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I’m watching a short Youtube video about bodybuilding. It occurred to me that this is like crossdressing. In both cases, there are people who enjoy achieving a certain appearance. They’re modifying their bodies, or at least their appearance, to look a certain way they see as beautiful. Many devote a lot of effort and time into achieving this.
You may be right on this Samantha because I concentrate on a work out the pectorials muscles as well as hips and tush. Most important also is toning the bellly to keep it as flat as possible. I just avoid weights that built up the arms keeping in mind of the figure I want
Samantha - for me I'd say very much. I've been working to tone all aspects of my body through various exercises, especially tightening the core and firming and shaping the legs to the best of my ability. It also gives me motivation to keep my weight down and eat properly in order to maintain a size 10. Not only does it help my feminine appearance but I feel much better overall because of it -a most desirable side effect.
I can see the body building reference. I just think of that avocation as a little towards taking health to an extreme (caveat, one my daughters dated a bodybuilder/gym owner for a while and while in our limited interactions I thought him a decent guy, I did think his regimen a little extreme). I could easily eat my way through massive amounts of chocolate in no time, but I want to keep my body reasonably fit so I can still slip into some of my outfits. Just regular workouts and keeping the goofy goodies to a minimum.
In my opinion, yes. The art of cross-dressing is a powerful motive to exercise. This is one of the reasons why I like to exercise. It's not just to stay healthy, but to keep my slim, trim, girly figure. 🙂
While I can extend the metaphor to say the body builder does it for physical health and the crossdresser for mental health, I'm going to have to disagree, at least to some degree.
I'll often wear a skirt, dress, or woman's top at home because I like the tactile sensations of these garments on my skin. I usually am not wearing a wig, makeup, or breast forms, or doing anything to modify my body. I'm crossdressing because I like to wear the clothes and not necessarily to "let my feminine side out" or change my appearance. I'm not trying to make myself look beautiful. In this regard, I go against your theory.
I said yes, with the caveat that we're talking solely about the group of us that CD for comfort, stress relief, fun, self expression, etc. As opposed to our TG sisters who are striving to present their authentic selves full time.
That said, I feel like CDing is like any other thing you come across in your life that you find you enjoy - golf, fishing, painting, etc. "I've found this thing that makes me feel happy when I do it!" 😉
Not sure in a way..I guess it can be I do enjoy working out and keeping fit! Love the outfits!
Grew up Loving Aerobics in the 80's;)
If you look at bodybuilding as a stress modulator, then yes! I guess that there is a similar vanity component as well LOL!
Dear Samantha,
Absolutely yes! They are both forms of self care.
"In both cases, there are people who enjoy achieving a certain appearance. They’re modifying their bodies, or at least their appearance, to look a certain way they see as beautiful. Many devote a lot of effort and time into achieving this."
Though I feel a even more specific example would be road cyclist or track motorbike riders. The way they dress up in all sorts of tight and colorful branded outfits, wear special shoes and gather together on the common interest. 😉
These are acts of transforming ones physical appearance to soothe or develop their internal and emotional. What we do is not very different, often misunderstood at worst.
I adore this topic and can go on, thank you Samantha for bringing it up!
Gracefully and glamorously,
The Bluest Belladonna
One might say crossdressing is an art and a work-in-progress, striving for perfection but never achieving it. Most of us want to improve our style, looks, and overall female image.
OTOH, I was in a group years ago where most of the members were satisfied with wearing a dress and wig, and one member wore the exact same wig, dress, and shoes to every single meeting and event. None of the group members had any interest in improving their female style or appearance or learning more about the female arts.
Yes, crossdressing is similar to body building in that one has to be motivated and dedicated, as well as have goals. But hey girls, we are in this for fun and relaxation too!
And don't forget too, many of us have kept the girl closed up inside us for many years. Our female self needs to be set free and expressed in order for us to be whole and complete.