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Hi girls I've got my eye on a new handbag well it's an old one that my wife is sending to the charity shop it's a leather one in pink, somehow it will end up in my wardrobe,
Besides my phone keys and lipstick what else is needed for a girl to keep in her handbag 👜, all suggestions are welcome X
Hugs Roz X
In my small crossbody handbag: Phone, lipstick, lip liner, comb or small hairbrush, bus pass, wallet, perfume, keys, a couple tissues and a small mirror.
Hugs, Ms. Lauren M
A hanky or a small pack of tissues. A compact with a mirror. Nail board or file. Clear Nail polish for emergency hose run repairs.
Fran 🥰
Thanks Lauren, thanks Fran, I shall certainly make a list and fill up my new handbag 👜, I'm going to enjoy finding all the things to fill it,
Big hugs too you both Roz X
Depends on the bag. Smaller bags have to hold a phone, purse, keys.
Larger bags, all of the above, plus tissues, lipstick and a small brush.
Large bags, all of the above, plus foldable umbrella, small can of hairspray, small foldable carrier bag.
Bags are essential. They must go with the outfit and the occasion. You don't want to take a large bag on a night out, but you might want to take one into town on a shopping trip. Put in them what is needed and appropriate.
How long have you got Rozalyn?
My 12"x 6" Leather go to bag of some years of use has one main compartment with two small pockets and a zippered pocket within, three external zippered pockets . So what's in there today?
Zippered inner pocket - Tissues, pen, lip salve and pen - Oh and a small digital camera.
Internal pouches, small foldable hairbrush/mirror, make up brush.
Internal compartment - Purse with cash etc. Mini umbrella as rain forecast and removed if it isn't.
Small zippered external pocket - Lippy x 2, Mascara, Eye liner and brush,Eyebrow pencil, lip liner. powder, application pad and make up brush.
Second small external zippered pocket - Folded shopping bag.
Third external zippered pocket - Mobile phone........
I'd say that is a list of 'essentials'.....
At a minimum I will carry my lipstick and mascara,my keys,kleenex,wallet,phone,pen and paper,spare pantyhose or stockings and whatever else Michelle may need.
And, Emory boards, panty liners( make great insoles if ever needed for sore feet), blush, eye liner, lip gloss, tissues, nail polish, hair brush, nylons in a baggie in the event you get a run, nail glue to fix loose nails, sugarless gum, dental floss sticks, I’m sure there are more items. Obviously a wallet full of money and cards, cell phone. No wonder this thing weighs so much! lol
Thanks girls for all your help and advice on what to put in my new handbag, it is now very much in my wardrobe,
Hugs everyone Roz X
Oh gosh! My purse holds everything.
My phone, makeup, hair clips, keys, hair brush, money, credit cards, spare change, sunglasses, identification, medical cards, nail files and clippers, handkerchief and probably other things I can't recount all reside in my purse. A bit of a pack rat I suppose but a girl needs to be prepared.
Handbags, one of my favorite topics. I carry one daily even in drab/underdress, guy mode. I've have a few, but my favorite is my black Michael Kors shoulder bag. Inside I keep just about anything I think I would need during my day. My wallet of course (Women's trifold androgynous), cell phone, sunglasses, eyeglass cleaner wipes, tissues, Advil, Tylenol, band aids, a tactical defensive pen (a pen with a strong aluminum barrel which narrows to a bit of a point on the non writing end), a small leatherman multitool (think modern swiss army knife), car keys, house keys, mailbox key, antacids, a few rubber bands, and my garage door opener.
Honestly since I started carrying a handbag, I've never misplaced my keys or phone at all. Two things I'd frequently misplace daily. For anyone contemplating handbag daily carry in guy mode I'd say take the plunge, own it and don't look back. I live in the conservative south US and in all the time I've carried my handbag no one has ever said anything derogatory to me. On occasion I've gotten compliments from women and honestly no one really pays too much attention one way or another. Once or twice I' have had women tell me they really admired me carrying my wife's handbag while we were out shopping together and my lovely wife, the quick wit she is, is quick to inform them not to give me too much credit because its mine not hers.
Hi girls,
So much stuff it's mind blowing, I shall have to write a list to remember everything, all I've got in my man bag is my phone, glasses, wallet and some tissues and a few pens 🖊, I'll have to do some bodybuilding just to be able to lift up my handbag when it's full, lol,
Big Big hugs to all you girls X