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Do you feel comfortable going out in public?

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Estimable Member     Rochester, New York, United States of America
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Do you feel comfortable going out in public?

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Prominent Member     Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
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Hi Angela, I think this question needs an "it depends" option.  Usually I go out as a woman to the grocery store, Starbucks, walking the dog, a hotel getaway, etc but there are times when I definitely don't to keep my SO happy.  While she knows I am a CD, she doesn't want others to know especially our kids/grandkids.  So when we are out with them, there is no way I can dress en femme.  Funny story, my wife and I went to a restaurant for my son-in-law's birthday.  We got there a few minutes before them.  I was dressed sort of androgynously and the waitress came to our table and said to my wife and I, "What can I get for you ladies?" (this happens a lot due to my soft features, no Adam's apple, and very long hair).  Well my wife lit into the poor waitress telling her I am a man.  And our kids walked in a couple of minutes later. I don't think they'd mind as much as my SO does.  Have a great summer, Hugs, Krista.

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Trusted Member     Las Vegas Area, Nevada, United States of America
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I said "no," but that's with an asterisk. It kind of depends on what you mean, specifically.

I do go out, but literally only to one specific place - so far, anyway. It's a gay bar, and I figure it's unlikely, I would think, that anyone will give me a difficult time about it in there.

Apart from that, no. I'm honestly rather afraid - for better or worse - of what could happen. Perhaps the majority of people will just ignore it or won't notice, but it only takes one bleep hole to start something, and things could get very dangerous very quickly. I'm just not willing to take the risk.

To be clear, I'm not trying to make anyone else nervous. If you feel like you can do it, do it. I support you all the way. I just don't think I should put myself in that kind of a position. Perhaps in time, if some attitudes in the world ... soften, at least. Doubt they'd change completely.

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Reputable Member     Riverside, California, United States of America
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I love going out in public but I’ve done that and now it’s not as interesting.  What I really enjoy is going out with a few girlfriends and dining, talking and shopping.

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I have only been out twice. I filled my car up at a gas station once in the winter and once more recently. In the winter I wore a skirt, black hose, boots and femine sweater, all covered up with a cashmere winter coat. This summer I wore my favorite skater dress, Jessica simpson flats, and jean jacket. I then went to walk around the outside of a strip mall that was closed. No interaction but it felt so good to be out in a dress. I have ordered two ne, higher quality wigs and while my SO is away in August, I am planning on going out shopping primarialky where women shop. I am thinking about scheduling a makeover at Sephora while I am out. Big plans if I don’t lose my courage. I think I can do it.

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Yes, I do.


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Estimable Member     Baytown, Texas, United States of America
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I go out, in my women jeans on the weekends starting on Friday and once or twice a month fully dressed to the drag show. would love to go shopping with others fully dressed,just not ready to by myself.

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Honorable Member     Uppsala, Uppland, Sweden
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I started going out as a woman in 2012. Now I go almost anywhere as Marianne including doctor's appointment and commuting to work. Never with my wife though, as she doesn't want to have anything to do with it.

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one of my biggest dreams would be to dress as a fem and go out and maybe meet someone to spend time with

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I go out now and then wearing a skirt,tights,heels and blouse, looking as much as I can like a secretary on her break, and its so amazing. Just love being seen in a skirt, and dont care if I'm clocked - the feelings far outway that. Just love being a woman in everyday life.

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Wish I had your confidence Kirsty. Enjoy yourself out there.

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Estimable Member     Seattle, United States of America
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This was a tough one for me to answer, In certain towns or at least certain places in certain towns, or countries in the world, yes, possibly. I would at least like to try it sometime in the company of a friend or even group.

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Reputable Member     Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia
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I don't go out as a girl. I go out as a crossdresser who looks like a girl 🙂

But I'm comfortable doing it. There's places I'd avoid, but to be honest they are pretty much those places I'd avoid even as a guy.

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Noble Member     SF Bay Area, California, United States of America
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and to expand on my "yes" answer I go out in my hybrid mode, very obviously a guy wearing female clothing.

There are times when I feel anxious, but more so comfortable.

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Famed Member     Outer Eastern Suburbs Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
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Yes... I have all the clothes, wig shoes etc I need to do so. Just one proviso. I always havea professional do my hair and make up.

I like Stephanie's "hide in plain sight". If you look,walk and act like a woman, you will be taken as one.

EG If anyone looks at you when you are out. Long hair, "bumps on chest" wearing a dress, OK that's a woman, now where was I on my Face book feed". Unless you have none on are in "clown face", no one will probably give your "boat race", (Cockney for face) a second look.

Happy dressing





In my case the voice is a dead giveaway, so I dont interact much whilst I'm out


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