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I should point out that I'm female, but the reasons why men crossdress has never been too complicated or hard to understand for me.
When I was a young child, I remember wanting to be a boy. I felt I related more with that gender in just about every way. I used to put socks in my shorts lol.
I was a serious tomboy until about 6th or 7th grade when I started going through puberty. I still liked mostly male-centric things including heavy metal/punk music but this is about the time where I discovered makeup and how much fun it can be. I always had short hair, usually only 2-3 inches long, I preferred it that way but always sort of felt I didn't look girlie enough compared to my peers. I remember during my eight grade graduation when I wore a floor length gown, I just felt akward like a guy in a dress.
It wasn't until the end of highschool that I actually wore a pair of high heels. Sure, I wore shoes that happened to have a heel, but these were sexy, strappy, black, stiletto heels that belonged to my sister and I was used to wearing doc martens. I was just trying them on with a skirt I owned but never wore and it was such an unexpectedly exciting moment. My legs looked long and sexy, my ass looked hot, I couldn't walk in them but I still felt like the sexiest girl in the world. It felt euphoric and I suddenly knew what the fuss was about. I felt comfortable in women's clothes and wearing them really boosted my confidence in myself.
I imagine for men, crossdressing is a lot of the same exciting feelings. Let's face it, being girlie can be a great amount of fun! It can make you feel desirable and confident and delicate all at once.
I think society's stance on gender roles is antiquated to say the least. Obviously, things can never be so black and white or should I say, blue and pink. "Male" and "female" characteristics shouldn't have to be mutually exclusive. It breaks my heart when something so harmless is so misunderstood and vilified on the basis that it isn't "normal". From what I understand, "being normal" seems pretty boring and restrictive to me and I don't want any part in it.
The fact that so many crossdressers live in shame or in fear that someone will find out about their secret is heartbreaking to me. I sincerely hope that they can make peace with themselves, and that maybe one day society will follow suit.
Stay strong, boys and girls.
Sophie, it's wonderful that you are strong enough to be who you are. The most important thing is to be true to yourself, even when others have different expectations on you.
I never really delved into why I enjoy getting dressed up and in touch with my softer and more feminine side until finding this site.
I suppose it has a lot to do with the fact that in my everyday world,I am the aggressor and a 'take-charge' type guy. When I need a good balance and to destress....I will open up the two suitcases that allows me to relax and luxuriate in satin and silks. I also tend to become much more submissive when dressing and this is why I truly believe my crossdressing really balances out my persona both emotionally as well as spiritually.
I've always said..."If it makes you feel good and doesn't hurt anyone else....what's wrong with it?"
Kayla, that's an interesting observation, that perhaps the more feminine side brings the whole being into better balance. You need to be careful who you ask your question to though, since I can imagine certain folks who would find something wrong with it 🙂 Here's hoping that society evolves past this prejudice as well.
William - I agree, the Internet has been a fantastic thing for the transgendered, and I deeply appreciate all the ladies online who have shared their stories. When you're alone and uncertain about what is happening inside you it's scary. With others we have a chance to realize that we're part of a community.
I see it as a tremendously positive thing that the next generation would have grown up on the Internet, and largely with less fear expressing themselves (if the videos I've seen on youtube are any indication 🙂 )
Those moments when we can be who we are and be accepted are heaven, aren't they?
I agree with you - if more of us started going out in public acceptance would come sooner. I wrote about this a few months back ( https://www.crossdresserheaven.com/a-call-to-crossdressing-action-its-not-just-the-transgendered-who-suffer/) - let me know what you think.
hi all i have been crosdressing since i was about 12 yo am 50 now i was at a halloween party lost at a parlore game and had to don the clothing of oppositte sex. i was dressed totally from panties nylons garterbelrt reel frilly full petty cat and skirt.very nice stuffed bra and sweeter way too much make up also . well the reaction of all the boys and girls made me feel kind of strange in many ways . but i was and am completely addicted to dressing since that evening and always have found ways to dress and more as time goes on and now i raelize that i need more fem timethan i would have ever realized i would luv all cds and wish we all did not hide so much and came out to support and play with each other
I have been donning women's clothing since I was a young man. I was lucky enough to find a woman who embraced my fetish and she allows me to endulge reguarly. I like the sturdier of undergarments. Full corsets with garters. I do have to say finding shoes I can walk in has been a real task. At my age, 67, I can hardly wear platform heels. I like the more comfortable shorter heel that has a peep toe. I enjoy painting my nails and wearing light cosmetics. I continue to dress in the privacy of my own home. Sometimes when the wife is home sometimes when she is not. I like to feel comfortable yet have some firm fabrics to hold in my midsection.
This year I intend to try some wigs. I always wanted to have long curly hair. I am looking at a wig catalog currently to try and see what I might choose. It is very nice to find a space to discuss these things with others.
I'm a 45 year old outdoorsy male in Idaho and Wyoming and I've crossdressed since I was about 9 or 10 when I found a pair of high heels in the garage that was going to be donated. Shoes are main thing but I also wear other things that enhance them: nail polish, pantyhose, toe rings, leather pants, skirts, most anything except wigs and makeup. I love women and have never been gay. It's just the feeling I get when I wear womens clothes and shoes (gotta have the shoes - heels, boots, clogs, or sandals) Yes, it's so fun to me and gets me really aroused. But, it's more than that. Most importantly is that the props of womens clothes and shoes help me get closer into the spirit of the sexy women I love so much. So I feel the the cross dressing helps me be more complete of a man, not less.
