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Just a fun post let’s just say you where granted 1 wish for 24hrs and at the end of 24hrs you had to make a decision to keep your wish or exchange it for 5000 dollar shopping spree would you keep your wish or exchange it for the money My self I definitely take the 24 hr transition but unfortunately I trade it in for the 5000 that buy a lot of feminine items
(Edit: Thread moved to 'Crossdresser Heaven Polls' 🙂 )
Definitely walk the runway. I love photoshoots and modelling.
It is so intense, Anna. Great choice!
As I see from the list that I have done the things that interest me, so I voted for transition. And let them keep their 5k dollars.As my fellow countrymen use to say: I will remain poor, but happy. (Pobre, pero feliz) LOL.
i put give it away. i don't need any of those things, i don't like to be given anything. i believe anything i want bad enough i can get myself. i don't need $5000 shopping spree. i have enough clothes. give it to some other girls and teach them how to go out in public. i'm just here to help and show others how to go out in public.
Just give me the money!!! I could spend a day out on the town with plenty to spare
I don’t actually want to become a woman. But to have the chance to be one for 24 hours would being an interesting experience. And there’s no way you could buy something like that for $5000.
If the poll had allowed, I would have risked losing my $5k for at least 4 of those options, including day out, makeup session, convention and runway. ☺️
I think if I were younger and had all the transition options available today I would have transitioned in my teens. I love all things feminine
I would also give it to another as I have had my fair share of wishes come true.
Anything on the list I would be interested in I can altpready, or have done, so I will just take the money, thank you very much.
While I have fully dressed en femme for a day, or more, I have never been truly a woman, so that would be interesting, but I have no desire to be a woman, so just dressing as one gets me a close enough proximaty to satisfy me.
as i always say. its easier to make a million dollars than to win it or have someone give it to you. more people go broke because they never had a million dollars. they think its never going to run out. at least if you make a million dollars and lose it, you know how you did it and can do it again. everything i got i worked for. i don't like people giving me things. if i want it bad enough i'' buy it. my father asked me when i was in high school. what are you going to do when you get out of school? i told him work for myself, live in a log cabin, eat steak every night and buy a corvette. i have everything but the corvette. every time i think about getting a corvette i find something i need more. i'll get the corvette, just not ready for it yet.
My wish is not listed.
It would be to have the acceptance of my wife and have a “Girls Night”.
Then keep it and for go the money.
I went with the transition option but I would absolutely give it up after 24 hours for the $5000. Maybe that answer changes in the future but, for now, I don't want to completely give up my male side.
I guess the other option is to transition, keep the wish, and then start crossdressing FTM with everything that entails
I'd take the transition and I doubt I would want to change back, even for a million dollars.