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Year One

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(@Michelle Kaytee)
Eminent Member
Joined: 1 month ago


2024 has been a year of incredible change in my life; I'm calling it Year One because for me it's been a year of so many firsts. I turned 50 this year but I might as well have turned 15. This is the year that I finally got to experience the world in a completely new and exciting way as Michelle.

2023 concluded with the highest of highs and the lowest of lows in the exact same month. Our first grandchild was born in early November and later that same month, I lost my father unexpectedly.

2024 began with an odd combination of grief and elation, as well as excitement and anticipation for what was to come. The loss of my father and the realization that I am now a grandparent was a wake up call: it's now or never. I decided that if I'm going to explore what I've longed to explore, now is the time because time waits for no one.

Like so many others, I've been cross-dressing in some capacity since I was a young child. Waxing and waning, coming and going, purging and buying, hiding and exploring—I’ve done it all.

In my case, I've had the blessing of an incredibly supportive and affirming spouse for nearly 28 years. She has known about my cross-dressing since our earliest days together and has always been encouraging and understanding even when I denied, hid, and felt ashamed of who I was. In fact, it was she who bought me my own first pair of  heels, first dress, first wig, and first did my makeup shortly after we were married. However, it was me who threw it all away in a guilt-ridden purge afterwards, only to buy again and start over. I came into our marriage preloaded with an incredible amount of guilt and shame from growing up in a strict conservative, religious home. I have lived in a constant state of inner turmoil for nearly 40 years thinking that who I was in my innermost self was in complete misalignment with who and what my family and community expected me to be— but that's another topic for another day.

In 2019 I found a cross-dressing group online called Sigma Epsilon that met in person about one and a half hours drive away from me in Atlanta, Georgia. In early 2020, after discussing with my wife, I made up my mind to reach out to Sigma Epsilon. I made first contact, had conversations with the membership coordinator, and was ready for my first visit in March of that year. However, COVID-19 cancelled the whole thing. Then came a series of graduations, weddings, job changes, and life events that delayed everything until recently. In December of 2023 I decided that my time had finally come to take this to the next level.  With full support from my wife, I disclosed my secret to both of my adult daughters and was met with nothing less than total acceptance from both of them.  If anything, it made our relationships even stronger.

I contacted Sigma Epsilon again in early January 2024 and set up my first visit for later that same month. When the big day finally arrived my oldest daughter helped me with my makeup. My wife couldn't attend but did help me pick my first outfit the night before. I left the house alone for the first time completely dressed as Michelle. Am I insane? Are they insane? Is this safe? What if someone sees me? What if I get lost? What if I have a flat tire? Should I turn back now? These and many more questions raced through my mind as I made the one and a half hour drive to meet the group. When I arrived at the hotel, I made the call from my car and was greeted by the group president in the parking lot and escorted up to the suite.

When I entered the suite, I was warmly welcomed by the other attendees. My fears and anxieties were quickly put at ease and it didn't take long until I felt quite comfortable and began to open up and discuss all sorts of matters related to cross-dressing; I used the opportunity to ask as much as I could. For the first time I was able to ask questions of someone other than Google and get answers to things I have wondered about all my life. Just about the time I had finally calmed down, it was time to go out to lunch.

We all car pooled together which meant that I couldn't chicken out and go back home. When we got to the restaurant I was again on pins and needles. Would there be pitchforks? Would there be an angry mob? Would there be ridicule or public shame? Thankfully it was completely uneventful. We were just a group of ladies having lunch; even the wait staff addressed us as ladies. After lunch we went back to the suite and they graciously entertained my continued questioning for the rest of the day. In fact, it was Sigma Epsilon that first told me about Crossdresser Heaven, which I joined later in the year. By late afternoon I was exhausted from all the build up and events of the day so I opted to go home rather than out to dinner with the group. I decided to officially join Sigma Epsilon and went on my way looking forward to the next meeting.

My drive home was completely different from earlier drive in. I felt euphoric, almost like I was floating all the way home. When I met my wife at home we talked for hours and I couldn't wait to do it again.

In February, I also attended without my wife but I had the pleasure to meet more cross-dressers and continue to learn as much as I could. In March my wife was finally able to join me. She had a wonderful time going to a museum and out to lunch and dinner with the group and she has been attending with me ever since. Throughout the year we've gone to various restaurants, museums, theaters, exhibits, met many more people and we recently attended a wonderful holiday party.  

