Transsexual Lesbian...
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Transsexual Lesbians - Crossdressers still make the news

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Famed Member     Seattle, Washington, United States of America
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Even for the most mundane of things, a man in a dress still seems to make the news. In this case two men have decided to live together as woman. They would probably best be described as non-op transsexuals, as neither of them wants to have a sex change. Though naturally to add some spice and sizzle the paper terms than as "transsexual lesbians".

[caption id="attachment_5504" align="alignnone" width="460"]Tranny couple Tranny couple[/caption]

The thing that strikes me is that if this were any other couple it would barely make the news if you paid the paper to print it. Though This shouldn't in any way be taken as a complaint. The transgender community can do far worse than two people deeply in love deciding to live out their remaining years together.

It is touching though, that between them the "lesbian fathers" have five kids between them, and waited so long to express their true selves. If you ask most crossdressers you'll hear a similar story. Fearing that they would hurt their loved ones, the transgendered soul tortures itself into conformity. Hiding it's light so deep that the rest of the world cannot see it. The message that Jenny-Anne and Elen send us is clear and poignant - do what you love, even if it is wearing women's clothes. Even if it means living with someone else who enjoy's wearing women's clothes.

Jenny-Anne sums it up nicely:

“Life was one big act for me,” said Jenny-Anne, who used to work as a chemist. “From the age of four I always knew I should have been a girl.

Despite some of the nasty comments here, there was more than enough even handed coverage in the news about the "lesbian fathers" on other websites.

Before you move on and surf to another web page, take a moment. What are you willing to do to live as who you are? Are you willing to risk the scorn of society to express your innermost being?

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(@Weirded Out)
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The title should read transexual homosexuals twins [they seem to dress alike] & since they haven't fully changed I guess that makes them half n half - not cool at all.

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Famed Member     Seattle, Washington, United States of America
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I was going to comment about the clothes they were wearing, but though that it wouldn't be as pertinent to the article, but yes - they do look a bit like twins.

Weirded out - thanks for your comment. It is difficult sometimes to understand why people can sometimes be so different from us - in ways that don't make a lot of sense. Thank you for being open to reading and listening about others, and for expressing your opinion.

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(@Weirded Out)
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Hello Vanessa,
Just came across your blog on our article in various papers in Sept 2008.
I appreciate you commenting on this, but would just like to add a few words that may make our position clearer.
We did the article to try and empower others to be open and live authentic lives which reflect their true gender identity.
We are both Transsexuals (You don't have to have surgery to be Transsexual) and use the term " Trans Lesbians" simply to help others understand our way of living together.
We don't just think we are female, we know our core gender identity is Female, we can't ever be natal women, but we are female .
One Gender Specialist put it this way " I know she is female, she just got there by a different route"
My current position is that I'm hoping to get approval for GRS later this month through our National Health Service ( As I'm a pensioner on low income I can't afford surgery in the private health care sector)
We are not "weird" , just different to the average man or woman, as being Trans is a natural diversity, just as being intersexed is , or having blue eyes instead of brown eyes.
We have never been "Men" and yes being Transsexual can be described as being in-between Natal Men and Natal Women.
In the picture we are dressed in a similar way, because the picture was taken at Pride 2008 in Manchester wdere we were part of the "Sparkle Army" marching in the parade for TG rights and peacefull action, we had a real tank painted pink, which blew "Love" bubbles instead of firing shells.
Thank you for your very positive summing up and hope you are also at peace with your self.
If you wish to you can contact us at

Best WishesJenny-Anne & Elen

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Famed Member     Seattle, Washington, United States of America
Posts: 1461

Hey Amber,
Yes, you're completely correct - sorry if I implied otherwise. What I meant to get across is that Isis can share some lessons for the crossdresser, even though she is not a crossdresser herself. I think the way she carries herself in certain situation is something crossdressers could learn from.


(@Weirded Out)
Joined: 16 years ago

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Posts: 2

I (phyllis) and my dear partner Leslie have been longtime crossdresser(transvestites). We were "married" 3 years ago in Toronto' We are both 58 and have adopted openly a lesbian life style.' It was a little strange for neighbours but we are now fully accepted. Every July we both march in the GLBS
parade clearly showing our sexual preference.
Best wishes
Phyllis & Leslie


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