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Thank you, a well-written piece on optimism and being grateful. Indeed, our journey through life is not an easy one.
My journey, among other things, included the hell of alcoholism and a brutal military career which facilitated my alcoholism but later turned against me.
Some hit bottom and never bounce back. The end is death. For those of us fortunate enough to rebuild a responsible meaningful life, it can take decades to do so.
In my case, the Holy Scriptures, as found in the King James Bible, have been my guide into light, as I rebuilt my life.
Who do we blame our past failures on? No one! Well, maybe ourselves. Be easy on others and hard on yourself, as AA used to say.
Thanks again for this optimistic positive piece!
Peggy Sue
I so strongly recognise this, and have gone through it so many times, followed by the same realisations, that I have adopted the phrase "If you are going through Hell, keep going."
It's been working really well for me - hasn't stopped the bad stuff, of course, but makes coping with it a lot, lot easier.
I hope these words of power are useful.
Love Laura
Thank you Char for tackling such a difficult subject. I seem to be susceptable to depression, and sometimes seemly small things will bring me down into. Rarely do they last long, but are so intense, and it seems like life isn't worth it anymore. That's not true, but wow, it can seem like it! Like being face down on the earth at night, and all you can see is the darkness below you, but all you have to do is to roll over and let the light reach you again.
Everyone who goes through this needs to be given the message that there is light, and it can come again.
As I noted in a reply to your last weekly reset, I lost my $30k a year restaurant management job back in 1992 one month before my daughter was born and six months later finally began a new full-time job ina bank headquarters making about $18k. I had been unhappy with restaurant work for a while as it is a lot of late nights and weekends and while great for a single young person, it stunk for a young family. But I couldn't VOLUNTARILY take that pay cut by quitting so I was stuck with continuing to work at the restaurant business until God decided to force the situation and allowed me to lose the job as part of a turnover of the whole management team. It took a few years but by 1998 I was in sales and making five times the money. So as you said- sometimes you have to walk THROUGH the valley of the shadow of death to get to the mountaintop.
Re the metamorphosis- I wrote about that here back in 2016.
Thanks for a great refresher of that lesson in my life.