I have been crossdressing since I was 12. I 1st got the urge to do it when I was watching a spanish movie with my parents where this guy put on his wifes panties on accident. Seeing that made something in my brain trigger. It seemed so naughty to me and the panties looked so pretty I jus had to try it! I have 3 sisters so it was easy for me to get a hold of some nice underwear. It was a pretty pair of pink bikini cut panties with a heart on the ass that said “cute” on them. I got an instant erection!! It was the naughtyness, the sexyness, and the fact thatI didn't have to sct tough that instantly made me love it!
Now I'm 31 and still do it. Although I'm still in the closet about my crossdressing I'm slowly reavealing my secret to my friends (all of them girls). I guess I'm scared that they might think I'm gay but truth be told I love women. I just also love dressing like them too. For Halloween I dressed up as Amy Winehouse and was out and about loving life!!! Now that I did this I'm absolutely gonna go out again all dolled up (I'm glad I live close to Hollywood where theres all kinds of drag clubs).
So to answer the question, I do it bacause I feel fabulous. pretty. fem. and I LOVE IT!!!!
My soon-to-be-ex-wife knew about my cross dressing, & barely tolerated it. I don't pretend to understand it myself, so why should I expect anyone else too? I'm just much happier as a woman. I don't hate being a man, I just need to be girly sometimes. I always thought "if I could only find a woman that liked my crossdressing, I'd be happy" Well now I have! I've found the perfect girl friend. It just does not get any better than playing dress up with her. We have such a great time together. Sometimes I'm a man, sometimes I'm a woman, but she always loves me. I no longer feel ashamed of what I am, and that is the greatest feeling in the world. So keep looking guys/girls. That special person is out there, just waiting to buy you some pretty panties!
why do I crossdress?
I crossdress because I like the feeling of womens clothing on my body, it makes me feel so sexy. I feel like the women's body is the most beautiful thing in the world. I have never told my family of my fantasies of being dressed up all sexy like a women. My wife would surely not understand. I have a girlfriend though that understands fully. When we are together she even helps me dress up by applying my makeup and helping me find the right things to wear so that I look good in my outfits that I wear. I have gone out dressed up in the past. I am at the point in my relationship with her that we want to go out together as sisters. I have a feminine side in me and she loves to let me bring it out. One other thing, we have sex all the time when I am dressed up like a woman and the sex is the best I have ever had.
Kevin said he likes to cross dress because "I have a feminine side..."
I like his answer and I think it is the main reason I like to do it as well. Most---if not all of us men---are part female, and to dress that way (at least occasionally) seems entirely natural to me.
And by the way, Deuteronomy 22:5, when properly translated, does NOT prohibit cross dressing, a fact I recently learned which causes me to love God more than ever!
I dress because I love fine clothes and the highest of heels. I feel wonderful while wearing skirts and heels. I've shopped as a man for womens clothes and find most sales people are not too concerned. Some are just wonderful. I found the most wonderful shoe boutique about a year ago and it's my second home. The sales staff (my girls) are the sweetest things in the world. They have been so nice and accepting of me. I really think I've made an impact with them too. The more folks we show who we are and the more people that see us as real people the better for all of us. I actually went out for the first time in daylight today. So I had to go shoe shopping. I told her I would some day and you should have seen the smile on Grace's face when I walked in. I wish they had all been there. She did take a photo with her phone to show the others. I love them young ladies.
Don't be afraid to go out, Be who you are. Be beautiful and be proud. There are folks out there that are understanding and accepting of us all.
Love, Raechel
I feel so relaxed when I dress as a woman. The feeling of pretty lingerie under a dress or skirt and blouse combo is unbelievable. I feel less stressed and can really relate to my feminine side. A woman is so lucky to be able to wear such pretty things, from undies to their outermost garments. I love wearing makeup and a pretty wig. Heels and stockings ( I prefer control tops over garter and stockings) are tremendous. Nothing like smooth sexy legs. I am completely hairless on my body with exception of one place. I practice being a woman all the time. Oh, I'm so jealous. I live alone and can dress up whenever I want. Patrice has her "girly" room and spends most of her time using that room rather than my guest room. My gg friends accept me as a "girl". They encourage me to bring my feminine side out as often as possible. I love hearing from other girls. Feel free to contact me at rjb7839@aol.com. Have a great "fem" day girls. I wish more woman (real ones) would dress as woman, sometimes they just put on jeans and blouse and sneakers....although so do I. I can see at end of day, for most girls, they feel great taking off their bras and getting relaxed in their own way. I prefer to wear a bra as long as I can everyday. As mentioned, to me it is relaxing. I also wear makeup, etc. regularly. Hugs to all.
Honestly, I personally cross dress because I try to ignore sex and gender boundaries in life. Dresses, skirts and (for reasons I can't explain) high heels feel very loose and comfortable to me, certainly much more so than suits, so I wear them whenever I can (not very often, since I'm still a minor and my parents disapprove...) I also wear other general women's clothing, like pants and shirts. To answer the question more concisely, I cross dress because some pieces of women's clothing are just really awesome, and I would wear them if they were men's clothing instead. I am sort of tempted by the idea of trying to pass as a woman, although I have not yet tried it.
Thank you! I'm not entirely sure what your question is asking, but of the gender of clothing switched (that is, currently male clothing people female clothing, and vice versa), I would wear both types of clothing, although then I would tend toward wearing the (newly) male clothing more often, again because my parents push for male clothing. Although honestly, I must say that I like currently female clothing better than currently male clothing, on average. It tends to be much more comfortable and colorful.