Finally venturing out into the world in 2024 as Michelle has truly been one of the highlights of my life. I've spent far too many years battling Michelle; the internal struggle has caused me so much angst. Now, for the first time, I have an outlet that allows me to explore my feminine side publicly in a safe way. My confidence has grown enormously and I've become far more secure in my identity;  my only regret is not doing this sooner. In addition to joining Sigma Epsilon, I recently set up an account with CDH and I have greatly enjoyed meeting many new people and continuing my journey of self exploration. I’m still a work in progress but I've had an amazing Year One and I can’t wait to start Year Two. 

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(@Michelle Kaytee)
Joined: 1 month ago

Eminent Member
Posts: 25

your best memories are usually your first time doing something. after that its all the same and get easier. pretty soon it just all normal. i started when i was 50 and wish i started sooner knowing what i know now. we never know when its our time to die, so lets get as many goodtimes as we can in the time we have left.

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Reputable Member     Northeast GA , Georgia, United States of America
Posts: 236

Absolutely! It does get easier every time which helps boost the confidence to go a little further the next time.

(@Michelle Kaytee)
Joined: 1 month ago

Eminent Member
Posts: 25

@mkat3874 keep pushing the envelope to see how far you can go. that keeps it exciting.

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Reputable Member     Northeast GA , Georgia, United States of America
Posts: 236

Already off to a good start as I got to go out this past weekend with both my daughters for the first time. Looking forward to more adventures with them.

Baroness Annual
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Noble Member     Gloucestershire, United Kingdom
Posts: 602

Hi Michelle, thanks for sharing that wonderful story. Like you, when things started to happen, things really started to happen for me. You have come so far and I hope Year Two brings many more leaps forward.

BTW they say the camera never lies, so you must be pulling our legs when you say 50! Your picture is that of a much younger, happy, confident and attractive lady. Wow 😍 .

Hugs, Rebecca x

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Reputable Member     Northeast GA , Georgia, United States of America
Posts: 236

Thank you Rebecca 😊. My oldest daughter has some really great makeup skills. 😉

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Noble Member     Bay Area, California, United States of America
Posts: 964

Hi Michelle,

     That is an amazing story and so much of it resonates with me and I am sure with most others here. We are all familiar with the guilt of dressing and the notion that it is shameful as well as the fact that we cannot resit doing it. All of this leads to the well known binge and purge cycle. Most of us are not so lucky to have such an understanding spouse. Mine has also known since before our 45 year marriage and is accepting and somewhat supportive. The main difference in our stories is that you are braver than I have been recently. Keep it up girl !!


Hugs, Maureen

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Reputable Member     Northeast GA , Georgia, United States of America
Posts: 236

Thank you Maureen! It's funny, even after having gone out now for a year I still get get anxious as I'm preparing to leave. I have thoughts such as "you don't really have to go", or "you can still turn back". But once I start down the road those thoughts give way to excitement for what's to come. It's like I have to clear the first hurdle in my own mind and the rest is downhill from there. I'm told by those that have been doing this longer than I have that eventually all that will go away. We'll see . . .

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Noble Member     Bay Area, California, United States of America
Posts: 964

@mkat3874 Great Pic of you and your daughters getting ready to head out---hope you all had fun

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Reputable Member     Northeast GA , Georgia, United States of America
Posts: 236

We certainly did. We went to dinner and a play.

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Reputable Member     British Columbia, Canada
Posts: 218

Thanks for sharing Michelle!! I am over the moon happy for you!! It is so great that your wife and daughters are supporting you all the way !! Hugs… jo

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Reputable Member     Northeast GA , Georgia, United States of America
Posts: 236

Thank you Joanna!

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Estimable Member     Eastern WI, Wisconsin, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Hi Michelle -- What a wonderful, heartfelt story!  So glad to hear from other sisters who have gained the refreshing first-hand experience of expanding their CD social circle and exploring their feminine side out and about.  I, too, and fortunate to have a supportive spouse and family...and we have made many fantastic CD/trans friends.   All the best for you in 2025! 


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Reputable Member     Northeast GA , Georgia, United States of America
Posts: 236

Thank you Rochelle.

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Noble Member     South Carolina, United States of America
Joined: 5 months ago

Wow Michelle, this is about as good as it gets I would say. From your spouse, to your kids, to going out successfully. A true CD’ing success story. And you look peaceful, calm and happy in your photos too. As well as not a day over 40🥰


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Reputable Member     Northeast GA , Georgia, United States of America
Posts: 236

Thank you so much! I really do have to give my oldest daughter credit for her amazing makeup skills and support.

