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Do you like to watch romantic movies? Some are good, some are sappy. Jerry Maguire is playing on one of the satellite channels tonite. Tom Cruse plays a sensitive, caring guy instead of the macho asshole he usually plays in Topgun or Mission Impossible. But there are others, Casablanca, Love Story, when Harry met Sally, and others. What’s yours?
Hi Kerri,
One of my favourite films is It's A Wonderful Life with James Steward or is it Stewart, but is it a romantic film i like to think it is, he gets the girl he loses the girl when he says he wishes it would have been better if he hadn't been born, and then realises that it doesn't matter what happens to him because he loves his wife and family and wants to live again to be with his family, the ending always makes me cry, no one is a failure when they have friends,
Hugs Roz X
Also, while it got dissed badly by movie reviewers, I really liked the movie Pearl Harbor. Two men loving the same woman. One died and the other adopted his son. The flying scenes, while cgi, were fun to watch. As a former pilot, I enjoyed those, and the intimate moments were memorable.
One of my favorite Romance movies is "Moonstruck". Nicolas Cage and Cher find each other in a complicated world. And She is still beautiful yet. Tears every time
What's that film called with Mel Gibson in where he's a pilot and his girlfriend gets knocked down and he thinks she's dead so he gets him self put into suspended animation by John Goodman then wakes up in the 1980s and then finds out she didn't die after all,
Roz X
Anyone remember the movie about the wildfire bomber pilot that dies, but follows his girlfriend and her new boyfriend?
I can’t remember the name of the movie.
Hi Kerri, My wife and I have always liked "Notting Hill" and watch it a few times a year. Happy New Year, Marg