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5 O’Clock Shadow

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Prominent Member     Michigan, United States of America
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How do you deal with 5 O’clock shadow? A good friend of mine and I are both having issues with this. Any help you can give will be greatly appreciated.

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Honorable Member     South of Omaha, Nebraska, United States of America
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Dressing or not, I still find facial hair annoying. I was pretty much required to shave it all away when I was in the military, but now shave only a couple of times a week since I've been out. I sometimes use Nair on other body parts, but will never do so on the face.

Not sure if my view on this can even click one of your voting options.

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Reputable Member     Riverside, California, United States of America
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All three: concealer, foundation and shave.  Use an orange concealer to help hide the beard stubble.  I think powders can also mask.  All boys and girls have to start over every 24 hours.

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Trusted Member     Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States of America
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I am lucky mine is  light plus it is white. So if I shave close before I dress I have no problem.



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New Member     Liège , Liège, Belgium
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Good shaving, in all directions, then moisturizer, primer, beard concealer (basically a color corrector), and finally my foundation.

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I have black facial hair and use a salmon pink concealer.   It helps but never gets rid of the grayness completely,  unless I go for the extra thick layer of foundation etc. which I find then looks dreadful on my older skin.    I currently go for a thin foundation (so my freckles still show and it isn't obvious) and dapple the concealer on (so it blends into the surrounding area) before finishing with some matte powder.    If I look in a mirror I can still see my beard shadow, but from a sensible distance it isn't going to stand out.

If I really want to look good I pluck most of the little sods out the day before (my sideburns are sparse and under chin isn't too noticeable but the rest can go).  I then get 3 to 4 days of glorious fresh faced joy before that shadow reappears.

If all else fails, hide it behind a smile.

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Reputable Member     Coventry, Warwickshire, United Kingdom
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I am tempted to tell you to get up later. I do suffer whiskers but I use a two blade razor for roughing out and then I use a three blader with a single blade for fine work like under the nose.

I last until the next morning when I start again.

Has anyone tried hair remover?


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Active Member     Mountain View, California, United States of America
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Electrolysis and laser. Laser is really fast but it leaves minor burns where the hairs are too close together. This was mostly done on my neck, and to work on a few stragglers on my face. Electrolysis comes with a bit of swelling for a few hours to a few days hen working on dense areas, but it's not nearly as fast as Laser. I have very sensitive skin though. Neither method is pain-free, but not having to shave is amazing and there's no 5 o'clock shadow to worry about. Also, the hairs (mostly) stop coming back eventually. Laser won't work on grey hairs, Electrolysis works on anything. I suspect unless I can get on a HRT regimen, this is the best I can hope for.


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Honorable Member     Uppsala, Uppland, Sweden
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When planning for an outing, I pluck all my  facial hair. It takes forever but leaves me virtually free of beard shadow for about 10 days. Some new hairs appear daily but no concentrated dark areas.

I have been looking into getting laser and electrolysis and will probably go there in the near future as my dexterity and precision work is getting seriously affected by Parkinson's.

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Trusted Member     Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
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shaving (twice) followed by  moisturizer, primer, concealer where needed then my foundation.   then its on to my regular makeup routine

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Active Member     Mountain View, California, United States of America
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I can recommend Skin Spirit in our area for laser hair removal, they've been been very kind and thorough.

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Trusted Member     LONGVIEW, Texas, United States of America
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Something I've done recently is 1st, foundation, a darker color than my skin.

2nd, concealer, again darker than my skin like 1 shade.

3rd, a lighter powder. Make sure the foundation and concealer are dry first.

This seems to help get the dark out of my face.

Hope this helps

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Prominent Member     Michigan, United States of America
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Megan, where is your area for the laser treatment?

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Estimable Member     Chico area, California, United States of America
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<p style="--original-color: #333333; --original-background-color: #ffffff;">I have facial hair like wire I use two razors  to be able to get a good shave, one 2 blade and one 5 blade but it takes many passes to do it. I sometimes use a double edge razor but you have to be careful with those.I found if I place a hot  wet towel on my face for a minute or two before I shave, it helps me get a closer shave.</p>

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Noble Member     Middlesex county, New Jersey, United States of America
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I start with red lipstick which I dot across my facial hair.  Then I use a makeup sponge to spread the lipstick until it looks like I have a sunburn.  After that I use a mouse foundation (you need one that has some yellowish hue in the tan; it can't be pale).  The yellowish tinge in the foundation is neutralized with the yellowish component of the tan foundation.  The end result is that the facial hairs are hidden behind the lipstick and mousse with neither one sticking out.  I blend in a beard cover for some of the more problem areas (for me, that is the upper lip).

If I am going to be out for a long time, I try to skip shaving the day before and then use a new or fairly new blade.  This allows me to get a closer shave (hairs that might have been too short for one days worth may grow enough to get on the second) so that I don't get a shadow later in the day.

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