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Psalms 139:13-14 says, 'For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.'
The video below touched me, and reminded me again that God made us in all His love and power. As someone once put it, 'God don't make no junk.'
Never let anyone tell you that God doesn't love you because of who you are. Jesus died for everyone, not just those who lived up to societies image of 'normal'.
Never let yourself feel unloved. God knows your pain. He knows your struggle. When you're saddened by who you are, His heart breaks. He made you with a purpose for this time in history.
I concur with what you have said in relation to psalms 139:13,14. I would like to add upon this. I believe that God is neither male or female. I believe God is a mixture of both. Some of us have been blessed with these same attributes.
The package God wrapped me may be that of a male, but it what God placed inside the package that has made me whole. I have a number of feminine qualities as well as those of a male. I express both in manner of dress as well
jestures. Although most times it is my feminine side that is on display for all the world to see.
AMEN to all of the above. I was raised in the Bible Belt of the Deep South during the 40's and 50's and was exposed to Sunday School And the feeling that i was unworthy because of the feelings i had about wanting to be dressed as a girl, but I never lost the feeling that GOD loved me And he proved this by letting his only Son die so that I may live and be the ME that i am here on earth and in the hereafter, AMEN.
The ways in which CDH is constantly surprising me are too numerous to mention in this limited space however this article is certainly one of them. I was raised in southern baptist churches and got to a point in my adult life when I felt things I was being told were overly superficial, so, being the obsessive/compulsive person I am I started reading books on my own. This led me for a time to be working on a masters of theology at Luther Rice University. At about the same time I had an epiphany that much of the fundamental teaching aside from the Gospel is based on more myth than truth. The main scripture cited as opposing cross-dressing pertains to the Jewish people in the old testament. That prohibition was associated with the Nazarite vow and is no longer applicable as of Jerusalem council described in Acts chapter 15. The fact that cross-dressers continue to be denounced in Evangelical circles demonstrates a troubling lack of interest in proper biblical scholarship I most preachers. On the other hand those in the trans community must also be cautious not too overly simplify our response to the obvious unfairness we experience.
Thank you for the article
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W0W,, this subject is quite old & figures I am new to the website & I came to see this article I am a Christian &,,,, well,,, I also happen to,,, Cross dress / I am a transvestite. something that,,, I have NEVER kept a secret from,,, GOD+++ / JESUS even tho HE knows of this,, but I felt it to still talk to HIM about it because that’s what you/ (Me) do when you’re in a relationship with someone / GOD this subject certainly is really a BIG debate not only spiritual but,,, otherwise to. So??? What to do? &,,, what to think about this?? Well,,,, let’s put everything that we have ever learned & was taught & focus on what GOD has always wanted for man/Womankind remember it was & is HIS ways that HE would like for us to follow not really ours yes HE loves us that’s why he brought HIS Son to us to bring us back,, but with rules HIS rules From the time I have done this/ feelings/ C-dress I have & still wonder where I stand with my LORD something that’s always on (MY) Heart and mind I of course can get more deeper on the subject but,,,, I will stop for now