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Well girls I'm finally here in the big apple, it was a long time on the plane but from what i have seen so far it was worth the trip, it's just my first day I'm here till Monday afternoon and i want to take in all the sights, I've already been to see times square, tomorrow i think we are going south to see the memorial to 9,11 ,
And besides that yes i did wear my big girls pants under my drab man's boxer shorts, I'm thinking about just wearing my girls pants and no boxer shorts at all tomorrow, I'm hoping I'll get home in time next Tuesday morning as I've got a makeover session booked for the afternoon, another big red letter day for me, my first ever makeover,
Hugs Roz X
Thank you Rozalyn for visiting The Big Apple.. I’ve lived there for 76 years.. have a good time…
Your welcome Leonard, it's a pity i can't wear a dress, I'm here with my 3 grown up children and they don't know I'm a crossdresser, we are staying at a hotel near the empire state building, already we have been to time square, there are so many things to do I'm not sure if we will fit everything in before we go home,
Hugs X
That should say leonara, these predicted texts are not very good when you try to type something and something else pops up,
No problem, I understand the autocorrect… if I may suggest please go to Rockefeller Center for viewing the Christmas Tree… and a retail store Macy*s , (by the way its my go to store for all my femme wardrobe) the windows at the store are worth the visit.. am so glad you are taking the time to visit the 911 memorial & museum. It’s quite moving and impressive… I remember that awful day like it was yesterday…as we say here: “We will never forget”..Thanks again for reaching out ..
xo Leonara 🌹
Your welcome leonara, it's going to be a very busy few days, I'm here with my family it was my eldest sons birthday yesterday and he wanted to come here to celebrate it, he was 50, it doesn't half make me feel old that my children are getting middle aged,
Hugs Roz X
I have, more than once, considered leaving the predicted stuff in, sometimes it's hilarious!
Excellent, Rozalyn! Have a great time and I'll keep my fingers crossed that you make it home in time for your makeover.
Allie x
Have a lovely time in New York Roz, and I hope everything goes smoothly for you to have an even lovelier time at your makeover on your return. Looking greatly forward to seeing the pictures!
Fiona xxx
Thanks Allie, I'm hoping that i will make it home too, I'm really looking forward to having my first makeover, I'll upload some pictures for the girls to see, it would have been nice to have some time as Roz in the big apple too but we can't have everything can we, maybe i might be able to come here sometime next year on my own and show Roz the bright lights of New York.
Hugs Roz X
Thanks Fiona, I'll certainly have a great time here visiting all the famous places, I've already seen times square and walked past macy's seen the empire state building too, been on the underground train too seen some very interesting people on there,
Hugs Roz X
Have yourself a wonderful time Rozalyn, there is so much to see and do. Just remember to breath every now and then.
I'm a museum person and the 9/11 Museum is probably the best I have ever seen. I'm sure you will enjoy it. A lot of people don't immediately realize it but the museum is also the place where unidentified remains are held. It is a very solemn place.
On a lighter note, when you're downtown, you may want to visit the Stonewall Inn. After all, how many historic places will serve you a cocktail!
Have a wonderful visit! NY is an amazing place.
Have a lovely break, Hugs, Anna xx
Have a great time Roz.
Hi girls I'm having a great time here in the big apple, today i went and seen the flat iron building then went and saw the ghostbusters fire house, then went to the 9,11 museum, it was so sureal in there all the people just walking around and talking in hushed voices it was so moving and when we went into the gallery and saw all the pictures of the people that died i was nearly in tears, seeing all the devastation there brought it home to me how terrible it was for the people of New York, after we went on the ferry to Liberty island and saw the green lady and i took a selfie 🤳 with her in the background then we went to Ellis island where all the new arrivals came to America to be US citizens, reading some of their stories was moving too, not all them made it some were turned away having travelled thousands of miles for a better life, then we went to little Italy for our evening meal because i fancied an Italian but i only got a lasagne unfortunately, lol, tomorrow we are off to central park and some places uptown, I've found it's not like they portay it in the papers I've found the people to be quite friendly and helpful and quite chatty, so far it's a big thumbs up for New York,
Hugs Roz X