explain to him why it was such a dumb thing to say. I like how you brought up the fruits of the Holy Spirit. A real man has self control, gentleness, faithfulness, peace, etc.
Unfortunately preachers and churches like him get all the media attention. A few very outspoken churches are in the news all the time and pretty soon that is what people think of all of Christianity. And then the majority of churches in our country who love others with grace and forgiveness and are preaching truth, they are mostly ignored.
It's true that most churches are not accepting of homosexual practice, or crossdressing practice, or abortion. But that is because God's Word is their standard about what is right and wrong, not the whims of our culture. But those churches are still mostly loving to those people, rather than full of hate.
Further, you talk about the good news of the Gospel is all about love. That is true mostly. But the true Gospel also includes repentance for sin. And it includes trying to live for God in the way he told us to live, in gratitude for the salvation and forgiveness he gave us. We don't try to rid sin from our lives in order to earn God's love, we try to stop sinning because of God's love and forgiveness already in our lives. We also realize that the Bible says full true joyful life is found in obeying God's commands while sinful actions lead to death and a fruitless life. So we have many good reasons to avoid sin in our lives, and seek the fruits of the Holy Spirit.
But it would be a false Gospel that said, you just have to trust in Jesus, and then continue to do whatever the heck you want.
If people aren't living as God wants them to, that doesn't mean we should toss them aside, ignore them, or spend our time judging them. We give them the good news of the Gospel and call them to true life in Jesus. We love them, and forgive them for whatever they have done in the past. We listen, we try to understand. But we can do all of that without saying, "what you are doing is okay." Once we come to know Jesus, Jesus calls us to deny ourselves and follow him. That can be a hard process. We all have things we have to give up, and for some of us that might mean giving up crossdressing.
Thank you for these posts Vanessa. They're very insightful and bring me hope. I too am a Chrisitan and I crossdress. I've been on a spiritual search for for who God really is and have had to almost completely demolish everything I'd ever been taught growing up and start new with the few very basic things that are absolutely vital to this way of faith. I feel I'm over much of the guilt with crossdressing and have accepted this as a part of who I am, though some remains to a degree since I'm still closeted. I think anyone can argue in favor of and beat the dead horse that is Deut. 22:5, and many crossdressers and trans people may be thinking "DUH, we've heard that a million times!", but that whole argument completely draws focus away from Christ and focuses on a person and how sinful they are, which God already knows and to which the Law can attest. I remember a sermon I heard a few years ago about a pastor who wanted to reach out to one of his neighbors. His neighbor would always agree to listen to him about Jesus but wanted to do so while having beers, since he knew the pastor didn't drink and knew what the pastor believed about drinking. The senior pastor corrected the pastor on how the Bible addresses drinking and drunkeness and one day the pastor finally got to share his faith with his neighbor and both had a beer, though the pastor didn't think beer was very tasty at the time. The point was the pastor worshiped God and used beer to reach out to his neighbor and did so without worshiping beer and getting wasted. The focus was ultimately God and I think crossdressers can do the same thing. Your blog and your posts about this topic being one way. Again, thank you very much for your posts. God bless.