Who do You Dress fo...
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Who do You Dress for?

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(@Anonymous 100533)
Eminent Member
Joined: 4 weeks ago

I loved the article and it is so true for me. I dress for myself.

it gave me a lot to think about..Hugs Brit

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Noble Member     Iowa, United States of America
Posts: 1094

Thank you! I appreciated the kind compliment. Thanks for commenting 🙂

(@Anonymous 100533)
Joined: 4 weeks ago

Eminent Member
Posts: 26

😊Thank you

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Estimable Member     Central, Illinois, United States of America
Joined: 3 years ago

This is a good question. And one I have been pondering most recently. I think sometimes the who and the why are intertwined. The why is because that's a way I can express the inner (real?) me. The who - it's for me. I think it is becoming less and less about who sees me - in fact I don't want anyone to see me - if you know what I mean. I want to be just part of the crowd. Blend in. Not necessarily pass, that's not exactly what I mean. I mean I just want to be me, who I feel and think I am, and let everybody else be who they think and feel they are and we just go about our lives.
I know I've heard others say this - but the first person that said it that really had an impact on me was my therapist. They are just clothes. In the end analysis they are just clothes. What's the big deal (with everyone else)? Think about all the people you've known over the years that have a favorite pair of shoes, or a favorite sweater, etc... Probably you too. Sorry for the detour (not really).
I have started underdressing more. And I'm trying to get over the thought that says "I'm sneaking around" - instead as I said before it's "for" me. Now, what I've come to realize by underdressing I can fulfill that need/desire to be and feel femme and I can blend in (talking most about at home with SO - she doesn't want to see it). I guess this whole balancing act we play becomes quite a game. But hey it's our game so we can make the rules.
Thanks again @bmactavish You always make me think and it's always a good outcome.

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Noble Member     Iowa, United States of America
Posts: 1094

I think one of the biggest transitions is in dealing with the feelings of guilt and shame. Once you accept that this is who I am, it becomes less about the sneaking, etc., and more about coming to terms with what can I reasonably expect and do within the parameters that I have to keep myself and those I care about content. We tend to bear the load, sometimes without the need. This is me, and I need to find ways to express it. Thanks for the comments!

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Estimable Member     Central, Illinois, United States of America
Posts: 177

@bmactavish You summed it up perfectly dear. This is something similar to what my therapist was saying.

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    Denver, Usa, China
Joined: 2 weeks ago

I dress mostly for my self or when I go on walks with my mom and her dog.

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Noble Member     Iowa, United States of America
Posts: 1094

I appreciate you commenting! Sounds like a wonderful time!

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