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Illustrious Member     Fife, United Kingdom
Joined: 1 year ago

Hi, Michelle, what a heartwarming account of your past year.

I'm so pleased for you, it's great to have the support of your family, my wife is also supportive but I've not told my daughters about Allie....yet..

my only regret is not doing this sooner.

Mine too! I could have been this happy for longer 🙄.

A lovely article, thanks for sharing it with us.

Allie x

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Reputable Member     Northeast GA , Georgia, United States of America
Posts: 236

Thank you Allie! I was debating whether to tell my daughters or not. I thought it might unnecessarily burden them but instead they said the opposite. We have drawn much closer over the course of the year. On the lighter side, my youngest was needing a dress to wear to an event and didn't have time to shop for one so her husband told her to just go borrow one from her dad.

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Illustrious Member     Fife, United Kingdom
Posts: 2213


Brilliant! I love that. 

Posts: 1143
Noble Member     Warner Robins, Georgia, United States of America
Joined: 9 months ago

I loved your article! Thanks for sharing your experiences.
As another Georgia girl ( Middle Georgia area) . I know how alone in the world CDing can be. Seems the larger cities have all the fun and acceptance.
I've thought about Sigma Epsilon. But haven't gotten that far yet. I did go to the Atlanta Confort Conference back in August of 2024. It was amazing to see and be among girls like us! I'm registered for Keystone (first time going).
I've met a couple of CDH girls at the Atlanta Conference. Hope to meet many more at Keystone.
I hope you have a fabulous and fantastic New Year!
Fran 🥰

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Reputable Member     Northeast GA , Georgia, United States of America
Posts: 236

Thanks Fran. I'm hoping to get to the Atlanta conference this year. If you're planning to be there maybe we'll get the chance to meet.

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Noble Member     Warner Robins, Georgia, United States of America
Posts: 1143

That would be great 👍
I've met great girls there and some wives too! 🥰

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Famed Member     Cornwall, United Kingdom
Joined: 11 months ago

What a great experience for you, thanks for telling us your story,


Anna xx

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Reputable Member     Northeast GA , Georgia, United States of America
Posts: 236

Thanks Anna!

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Estimable Member     Michigan, United States of America
Joined: 1 year ago

Thank you for sharing this inspirational message!

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Reputable Member     Northeast GA , Georgia, United States of America
Posts: 236

Thanks Janet. If nothing else, maybe it will help someone considering stepping out to see that it's possible and there are others out there who are more than happy to help take those first steps.

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Noble Member     Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States of America
Joined: 7 years ago

What a great story, loaded with lots of support from your wife and daughters!

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Reputable Member     Northeast GA , Georgia, United States of America
Posts: 236

Thank you Leah. They truly are amazing!

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Estimable Member     San Francisco, California, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

Beautiful story Michelle, really well told!

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Reputable Member     Northeast GA , Georgia, United States of America
Posts: 236

Thank you Kate!

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Noble Member     Ohio, United States of America
Joined: 5 months ago

What a wonderful article to read may have taken sometime but look where you are today can’t take back the past unfortunately truly wishing you the best of year 2 and many more outings to hopefully come TC thank you again for sharing this wonderful article 

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Reputable Member     Northeast GA , Georgia, United States of America
Posts: 236

Thank you Erin. Even though I sometimes wish I had not waited to so long I'm hopeful that there are still many good opportunities to come.

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Noble Member     Ohio, United States of America
Posts: 1172

Unfortunately I do understand after 20 some years of cross dressing I still yet to take that opportunity truly hope you do have many more opportunities and cherish them all indeed hugs 🤗

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Baroness Annual
Famed Member     New York, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

Thanks for the update Michelle. I guarantee year #2 is going to be a very exciting year for you. Enjoy!

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Reputable Member     Northeast GA , Georgia, United States of America
Posts: 236

Thank you Fiona. It's already off to a great start.

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Noble Member     Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
Joined: 5 years ago

Sorry to hear about your father first off and it sounds like you’re on the right track to being yourself with your wonderful wife’s help. Hold your head high and do your thing. Thanks for sharing your experience with us girls.

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Reputable Member     Northeast GA , Georgia, United States of America
Posts: 236

Thank you Ashley. That's so sweet! 😊


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